Genesis 46:28


43:8; 44:16-34; 49:8

to direct.


Goshen.Goshen seems to have been a city, after which the land of Goshen was called. The LXX. render it by [Heroonpolis,] Heroonpolis, "city of Heroon;" which by some writers is simply called Heroum, and is by the ancient geographers placed in the eastern part of Egypt, not far from the Arabian Gulf.

34; 45:10; 47:1

Numbers 24:1

1 Balaam, leaving divinations, prophesies the happiness of Israel.

10 Balak, in anger, dismisses him.

15 He prophesies of the Star of Jacob, and the destruction of some nations.


22:13; 23:20; 31:16; 1Sa 24:20; 26:2,25; Re 2:14

at other times.


to seek for enchantments. Heb. to the meeting ofenchantments.


2 Kings 12:17

A.M. 3164. B.C. 840. Hazael.


against Gath.

1Sa 27:2; 1Ki 2:39,40; 1Ch 8:13; 18:1

set his face.

Jer 42:15; Lu 9:51,53

to Jerusalem.

2Ch 24:23,24

Jeremiah 50:5


6:16; Ps 25:8,9; 84:7; Isa 35:8; Joh 7:17


31:31-36; Isa 2:3-5; Mic 4:1,2; Ac 11:23; 2Co 8:5

in a.

32:40; Ge 17:7; 2Sa 23:5; Isa 55:3; 56:6,7

that shall.

32:40; 1Ki 19:10,14; Heb 8:6-10

Luke 9:51-53


24:51; 2Ki 2:1-3,11; Mr 16:19; Joh 6:62; 13:1; 16:5,28; 17:11

Ac 1:2,9; Eph 1:20; 4:8-11; 1Ti 3:16; Heb 6:20; 12:2; 1Pe 3:22

he stedfastly.

12:50; Isa 50:5-9; Ac 20:22-24; 21:11-14; Php 3:14; 1Pe 4:1


7:27; 10:1; Mal 3:1

and they.

Mt 10:5

the Samaritans.

10:33; 17:16; 2Ki 17:24-33; Ezr 4:1-5; Joh 8:48

48; Joh 4:9,40-42
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