Genesis 48:10

the eyes.

27:1; 1Sa 3:2; 4:15

dim. Heb. heavy.

Isa 6:10; 59:1


27:27; 31:55; 45:15; 1Ki 19:20

1 Samuel 20:41-42

and fell.

25:23; Ge 43:28; 2Sa 9:6

and they kissed.

10:1; Ge 29:11,13; 45:15; 2Sa 19:39; Ac 20:37

David exceeded.

18:3; 2Sa 1:26

Go in peace.

22; 1:17; Nu 6:26; Lu 7:50; Ac 16:36

forasmuch as. or, the Lord be witness of that which, etc.


And he arose.

23:18The separation of two such faithful friends was equally grievous to them both, but David's case was the more deplorable: for when Jonathan was returning to his family and friends, David was leaving all his comforts, even those of God's sanctuary, and therefore his grief exceeded Jonathan's; or, perhaps it was because his temper was more tender and his passions stronger. They referred each other to the covenant of friendship that was between them, both of them being comforted thereby in this very mournful separation:--"We have sworn both of us in the name of the Lord, for ourselves and our heirs, that we and they will be faithful and kind to each other from generation to generation."

Acts 20:10

and fell.

1Ki 17:21,22; 2Ki 4:34,35


Mt 9:24; Mr 5:39; Lu 7:13; Joh 11:11,40

Acts 20:37


1Sa 20:41; 2Sa 15:30; 2Ki 20:3; Ezr 10:1; Job 2:12; Ps 126:5

2Ti 1:4; Re 7:17; 21:4


Ge 45:14; 46:29


Ro 16:16; 1Co 16:20; 2Co 13:12; 1Th 5:26

Acts 21:5-6

and they.

15:3; 17:10; 20:38


De 29:11,12; Jos 24:15; 2Ch 20:13; Ne 12:43; Mt 14:21

we kneeled.

9:40; 20:36; 1Ki 8:54; Ps 95:6; Mr 1:40


2Co 2:13


Joh 1:11; *Gr:

Joh 7:53; 16:32; 19:27

Romans 16:16


Ac 20:37; 1Co 16:20; 2Co 13:12; 1Th 5:26; 1Pe 5:14



1 Corinthians 16:20

the brethren.

Ro 16:16,21,23; 2Co 13:13; Php 4:22; Phm 1:23,24; Heb 13:24


2Co 13:12; 1Th 5:26; 1Pe 5:14
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