Genesis 48:3-20


17:1; 28:3; 35:11; Ex 6:3; Re 21:11


28:12-19; 35:6,7,9,11,12; Ho 12:4


Jud 1:23

Behold I.

12:2; 13:15,16; 22:17; 26:4; 28:3,13-15; 32:12; 35:11; 46:3; 47:27

Ex 1:7,11

will give.

De 32:8; Am 9:14,15



two sons.

41:50-52; 46:20; Jos 13:7; 14:4; 16:1-17:18

are mine.

Le 20:26; Nu 1:10,32-35; 26:28-37; Isa 43:1; Eze 16:8; Mal 3:17

2Co 6:18; Eph 1:5


1Ch 5:1,2; Re 7:6,7

and shall be called.

Jos 14:4




35:9,16-19; 1Sa 10:2; Mt 2:18

to Ephrath.

Ru 1:2; 1Sa 1:1; 17:12; Mic 5:2


my sons.

30:2; 33:5; Ru 4:11-14; 1Sa 1:20,27; 2:20,21; 1Ch 25:5; 26:4,5

Ps 127:3; Isa 8:18; 56:3-5

bless them.

27:4,28,29,34-40; 28:3,4; 49:28; De 33:1; Heb 11:21

the eyes.

27:1; 1Sa 3:2; 4:15

dim. Heb. heavy.

Isa 6:10; 59:1


27:27; 31:55; 45:15; 1Ki 19:20

I had not.

37:33,35; 42:36; 45:26


Eph 3:20

he bowed himself.Joseph thus shewed that his external greatness did not render him forgetful of the respect due to his father. The Egyptians were remarkable for the reverence paid to old age: "for if a young person meet his senior, he instantly turns aside to make way for him; if an aged person enter an apartment, the youth always rise from their seats;" and Mr. Savary observes, that the same reverence is still paid to old age in Egypt.

18:2; 19:1; 23:7; 33:3; 42:6; Ex 20:12; 34:8; Le 19:3,32; 1Ki 2:19

2Ki 4:37; Pr 31:28; Eph 6:1


his right hand.

Ex 15:6; Ps 110:1; 118:16

and laid.

Nu 8:10,18; De 34:9; Mt 19:13,15; 6:5; 16:18; Lu 4:40; 13:13; Ac 6:6

Ac 8:17-19; 13:3; 1Ti 4:14; 5:22




18; 41:51; 46:20


16; 27:4; 28:3; 49:28; De 33:1; Heb 11:21

did walk.

5:22-24; 6:9; 17:1; 24:20; 1Ki 3:6; Ps 16:8; Isa 30:21; Jer 8:2

Lu 1:6; 1Co 10:31; 2Co 1:12; Col 2:6; 1Th 2:12

fed me.

28:20,22; Ps 23:1; 37:3; 103:4,5; Ec 2:24,25; 5:12,18; 6:7

Isa 33:16; Mt 6:25-34; 1Ti 6:6-10


16:7-13; 28:15; 31:11-13; Ex 3:2-6; 23:20,21; Jud 2:1-4; 6:21-24

Jud 13:21,22; Ps 34:7,22; 121:7; Isa 47:4; 63:9; Ho 12:4,5; Mal 3:1

Ac 7:30-35; 1Co 10:4,9


Ps 34:2; Mt 6:13; Joh 17:15; Ro 8:23; 2Ti 4:18; Tit 2:14

my name.

5; 32:28; De 28:10; 2Ch 7:14; Jer 14:9; Am 9:12; Ac 15:17

grow into. Heb. as fishes do increase.

1:21,22; Nu 1:46; 26:34,37Fish are the most prolific of all animals: a tench lays 1,000 eggs, a carp 20,000, and Leuwenhoek counted in a middling sized cod, 9,384,000.

a multitude.

49:22; Ex 1:7; Nu 26:28-37; De 33:17; Jos 17:17

laid his.


displeased him. Heb. was evil in his eyes.

28:8; 38:10; Nu 11:1; 22:34; *marg:

1Sa 16:7; 1Ki 16:25; 1Ch 21:7; Pr 24:18; Ro 9:7,8,11

Not so.

19:18; Ex 10:11; Mt 25:9; Ac 10:14; 11:8

for this.

27:15; 29:26; 43:33; 49:3

said, I know it.

14; 17:20,21; 25:28; Nu 1:33-35; 2:19-21; De 33:17; Isa 7:17

Eze 27:10; Re 7:6,8


De 1:10; Ru 4:11,12

multitude. Heb. fulness.

Israel bless.

24:60; 28:3; Ru 4:11,12

and he set.

Nu 2:18-21; 7:48,54; 10:22,23; 13:8,11,16
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