Genesis 5:22-24

6:9; 17:1; 24:40; 48:15; Ex 16:4; Le 26:12; De 5:33; 13:4; 28:9

1Ki 2:4; 2Ki 20:3; Ps 16:8; 26:11; 56:13; 86:11; 116:9; 128:1; So 1:4

Ho 14:9; Am 3:3; Mic 4:5; 6:8; Mal 2:6; Lu 1:6; Ac 9:31; Ro 8:1

1Co 7:17; 2Co 6:16; Eph 5:15; Col 1:10; 4:5; 1Th 2:12; 4:1

Heb 11:5,6; 1Jo 1:7

A.M. 987. B.C. 3017.




he was not.The same expression occurs,

37:30; 42:36; Jer 31:15; Mt 2:18


2Ki 2:11; Lu 23:43; Heb 11:5,6; 1Jo 1:7

Genesis 17:1

1 God renews the covenant with Abram, and changes his name to Abraham, in token of a greater blessing.

9 Circumcision is instituted.

15 Sarai's name is changed to Sarah, and she is blessed.

17 Isaac is promised, and the time of his birth fixed.

23 Abraham and Ishmael are circumcised.

A.M. 2107. B.C. 1897. was.


the Lord.



18:14; 28:3; 35:11; Ex 6:3; Nu 11:23; De 10:17; Job 11:7; Ps 115:3

Jer 32:17; Da 4:35; Mt 19:26; Eph 3:20; Php 4:13; Heb 7:25


5:22,24; 6:9; 48:15; 1Ki 2:4; 3:6; 8:25; 2Ki 20:3; Ps 116:9; Isa 38:3

Mic 6:8; Lu 1:6; Ac 23:1; 24:16; Heb 12:28

perfect. or, upright, or sincere.

6:9; De 18:13; Job 1:1; Mt 5:48

1 Samuel 14:45

who hath.

23; 19:5; Ne 9:27

there shall not.The people judged rightly, that the guilt was contracted by Saul, and not by Jonathan; and therefore they rescued him from the hands of his rash and severe father.

2Sa 14:11; 1Ki 1:52; Mt 10:30; Lu 21:18; Ac 27:34

he hath.

2Ch 19:11; Isa 13:3; Ac 14:27; 15:12; 21:19; Ro 15:18; 1Co 3:9

2Co 6:1; Php 2:12,13; Re 17:14; 19:14

the people.

Isa 29:20,21

1 Corinthians 10:31

Whether.The apostle concludes the subject by giving them a general rule, sufficient to regulate every man's conscience and practice,--that whether they eat, or drink, or whatsoever they do, to do it all with an habitual aim to the glory of God; by considering his precepts, and the propriety, expediency, appearance, and tendency of their actions.

ye eat.

7:34; De 12:7,12,18; Ne 8:16-18; Zec 7:5,6; Lu 11:41

Col 3:17,23; 1Pe 4:11

Colossians 3:23-24


17; 2Ch 31:21; Ps 47:6,7; 103:1; 119:10,34,145; Ec 9:10; Jer 3:10

1Pe 1:22


Zec 7:5-7; Mt 6:16; Ro 14:6,8; Eph 5:22; 6:6,7; 1Pe 2:13,15

ye shall.

2:18; Ge 15:1; Ru 2:12; Pr 11:18; Mt 5:12,46; 6:1,2,5,16; 10:41

Lu 6:35; 14:14; Ro 2:6,7; 4:4,5; 1Co 3:8; 9:17,18; Eph 6:8

Heb 9:15; 10:35; 11:6


Joh 12:26; Ro 1:1; 14:18; 1Co 7:22; Ga 1:10; Eph 6:6; 2Pe 1:1

Jude 1:1
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