Genesis 50:24-25

I die.

5; 3:19; Job 30:23; Ec 12:5,7; Ro 5:12; Heb 9:27

visit you.

21:1; Ex 4:31

you out.

15:14-16; 26:3; 35:12; 46:4; 48:21; Ex 3:16,17


12:7; 13:15,17; 15:7,18; 17:8; 26:3; 28:13; 35:12; 46:4; Ex 33:1

Nu 32:11; De 1:8; 6:10

took an.

5; 47:29-31

and ye.

Ex 13:19; Jos 24:32; Ac 7:16; Heb 11:22

Joshua 24:32


Ge 50:25; Ex 13:19; Ac 7:16; Heb 11:22


Ge 33:19; 48:22

pieces of silver. or, lambs.

Acts 7:16

were.Of the two burying-places of the patriarchs, one was at Hebron, the cave and field which Abraham purchased of Ephron the Hittite, (Ge 23:16, etc.); the other in Sychem, which Jacob (not Abraham) bought of the sons of Emmor, (Ge 33:19.) To remove this glaring discrepancy, Markland interprets [para ,] from, as it frequently signifies with a genitive, and renders, "And were carried over to Sychem; and afterwards from among the descendants of Emmor, the father, or son, of Sychem, they were laid in the sepulchre which Abraham bought for a sum of money." This agrees with the account which Josephus gives of the patriarchs; that they were carried out of Egypt, first to Sychem, and then to Hebron, where they were buried.

Ex 13:19; Jos 24:32

the sepulchre.

Ge 33:9-20; 35:19; 49:29-32


Ge 34:2-31

Hamor, Shechem.
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