Genesis 6:1-2

1 The wickedness of the world, which provoked God's wrath, and caused the flood.

8 Noah finds grace.

9 His generations, etc.

14 The order, form, dimensions, and end of the ark.

A.M. 1556. B.C. 2448. to multiply.


the sons.

4:26; Ex 4:22,23; De 14:1; Ps 82:6,7; Isa 63:16; Mal 2:11; Joh 8:41

Joh 8:42; Ro 9:7,8; 2Co 6:18


2Pe 2:14

that they.

3:6; 39:6,7; 2Sa 11:2; Job 31:1; 1Jo 2:16

and they.

24:3; 27:46; Ex 34:16; De 7:3,4; Jos 23:12,13; Ezr 9:1,2,12

Ne 13:24-27; Mal 2:15; 1Co 7:39; 2Co 6:14-16

Judges 3:6

Ex 34:16; De 7:3,4; 1Ki 11:1-5; Ezr 9:11,12; Ne 13:23-27; Eze 16:3

1 Kings 11:1-8

1 Solomon's wives and concubines.

4 In his old age they draw him to idolatry.

9 God threatens him.

14 Solomon's adversaries were Hadad, who was entertained in Egypt;

23 Rezon, who reigned in Damascus;

26 and Jeroboam, to whom Ahijah prophesied.

41 Solomon's acts, reign, and death. Rehoboam succeeds him.

A.M. 3020-3029. B.C. 984-975. loved.

8; Ge 6:2-5; De 17:17; Ne 13:23-27; Pr 2:16; 5:8-20; 6:24; 7:5

Pr 22:14; 23:33

together with. or, beside.

3:1; Le 18:18

Ye shall not go in.

Ex 23:32,33; 34:16; De 7:3,4; Jos 23:12,13; Ezr 9:12; 10:2-17

Mal 2:11


16:31-33; Nu 25:1-3; Jud 3:6,7; 2Ch 21:6; 2Co 6:14-16


Ge 2:24; 34:3; Jud 16:4-21; 2Ch 19:2; Ps 139:21; Ro 1:32; 12:9

1Co 15:33; Re 2:4

seven hundred.

Jud 8:30,31; 9:5; 2Sa 3:2-5; 5:13-16; 2Ch 11:21; Ec 7:28

when Solomon.

42; 6:1; 9:10; 14:21

his wives.

2; De 7:4; 17:17; Ne 13:26,27

his heart.

6,38; 6:12,13; 8:61; 9:4; 15:3,14; 2Ki 20:3; 1Ch 28:9; 29:19

2Ch 17:3; 25:2; 31:20,21; 34:2


33; Jud 2:13; 10:6; 1Sa 7:3,4; 12:10; 2Ki 23:13; Jer 2:10-13


7; Le 18:21; 20:2-5


Zep 1:5


went not fully after. Heb. fulfilled not after.

Nu 14:24; Jos 14:8,14; *Heb:

build an high.

Le 26:30; Nu 33:52; 2Ki 21:2,3; 23:13,14; Ps 78:58; Eze 20:28,29


Nu 21:29; Jud 11:24; Jer 48:13


De 13:14; 17:3,4; 27:15; Isa 44:19; Eze 18:12; Da 11:31; 12:11

Re 17:4,5

the hill.This was the mount of Olives, which lay east of Jerusalem; and that the Hebrews would consider before it, while the west would be behind it; for the very term used to denote the east, {kedem,} means before, while {acharon,} behind, sometimes signifies the west.

Ge 33:2; 2Sa 15:30; 2Ki 23:13; Zec 14:4; Mt 26:30; Ac 1:9,12

all his strange wives.

1; Eze 16:22-29; Ho 4:11,12; 1Co 10:11,12,20-22

Ezra 9:1-2

1 Ezra mourns for the affinity of the people with strangers.

5 He prays unto God, with confession of sins.

the princes.

10:8; Jer 26:10,16

have not separated.

6:21,22; 10:10,11; Ex 33:16; Nu 23:9; Ne 9:2; 13:3; Isa 52:11

2Co 6:14-18

doing according.

Le 18:3,24-30; De 12:30,31; 18:9; 2Ch 33:2; Ps 106:35; Ro 2:17-25

of the Canaanites.

Ge 15:16,19-21; Ex 23:23; De 20:17,18


De 23:3-5; 1Ki 11:1,5-7; Ne 4:3,7; 13:1-3


Nu 25:1-3

taken of their.

10:18-44; Ex 34:16; De 7:1-4; Ne 13:23,24; Mal 2:11

the holy seed.

Ex 19:6; 22:31; De 7:6; 14:2; Isa 6:13; Mal 2:15; 1Co 7:14


Ge 6:2; Ne 13:3,23,24; 2Co 6:14

the hand.

10:18-44; Ne 13:4,17,28

Ezra 9:12

give not.

Ex 23:32; 34:16; De 7:3; Jos 23:12,13

nor seek their peace.

De 23:6; 2Ch 19:2; 2Jo 1:10,11

that ye may.

De 6:1,2; Jos 1:6-9

and eat.

Isa 1:19

and leave it.

Ge 18:18,19; Ps 112:1,2; Pr 13:22; 20:7

Ezra 10:2


26; Ne 3:29


2:7,31; Ne 7:12,34

We have trespassed.Shechaniah here speaks in the name of the people, not acknowledging himself culpable; for he is not in the following list.


Jas 2:9; Ex 34:12; Ne 13:27

yet now there is hope.

Ex 34:6,7; Isa 55:6,7; Jer 3:12,13; 1Jo 1:7-9

Nehemiah 13:23-29

married. Heb. made to dwell with them.

10:30; Ezr 9:2,11,12; 10:10,44; 2Co 6:14


1Sa 5:1



could not speak. Heb. they discerned not to speak. eachpeople. Heb. people and people.

Zep 3:9

I contended.

11,17; Pr 28:4

cursed. or, reviled.

5:13; De 27:14-26; Ps 15:4; Lu 11:45,46


De 25:2,3; Ezr 7:26


Isa 50:6

made them.

10:29,30; De 6:13; 2Ch 15:12-15; Ezr 10:5

Ye shall not.

Ex 34:16; De 7:3

Did not Solomon.

1Ki 11:1-8; Ec 7:26

yet among.

2Sa 12:24,25; 1Ki 3:13; 2Ch 1:12; 9:22

who was beloved.

2Sa 12:24

Shall we then.

1Sa 30:24

to transgress.

Ezr 10:2

And one.Josephus relates, that this young man was named Manasseh; and that at his request, Sanballat and the Samaritans built their temple upon mount Gerizim, in opposition to that at Jerusalem, at which he officiated, in some measure, according to the Mosaic ritual.





son in law.

4,5; 6:17-19



I chased.

25; Ps 101:8; Pr 20:8,26; Ro 13:3,4


6:14; Ps 59:5-13; 2Ti 4:14

because they have defiled. Heb. for the defilings of.

Le 21:1-7

the covenant.

Nu 16:9,10; 25:12,13; 1Sa 2:30; Mal 2:4-8,10-12
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