Genesis 9:5-6


Ex 21:12,28,29

and at.

4:9,10; Le 19:16; Nu 35:31-33; De 21:1-9; Ps 9:12; Mt 23:35


Ac 17:26


Ex 21:12-14; 22:2,3; Le 17:4; 24:17; Nu 35:25; 1Ki 2:5,6,28-34

Mt 26:52; Ro 13:4; Re 13:10


1:26,27; 5:1; Ps 51:4; Jas 3:9

Exodus 21:12

20:13; Ge 9:6; Le 24:17; Nu 35:16-24,30,31; De 19:11-13

2Sa 12:13; Mt 26:52

Numbers 35:31-34


Ge 9:5,6; Ex 21:14; De 19:11-13; 2Sa 12:13; 1Ki 2:28-34; Ps 51:14

guilty of death. Heb. faulty to die.

Ac 4:12; Ga 2:21; 3:10-13,22; Re 5:9The region east of Jordan was nearly as long as that on the west, and therefore three cities were appointed in each division. One or other of these cities would be within half a day's journey of every part of the land; and as it would rarely happen that the avenger of blood would be on the spot, and none had a right to assault or detain the manslayer, at least if no malicious intention was manifest, the unhappy men would, therefore, get the start of their adversaries, and very few of them be overtaken before they gained the place of refuge. But then they must forsake their families, employments, most important interests, and dearest comforts; and they must neither loiter nor yield to weariness, nor regard difficulties, nor slacken their pace, till they had got safe within the walls of the city. The Jewish writers inform us, that to afford every facility to those who thus fled for their life, the road to these cities was always preserved in good repair; and way-posts, upon which was inscribed REFUGE were placed wherever needful, that they might not so much as hesitate for a moment.

it defileth.

Le 18:25; De 21:1-8,23; 2Ki 23:26; 24:4; Ps 106:28; Isa 26:21

Eze 22:24-27; Ho 4:2,3; Mic 4:11; Mt 23:31-35; Lu 11:50,51

the land cannot be cleansed. Heb. there can be no expiationfor the land.

Defile not.

5:3; Le 20:24-26

I dwell.

Ps 135:21; Isa 57:15; Ho 9:3; 2Co 6:16,17; Re 21:3,27

dwell among.

5:3; Ex 25:8; 29:45,46; 1Ki 6:13; Ps 132:14; Isa 8:12

2 Samuel 3:27

took him.

20:9,10; De 27:24; 1Ki 2:5,32

quietly. or, peaceably.

Jer 41:2,6,7

and smote.Joab was afraid that Abner, after rendering such essential service to David, would be made the general of the army; and therefore, under pretence of avenging the death of his brother, he treacherously assassinated the unsuspecting and too-confiding Abner: and such was the power of this cool-blooded and nefarious murderer, that the king dared not bring him to justice for his crime. But, while Joab's conduct cannot be too severely reprobated, the justice of God is apparent in Abner's punishment; who, from ambition, had pertinaciously, against his conscience, opposed the declared will of God; and was induced by base resentment to desert Ish-bosheth, and offer his services to David: see ver. 6-10; 4:6.

for the blood.


2 Samuel 3:39

I am.

Ex 21:12; 2Ch 19:6,7; Ps 75:10; 101:8; Pr 20:8; 25:5

weak. Heb. tender.

1Ch 22:5; Isa 7:4; *marg:

Ro 13:4

the sons.

1Ch 2:15,16

too hard.


the Lord.

1Ki 2:5,6,33,34; Ps 7:16; 28:4; 62:12; 2Ti 4:14

Psalms 9:12


Ge 9:5; 2Ki 24:4; Isa 26:21; Mt 23:35; Lu 11:50,51; Re 6:9,10; 16:6

he forgetteth.

10:14,17; 22:24; 34:6; 102:17; Ex 3:7,9; Lu 18:7,8

humble. or, afflicted.

Jud 10:16
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