Hosea 13:2-3


Nu 32:14; 2Ch 28:13; 33:23; Isa 1:5; 30:1; Ro 2:5; 2Ti 3:13

sin more and more. Heb. add to sin. have made.

2:8; 8:4; 10:1; Ps 115:4-8; Isa 46:6; Jer 10:4; Hab 2:18,19


11:6; Ps 135:17,18; Isa 44:17-20; 45:20; 46:8; Jer 10:8; Ro 1:22-25

the men that sacrifice. or, the sacrificers of men. kiss.

1Sa 10:1; 1Ki 19:18; Ps 2:12; Ro 11:4

as the morning.


as the chaff.

Ps 1:4; 68:2; 83:12-17; Isa 17:13; 41:15,16; Da 2:35

Micah 6:10-16

Are, etc. or, Is there yet unto every man an house of thewicked, etc. the treasures.

Jos 7:1; 2Ki 5:23,24; Pr 10:2; 21:6; Jer 5:26,27; Am 3:10

Hab 2:5-11; Zep 1:9; Zec 5:3,4; Jas 5:1-4


Le 19:35,36; De 25:13-16; Pr 11:1; 20:10,23; Eze 45:9-12; Ho 12:7,8

Am 8:5,6

scant measure. Heb. measure of leanness.

count them pure. or, be pure. the wicked.

Ho 12:7

the bag.

Pr 16:11

the rich.

2:1,2; 3:1-3,9-11; 7:2-6; Isa 1:23; 5:7; Jer 5:5,6,26-29; 6:6,7

Eze 22:6-13,25-29; Ho 4:1,2; Am 5:11,12; 6:1-3; Zep 3:3


Isa 59:3-15; Jer 9:2-6,8; Ho 7:1,13; Ro 3:13

I make.

Le 26:16; De 28:21,22; Job 33:19-22; Ps 107:17,18; Isa 1:5,6

Jer 14:18; Ac 12:23


La 1:13; 3:11; Ho 5:9; 13:16


Le 26:26; Isa 65:13; Eze 4:16,17; Ho 4:10; Hag 1:6; 2:16

and thou.

De 32:22-25; Isa 3:6-8; 24:17-20; Jer 48:44; Eze 5:12; Am 2:14-16

Am 9:1-4

Le 26:20; De 28:38-40; Isa 62:8,9; 65:21,22; Jer 12:13; Joe 1:10-12

Am 5:11; Zep 1:13; Hag 1:6

the statutes of Omri are kept. or, he doth much keep the,etc.

1Ki 16:25-30; Ho 5:11

the works.

1Ki 16:30-33; 18:4; 21:25,26; 2Ki 16:3; 21:3; Isa 9:16; Re 2:20

ye walk.

Ps 1:1; Jer 7:24


1Ki 9:8; 2Ch 29:8,9; 34:25; Jer 18:15,16; 19:8; 21:8,9; Eze 8:17,18

desolation. or, astonishment. therefore.

Ps 44:13; Isa 25:8; Jer 51:51; La 5:1; Eze 39:26; Da 9:16
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