Isaiah 1:25-27

And I.

Zec 13:7-9; Re 3:19

purely. Heb. according to pureness. purge.

22; 4:4; 6:11-13; Jer 6:29; 9:7; Eze 20:38; Zep 3:11; Mal 3:3

Mt 3:12

And I will.

32:1,2; 60:17,18; Nu 12:3; 16:15; 1Sa 12:2-5; Jer 33:7,15-17

Eze 34:23,24; 37:24,25; 45:8

thou shalt.

21; 60:21; 62:1; Jer 31:23; Zep 3:9,13; Zec 8:8; Re 21:27


5:16; 45:21-25; Ro 3:24-26; 11:26,27; 2Co 5:21; Eph 1:7,8

Tit 2:14; 1Pe 1:18,19

her converts. or, they that return of her.

1Co 1:30

Isaiah 30:22


2:20,21; 17:7,8; 27:9; 31:7; 2Ki 23:4-20; 2Ch 31:1; 34:3-7

Eze 36:31; Mic 5:10-14; Zec 13:2; Re 19:20

thy graven images of silver. Heb. the graven images of thysilver.

46:6; Ex 32:2-4; Jud 17:3,4

cast. Heb. scatter. as a.

La 1:17; Eze 18:6


Ho 14:8

Jeremiah 16:18


17:18; Isa 40:2; 61:7; Re 18:6

they have defiled.

2:7; 3:1,2,9; Le 18:27,28; Nu 35:33,34; Ps 106:38; Isa 24:5

Mic 2:10; Zep 3:1-5

the carcases.

Le 26:30; Eze 11:18,21; 43:7-9

Ezekiel 5:11

as I live.

Nu 14:28-35; Ps 95:11; Am 8:7; Heb 6:13

thou hast.

8:5,6,16; 23:28; 44:7; 2Ki 21:4,7; 23:12; 2Ch 33:4,7; 36:14

Jer 7:9-11; 32:34


7:20; 11:18,21; De 7:25,26; Jer 16:18; 44:4

will I.

29:15; Ps 107:39; Jer 10:24; *marg:

Ro 11:12

neither shall.

7:4,9; 8:18; 9:5,10; 24:14; De 29:20; La 2:21; Zec 11:6; Mal 3:17

Ro 8:32; 11:21; 2Pe 2:4,5

Ezekiel 7:20

the beauty.

24:21; 1Ch 29:1,2; 2Ch 2:9; 3:1-17; Ezr 3:12; Ps 48:2; 50:2; 87:2,3

Isa 64:11; Hag 2:3


5:11; 8:7-10,15,16; 2Ki 21:4,7; 23:11,12; 2Ch 33:4-7; 36:14

Jer 7:30

set it far from them. or, made it unto them an uncleanthing.

22; 9:7; 24:21; Jer 7:14; La 1:10; 2:1,7

Ezekiel 11:21


Ec 11:9; Jer 17:9; Mr 7:21-23; Heb 3:12,13; 10:38; Jas 1:14,15

Jude 1:19

their detestable.

18; Jer 1:16; 2:20

I will.

9:10; 20:31,38; 22:31; Jer 29:16-19

Ezekiel 37:23

shall they defile.

20:43; 36:25,29,31; 43:7,8; Isa 2:18; Ho 14:8; Zec 13:1,2; 14:21


36:24,29; Le 20:7,8; Mic 7:14

will cleanse.

Eph 5:26,27; Heb 9:13,14; 1Jo 1:7,9

they be.

27; 36:28; 39:22; Ge 17:7,8; Ps 68:20,35; Jer 31:1,33; 32:38,39

Ho 1:10; Zec 13:9; Re 21:3,4,7

Ezekiel 42:7-8


before.Passing from the north to the south side of the temple (ver. 11, 12,) the prophet was shewn that the space of ground, which was before the temple on the east, measured 100 cubits.


Hosea 14:8


2,3; Job 34:32; Ac 19:18-20; 1Th 1:9; 1Pe 1:14-16; 4:3,4

I have.

Job 33:27; Jer 31:18-20; Lu 15:20; Joh 1:47,48

I am.

Isa 41:19; 55:13; 60:13

From me.

Joh 1:16; 15:1-8; Ga 5:22,23; Eph 5:9; Php 1:11; 2:13; 4:13; Jas 1:17
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