Isaiah 1:7


5:5,6,9; 6:11; 24:10-12; Le 26:34; De 28:51; 2Ch 28:5,16-21

Ps 107:34,39; Jer 6:8


9:5; 34:9; Jer 2:15


5:17; De 28:33,43,48-52; La 5:2; Eze 30:12; Ho 7:9; 8:7

overthrown by strangers. Heb. the overthrow of strangers.

Isaiah 18:2


30:2-4; Eze 30:9

vessels.It is well known that the Egyptians commonly used on the Nile a light sort of ships or boats made of the papyrus. See note on Ex 2:3.

to a nation.


scattered and peeled. or, outspread and polished.Or, as Bp. Lowth renders, "stretched out in length and smoothed." Egypt, which is situated between 24 degrees and 32 degrees N. lat. and 30 degrees and 33 degrees E. long., being bounded on the south by Ethiopia, on the north by the Mediterranean, on the east by the mountains of Arabia, and on the west by those of Lybia, is one long vale, 750 miles in length, (through the middle of which runs the Nile,) in breadth from one to two or three day's journey, and even at the widest part of the Delta, from Pelusium to Alexandria, not above 250 miles broad.

to a people.

Ge 10:8,9; 2Ch 12:2-4; 14:9; 16:8

Heb. Meted out and trodden down. or, that meteth out andtreadeth down. Heb. of line, line, and treading under foot. This is an allusion to the frequent necessity of having recourse to mensuration in Egypt, in order to determine their boundaries, after the inundation of the Nile had smoothed their land and effaced their landmarks; and to their method of throwing seed upon the mud, when the waters had subsided, and treading it in by turning their cattle into the fields.

have spoiled. or, despise.


Isaiah 36:1

1 Sennacherib invades Judah.

2 Rabshakeh, sent by Sennacherib, by blasphemous persuasions solicits the people to revolt.

22 His words are told to Hezekiah.

it came.

2Ki 18:13,17; 2Ch 32:1

that Sennacherib.

1:7,8; 7:17; 8:7,8; 10:28-32; 33:7,8

Isaiah 52:4-5

My people.

Ge 46:6; Ac 7:14,15

the Assyrian.

14:25; 36:1-37:38; Jer 50:17


Job 2:3; Ps 25:3; 69:4; Joh 15:25


22:16; Jud 18:3


3; Ps 44:12


47:6; 51:20,23; Ex 1:13-16; 2:23,24; 3:7; Ps 137:1,2; Jer 50:17

La 1:21; 2:3; 5:13-15; Zep 1:10

my name.

37:6,28; Ps 44:16; 74:10,18,22,23; Eze 20:9,14; 36:20-23; Ro 2:24

Isaiah 56:9

De 28:26; Jer 12:9; Eze 29:5; 39:17; Re 19:17,18

Jeremiah 50:17

a scattered.

6; 23:1,2; Eze 34:5,6,12; Joe 3:2; Mt 9:36-38; Lu 15:4-6

Joh 10:10-12; 1Pe 2:25

the lions.

2:15; 5:6; 49:19; 51:38


2Ki 15:29; 17:6-23; 18:9-13; 2Ch 28:20; 32:1-23; 33:11; Isa 7:17-20

Isa 8:7,8; 10:5-7; 36:1-37:38


39:1-8; 51:34,35; 52:1; 2Ki 24:1-25:30; 2Ch 36:1-23; Isa 47:6

Da 6:24

Jeremiah 51:34-35

the king.

49; 39:1-8; 50:7,17; La 1:1,14,15

he hath made.

48:11,12; Isa 24:1-3; 34:11; Na 2:2,9,10


44; Job 20:15; Pr 1:12; La 2:16; Eze 36:3; Am 8:4; Mt 23:14

The violence. Heb. My violence.

50:29; Jud 9:20,24,56,57; Ps 9:12; 12:5; 137:8,9; Isa 26:20,21

Zec 1:15; Mt 7:2; Jas 2:13; Re 6:10; 16:6; 18:6,20

flesh. or, remainder. inhabitant. Heb. inhabitress.

Jeremiah 52:4-11

A.M. 3414. B.C. 590. the ninth year.

39:1; 2Ki 25:1-27; Eze 24:1,2

in the tenth month.

Zec 8:19


7; 6:3-6; 32:24; Le 26:25; De 28:52-57; Isa 29:3; 42:24,25

Eze 4:1-7; 21:22; Lu 19:43; 21:20


A.M. 3416. B.C. 588. the fourth.

39:2; 2Ki 25:3; Zec 8:19

the famine.

15:2; 19:9; 21:9; 25:10; 38:9; Le 26:26; De 28:52,53; 32:24; Isa 3:1

La 4:4-6; 5:10; Eze 4:9-17; 5:10-12; 7:15; 14:21

the city.

34:2,3; 2Ki 25:4

all the men.

39:4-7; 49:26; 51:32; Le 26:17,36; De 28:25; 32:30; Jos 7:8-12

21:7; 32:4; 34:21; 37:18; 38:23; 39:5; Isa 30:16,17; La 4:19,20

Eze 12:12-14; 17:20,21; Am 2:14,15; 9:1-4

they took.

32:4,5; 2Ch 33:11; Eze 21:25-27


39:5; 2Ki 23:33; 25:6


Nu 13:21; Jos 13:5; 1Ki 8:65; 2Ch 8:3


22:30; 39:6,7; Ge 21:16; 44:34; De 28:34; 2Ki 25:7

he slew.

24-27; 2Ki 25:18-21; Eze 9:6; 11:7-11

put out the eyes of Zedekiah. Heb. blinded Zedekiah.

34:3-5; Eze 12:13

chains. or, fetters. prison. Heb. house of the wards.
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