Isaiah 10:18-19


33,34; 9:18; 2Ki 19:23,28; Jer 21:14; Eze 20:47,48

both soul and body. Heb. from the soul and even to theflesh.

few. Heb. number.


Isaiah 27:10-11

the defenced.

5:9,10; 6:11,12; 17:9; 25:2; 64:10; Jer 26:6,18; La 1:4; 2:5-9

La 5:18; Eze 36:4; Mic 3:12; Lu 19:43,44; 21:20-24

there shall the.

7:25; 17:2; 32:13,14

the boughs.

Ps 80:15,16; Eze 15:2-8; 20:47; Mt 3:10; Joh 15:6

for it is.

1:3; 44:18-20; De 4:6; 32:28,29; Jer 4:22; 5:4,5,21,22; 8:7; Ho 4:6

Mt 13:15,19; Ro 1:28,31


43:1,7; 44:20,21,24; Ge 6:6,7; De 32:18-25; 2Ch 36:16,17

Ps 106:40; Eze 9:10; 1Th 2:16; 2Th 1:8,9; Jas 2:13

Isaiah 37:24

thy servants. Heb. the hand of they servants.

4; 36:15-20; 2Ki 19:22,23

By the.

10:13,14; 36:9; Ex 15:9; Ps 20:7; Da 4:30

tall cedars thereof, and the choice fir trees thereof. Heb.tallness of the cedars thereof and the choice of the fir trees thereof.

10:18; 14:8; Eze 31:3-18; Da 4:8-14,20-22; Zec 11:1,2

of his Carmel. or, and his fruitful field.


Jeremiah 22:7


4:6,7; 5:15; 50:20-23; Isa 10:3-7; 13:3-5; 54:16,17; Eze 9:1-7

Mt 22:7


21:14; Isa 10:33,34; 27:10,11; 37:24; Zec 11:1

Ezekiel 20:46-48


4:7; 6:2

toward.Towards Judea, which lay south of Mesopotamia, where the prophet now dwelt.

and drop.

21:2; De 32:2; Job 29:22; Am 7:16; Mic 2:6; *marg:

the forest.The city of Jerusalem, as full of inhabitants as the forest is of trees.

Jer 13:19; 22:7; Zec 11:1,2

I will kindle.I will send war; and it shall destroy all ranks and characters of the people.

15:6,7; 19:14; 22:20,21; De 32:22; Isa 9:18,19; 30:33; Jer 21:14


17:24; Lu 23:31

the flaming.

Isa 66:24; Mr 9:43-49

from the south.

21:3,4; Isa 24:1-6

De 29:24-28; 2Ch 7:20-22; Isa 26:11; Jer 40:2,3; La 2:16,17

Zechariah 11:1

1 The destruction of Jerusalem.

3 The elect being cared for, the rest are rejected.

10 The staves of Beauty and Bands broken by the rejection of Christ.

15 The type and curse of a foolish shepherd.

O Lebanon.

10:10; Jer 22:6,7,23; Hab 2:8,17; Hag 1:8


14:1,2; De 32:22; Mt 24:1,2; Lu 19:41-44; 21:23,24
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