Isaiah 10:22-23

though thy.

1Ki 4:20; Ho 1:10; Ro 9:27; 11:5,6; Re 20:8

yet a remnant.


of. Heb. in, or, among. the consumption.

6:11; 8:8; 27:10,11; 28:15-22; Da 9:27; Ro 9:28

with. or, in.

Ge 18:25; Ac 17:31; Ro 2:5; 3:5,6


14:26,27; 24:1-23; Da 4:35

Isaiah 24

1 The doleful judgments of God upon the land.

13 A remnant shall joyfully praise him.

16 God in his judgments shall advance his kingdom.

A.M. 3292. B.C.712. maketh the.

1:7-9; 5:6; 6:11,12; 7:17-25; 27:10; 32:13,14; 42:15; Jer 4:7

Eze 5:14; 6:6; 12:20; 24:11; 35:14; Na 2:10; Lu 21:24

turneth it upside down. Heb. perverteth the face thereof.

29:16; 2Ki 21:13; Ps 146:9; Ac 17:6


De 4:27; 28:64; 32:26; Ne 1:8; Jer 9:16; 40:15; 50:17; Eze 5:2

Zec 13:7-9; Jas 1:1

as with the people.

2:9; 3:2-8; 5:15; 9:14-17; 2Ch 36:14-17,20; Jer 5:3-6; 23:11-13

Jer 41:2; 42:18; 44:11-13; 52:24-30; La 4:13; 5:12-14; Eze 7:12,13

Eze 14:8-10; Da 9:5-8; Ho 4:9; Eph 6:8,9

priest. or, prince.

Ge 41:50; *marg:


1; 6:11; Le 26:30-35; De 29:23,28; 2Ch 36:21; Eze 36:4

the Lord.

21:17; 22:25; Jer 13:15; Mic 4:4


3:26; 28:1; 33:9; 64:6; Jer 4:28; 12:4; Ho 4:3

haughty people. Heb. height of the people.



Ge 3:17,18; 6:11-13; Le 18:24-28; 20:22; Nu 35:33,34; 2Ch 33:9

Ps 106:36-39; Jer 3:1,2; Eze 7:20-24; 22:24-31; Mic 2:10

Ro 8:20,21


1:2-5; 50:1; 59:1-3,12-15; De 32:15,20; 2Ki 17:7-23; 22:13-17

2Ki 23:26,27; Ezr 9:6,7; Eze 20:13,24; Da 9:5,10


Jos 24:25; Da 7:25; Mr 7:7-9; Lu 1:6; Heb 9:1


Ps 55:5; Ge 17:13,14; 2Sa 23:5; Ps 105:10; Jer 50:5; Eze 37:26

Heb 13:20


42:24,25; De 28:15-20; 29:22-28; 30:18,19; Jos 23:15,16; Zec 5:3,4

Mal 2:2; 3:9; 4:1,6; Mt 27:25

and few.

Le 26:22; De 4:27; 28:62; Eze 5:3; Mt 7:14; Ro 9:27; 2Pe 3:10

16:8,10; 32:9-13; Ho 9:1,2; Joe 1:10-12

23:15,16; Jer 7:34; 16:9; 25:10; Eze 26:13; Ho 2:11; Re 18:22

5:11,12; Ps 69:12; Ec 9:7; Am 6:5-7; 8:3,10; Zec 9:15; Eph 5:18,19


12; 25:2; 27:10; 32:14; 34:13-15; 2Ki 25:4,9,10; Jer 39:4,8

Jer 52:7,13,14; Mic 2:13; 3:12; Lu 19:43; 21:24

of confusion.

Ge 11:9; Jer 9:25,26; Mt 23:34,35; Re 11:7,8; 17:5,6; 18:2

a crying.

Pr 31:6; Ho 7:14; Joe 1:15

all joy.

7-9; 8:22; 9:19; Jer 48:33; La 5:14,15; Am 5:16-20; Mt 22:11-13

Lu 16:25

32:14; Jer 9:11; La 1:1,4; 2:9; 5:18; Mic 1:9,12; Mt 22:7


1:9; 6:13; 10:20-22; 17:5,6; Jer 44:28; Eze 6:8-11; 7:16; 9:4-6

Eze 11:16-20; 14:22,23; Mic 2:12; Mt 24:22; Ro 11:2-6; Re 3:4

Re 11:2,3

12:1-6; 25:1; 26:1; 27:2; 35:2,10; 40:9; 42:10-12; 44:23; 51:11

52:7-9; 54:1; Jer 30:19; 31:12; 33:11; Zep 3:14-20; Zec 2:10


Job 35:9,10; Hab 3:17,18; Zec 13:8,9; Ac 16:25; 1Pe 1:7; 3:15

1Pe 4:12-14; Re 15:2-4

fires. or, valleys. isles.

11:11,12; 41:5; 42:4,10; 49:1; 51:5; 60:9; Ge 10:4,5; Zep 2:11

Zec 10:9-12; Mal 1:11

uttermost part. Heb. wing.

26:15; 45:22-25; 52:10; 66:19,20; Ps 2:8; 22:27-31; 67:7; 72:8-11

Ps 98:3; 107:1-43; Mic 5:4; Mr 13:27; Ac 13:47


Ex 15:11; Ps 58:10; Re 15:3; 16:5-7; 19:1-6


10:16; 17:4; Ps 106:15

My leanness. Heb. Leanness to me. or, My secret to me. thetreacherous.

21:2; 33:1; 48:8; Jer 3:20; 5:11; 12:1,6; La 1:2; Ho 5:7; 6:7; Hab 1:3

and the pit.

Le 26:21,22; 1Ki 19:17; Jer 8:3; 48:43,44; Eze 14:21

he who fleeth.

De 32:23-26; Jos 10:10,11; 1Ki 20:29,30; Job 18:8-16; 20:24

Am 5:19

for the.

Ge 7:11; 19:24; 2Ki 7:2

the foundations.

De 32:22; Ps 18:7,15; 46:2,3

1-5; 34:4-10; Jer 4:23-28; Na 1:5; Hab 3:6; Mt 24:3; Re 20:11


19:14; 29:9; Ps 107:27


1:8; 38:12

the transgression.

5:7-30; Ps 38:4; La 1:14; Ho 4:1-5; Mt 23:35,36

and it.

Jer 8:4; 25:27; Da 11:19; Am 8:14; Zec 5:5-8; Re 18:21

the Lord.

10:25-27; 14:1,2; 25:10-12; 34:2-17; Ps 76:12; 149:6-9

Eze 38:1-39:29; Joe 3:9-17,19; Hag 2:21,22; Zec 14:12-19

Re 6:14-17; 17:14; 18:9; 19:18-21

punish. Heb. visit upon.

they shall.

17; 2:19; Jos 10:16,17,22-26

as prisoners are gathered. Heb. with the gathering ofprisoners. pit. or, dungeon. shall they.

Jer 38:6-13; Zec 9:11

visited. or, found wanting.

the moon.

13:10; 30:26; 60:19; Eze 32:7,8; Joe 2:31; 3:15; Mr 13:24-26

Re 6:12-14; 21:23


52:7; Ex 15:21; Ps 97:1; Zec 9:9; Mt 6:10,13; Re 11:15; 19:4,6


12:6; Mic 4:7; Heb 12:22; Re 14:1

before his ancients gloriously. or, there shall be glorybefore his ancients.

Job 38:4-7; Da 7:9,10,18,27

Isaiah 32:12-14


La 2:11; 4:3,4

pleasant fields. Heb. fields of desire.

De 8:7,8; 11:11,12; Eze 20:6,15


6:11; 7:23; 34:13; Ps 107:34; Ho 9:6; 10:8

yea, upon. or, burning upon, etc.

Jer 39:8; Re 18:7,8

in the.


the palaces.

5:9; 24:1-3,10,12; 25:2; 27:10; 2Ki 25:9; Lu 21:20,24

forts and towers. or, clifts and watch-towers. for.

13:19-22; 34:11-17; Re 18:2,3

Jeremiah 25:11

seventy.This prophecy was delivered in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, and began to be accomplished immediately; and it was exactly seventy years from this time to the proclamation of Cyrus for the return of the Jews.

12; 2Ch 36:21,22; Isa 23:15-17; Da 9:2; Zec 1:12; 7:5

Daniel 9:26-27


Ps 22:15; Isa 53:8; Mr 9:12; Lu 24:26,46; Joh 11:51,52; 12:32-34

2Co 5:21; Ga 3:13; 1Pe 2:21,24; 3:18

but not. or, and shall have nothing.

Joh 14:30

and the people, etc. or, and (the Jews) shall be no more hispeople.

11:17; Ho 1:9

or, and the Prince's (Messiah's, ver. 25,) future people.The Romans, who under Titus, after the expiration of the 70 weeks, destroyed the temple and the city, and dispersed the Jews.

the prince.

Mt 22:2,7; 23:38; 24:2; Mr 13:2; Lu 19:43,44; 21:6,24; Ac 6:13,14

and the end.

Mt 24:6-14; Mr 13:7


11:10; Isa 8:7; Jer 46:7; Am 8:8; 9:5; Na 1:8

desolations are determined. or, it shall be cut off bydesolations


Isa 42:6; 53:11; 55:3; Jer 31:31-34; 32:40-42; Eze 16:60-63

Mt 26:28; Ro 5:15,19; 15:8,9; Ga 3:13-17; Heb 6:13-18; 8:8-13

Heb 9:15-20,28; 10:16-18; 13:20,21

the covenant. or, a covenant. cause.

Mt 27:51; Heb 10:4-22

for the overspreading of abominations he shall make itdesolate. or, upon the battlements shall be the idols of the desolator.

8:13; 11:36; 12:11; Isa 10:22,23; 28:22; Mt 24:15; Mr 13:14

Lu 21:20,24; Ro 11:26

that determined.

Le 26:14-46; De 4:26-28; 28:15-68; 29:18-29; 30:17,18; 31:28,29

De 32:19-44; Ps 69:22-28; 1Th 2:15,16

upon the desolate. or, upon the desolator.

Luke 21:24


De 28:64-68


Isa 5:5; 63:18; La 1:15; Re 11:2


Isa 66:12,19; Da 9:27; 12:7; Mal 1:11; Ro 11:25
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