Isaiah 10:3-7

And what.

20:6; 33:14; Job 31:14; Jer 5:31; Eze 24:13,14; Re 6:15,16

the day.

26:21; Ho 9:7; Lu 19:44; 1Pe 2:12

in the desolation.

5:26; 30:27,28; 39:3,6,7; De 28:49

to whom.

30:1-3,16; 31:1-3; Ho 5:13


2:20,21; 5:14; Ge 31:1; 2Ki 7:6-8,15; Ps 49:16,17; Pr 11:4

Zep 1:18

Without me.

Le 26:17,36,37; De 31:15-18; 32:30; Jer 37:10; Ho 9:12

For all this.

5:25; 9:12,17,21

O Assyrian. or, Woe to the Assyrian. Heb. O Asshur.

Ge 10:11

the rod.

15; 8:4; 14:5,6; Ps 17:14; 125:3; Jer 51:20-24

and. or, though.


9:17; 19:17; 29:13; 30:9-11; 33:14; Jer 3:10; 4:14; Mt 15:7

will I give.

13,14; 37:26,27; 41:25; 45:1-5; Jer 25:9; 34:22; 47:6,7

tread them. Heb. lay them a treading.

22:5; 63:3,6; 2Sa 22:43; Mic 7:10; Zec 10:5

he meaneth.

Ge 50:20; Mic 4:11,12; Ac 2:23; 13:27-30

in his heart.

36:18-20; 37:11-13

Isaiah 13:3-5


23:11; 44:27,28; 45:4,5; Jer 50:21-46

mighty ones.

Jer 51:20-24; Joe 3:11; Re 17:12-18

them that.

Ezr 1:1-11; 6:1-22; 7:12-26; Ps 149:2,5-9; Re 18:4-8,20-24; 19:1-7


22:1-9; Jer 50:2,3,21-46; 51:11,27,28; Eze 38:3-23; Joe 3:14

Zec 14:1-3,13,14; Re 19:11-21

like as. Heb. the likeness of.

Joe 2:4-11; Re 9:7-19

the Lord.

10:5,6; 45:1,2; Jer 50:14,15; 51:6-25; Joe 2:1-11,25; Re 18:8

from a far.

17; Jer 50:3,9; 51:11,27,28; Mt 24:31

and the weapons.

Jer 51:20-46

Isaiah 54:16-17

I have.

10:5,6,15; 37:26; 46:11; Ex 9:16; Pr 16:4; Da 4:34,35; Joh 19:11


15; Ps 2:1-6; Eze 38:9,10; Mt 16:18; Joh 10:28-30; Ro 8:1,28-39


50:8; Job 1:11; 2:5; 22:5-30; 42:7; Ps 32:6; Zec 3:1-4; Re 12:10

the heritage.

58:14; Ps 61:5; Da 3:26; 6:20; Ro 6:22,23

and their.

45:24; 61:10; Ps 71:16,19; Jer 23:6; Ro 3:22; 10:4; 1Co 1:30

2Co 5:21; Php 3:9; 2Pe 1:1

Jeremiah 4:6-7

the standard.

21; 50:2; 51:12,27; Isa 62:10

retire. or, strengthen. for I will.

1:13-15; 6:1,22; 21:7; 25:9

and a great.

50:22; 51:54

destruction. Heb. breaking.

Zep 1:10


5:6; 25:38; 49:19; 50:17,44; 2Ki 24:1; 25:1; Da 7:4


25:9; 27:8; Eze 21:19-21; 26:7-10; 30:10,11; Da 5:19


2:15; 9:11; 26:9; 33:10; 34:22; Isa 1:7; 5:9; 6:11

Jeremiah 5:15

I will.

1:15; 4:16; 6:22; 25:9; De 28:49; Isa 5:26; 29:3,6

O house.

11; 2:26; 9:26; Isa 5:7; Eze 18:31; Mt 3:9,10

a mighty.

Da 2:37,38; 7:7; Hab 1:5-10

a nation.

Isa 28:11; 33:19; 1Co 14:21

Jeremiah 50:20-23

In those.

4; 33:15

the iniquity.

31:34; Nu 23:21; Isa 11:1,2; 43:25; 44:22; Mic 7:19; Ac 3:19,26

Ro 8:33,34; Heb 8:10-12; 10:17,18

and there.

Ps 103:12; Ro 5:16; 2Pe 3:15

I will pardon.

44:14; Isa 1:9; Mic 7:19; Ro 6:13; 11:6,26,27



Merathaim. or, the rebels. Pekod. or, visitation.

Eze 23:23

and do.

34:22; 48:10; Nu 31:14-18; 1Sa 15:3,11-24; 2Sa 16:11; 2Ki 18:25

2Ch 36:23; Isa 10:6; 44:28; 48:14

4:19-21; 51:54-56; Isa 21:2-4

51:20-24; Isa 14:4-6,12-17; Re 18:16

Ezekiel 9:1-7

1 A vision, whereby is shewn the preservation of some;

5 and the destruction of the rest.

8 God cannot be intreated for them.


43:6,7; Isa 6:8; Am 3:7,8; Re 1:10,11; 14:7


Ex 12:23; 2Ki 10:24; 1Ch 21:15; Isa 10:6,7


Jer 1:15; 5:15-17; 8:16,17; 25:9

the higher.

2Ki 15:35; 2Ch 27:3; Jer 26:10

lieth. Heb. is turned. slaughter weapon. Heb. weapon ofhis breaking in pieces. and one.

10:2,6,7; Le 16:4; Re 15:6

ink-horn.{Keseth,} (in Chaldee, {kista,} Syriac, {kesto,} Ethiopic, {kasut,}) denotes a bottle, or vessel to hold any fluid; and being here united to {sophair,} a writer, is not improperly rendered as an ink-horn: so one of the editions of Aquila, [melandocheion,] and Vulgate, {atramentarium.} Dr. Shaw informs us, that among the Moors, "the {Hojas,} i.e., writers or secretaries, suspend their ink-horns in their girdles."

by his side. Heb. upon his loins. beside.

Ex 27:1-7; 40:29; 2Ch 4:1

3:23; 8:4; 10:4; 11:22,23; 43:2-4

set a mark. Heb. mark a mark.

Ex 12:7,13; Mal 3:16; 2Co 1:22; Eph 4:30; 2Ti 2:19; Re 7:2,3; 9:4

Re 13:6,7; 14:1; 20:4

that sigh.

6:11; 2Ki 22:13,19,20; Ps 119:53,136; Isa 57:15; Jer 13:17

2Co 12:21; 2Pe 2:8,9

hearing. Heb. ears.

1Sa 9:15; Isa 5:9; 22:14


10; 5:11; 7:4,9; 8:18; 24:14; Ex 32:27; Nu 25:7,8; De 32:39-42

1Ki 18:40

utterly. Heb. to destruction. old.

Nu 31:15-17; De 2:34; 3:6; Jos 6:17-21; 1Sa 15:3; 2Ch 36:17


Ex 12:23; Jos 2:18,19; 6:22-25; 2Ti 2:19; Re 7:3; 9:4; 14:4

and begin.

8:5-16; Jer 25:29; Am 3:2; Lu 12:47; 1Pe 4:17,18

at the.

8:11,16; 11:1

7:20-22; 2Ch 36:17; Ps 79:1-3; La 2:4-7; Lu 13:1
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