Isaiah 14:2

and the house.

18:7; 60:9-12; 61:5; Ezr 2:65; Ro 15:27; 2Co 8:4,5; Ga 5:13

and they.

Ps 68:18; 2Co 10:5; Eph 4:8

whose captives they were. Heb. that had taken them captives.they shall rule over.

60:14; Jer 30:16; Da 7:18,25-27; Zec 14:2,3; Re 3:9; 11:11-18

Re 18:20-24

Isaiah 33:1

1 God's judgments against the enemies of the church.

13 The consternation of sinners, and privileges of the godly.

thee that.

10:5,6; 17:14; 24:16; 2Ki 18:13-17; 2Ch 28:16-21; Hab 2:5-8

when thou shalt cease.

10:12; 21:2; 37:36-38; Jud 1:7; Jer 25:12-14; Ob 1:10-16; Zec 14:1-3

Mt 7:2; Re 13:10; 16:6; 17:12-14,17

Nahum 2:11-13

the dwelling.

3:1; Job 4:10,11; Isa 5:29; Jer 2:15; 4:7; 50:17,44; Eze 19:2-8

Zep 3:3


Ge 49:9; Isa 31:4

and filled.

Ps 17:12; Isa 10:6-14; Jer 51:34

I am.

3:5; Jer 21:13; 50:31; 51:25; Eze 5:8; 26:3; 28:22; 29:3,10

Eze 35:3; 38:3; 39:1

I will burn.

Jos 11:9; 2Ki 19:23; Ps 46:9

and the sword.

Isa 31:8,9; 37:36-38

I will cut.

3:1,12; Isa 33:1-4; 49:24,25

the voice.

2Ki 18:17,19,27-35; 19:9,23; 2Ch 32:9-16,19

Nahum 3:1-3

1 The miserable ruin of Nineveh.


Isa 24:9; Eze 22:2,3; 24:6-9; Hab 2:12; Zep 3:1-3

bloody city. Heb. city of bloods. full.

2:12; Isa 17:14; 42:24; Ho 4:2


2:3,4; Jud 5:22; Job 39:22-25; Isa 9:5; Jer 47:3

bright sword and the glittering spear. Heb. flame of thesword, and lightning of the spear.

2:4; Ge 3:24; Hab 3:11

and there.

Isa 37:36; Eze 31:3-13; 39:4
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