Isaiah 23:1

1 The miserable overthrow of Tyre.

15 Her restoration and whoredoms.

A.M. 3289. B.C. 715. burden.Tyre, whose destruction by Nebuchadnezzar is here foretold, was a city of Phoenicia, on the shore of the Mediterranean, twenty-four miles south of Sidon, and thirty-two north of Accho or Ptolemais, according to the Antonine and Jerusalem Itineraries, about lat. 33 degrees 18' N. long. 35 degrees 10' E. There were two cities of this name; one on the continent called Palæ Tyrus, or Old Tyre, according to Strabo, thirty stadia south of the other, which was situated on an island, not above 700 paces from the main land, says Pliny. Old Tyre was taken by Nebuchadnezzar, after a siege of thirteen years, B.C. 573, which he so utterly destroyed, that it never afterwards rose higher than a village. But previous to this, the inhabitants had removed their effects to the island which afterwards became so famous by the name of Tyre, though now consisting only of about 800 dwellings.

Jer 25:15,22; 47:4; Eze 26:1-28:25; Joe 3:4-8; Am 1:9,10

Zec 9:2,4


15:2,8; Re 18:17-19

ye ships.

2:16; 60:9; 1Ki 22:48; 2Ch 9:21; Ps 48:7; Eze 27:25

for it is.

15:1; Jer 25:10,11; Re 18:22,23

the land.

12; Nu 24:24; Jer 2:10; Eze 27:6; Da 11:30

Isaiah 23:6


10,12; 21:15


1,2; 16:7

Ezekiel 27:25-30


1Ki 10:22; Ps 48:7; Isa 2:16; 23:14; 60:9




Isa 33:23


26:19; Ps 93:3,4; Re 17:15

the east.

34; Ps 48:7; Ac 27:14,41

midst. Heb. heart.

Thy riches.In these beautiful and expressive figures, Tyre is represented as a ship at sea, wrecked through the mistakes of her pilots and rowers; that is, destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, and afterwards by Alexander, in consequence of her rulers having pertinaciously resolved to withstand those haughty conquerors. This vast ship, laden with all kinds of valuable wares, being wrecked, all her valuables, sailors, officers, etc. went to the bottom.

7-9,12,18,19,22,24,34; 26:12; Pr 11:4; Re 18:11-24

and in all. or, even with all. shall fall.


midst. Heb. heart.


suburbs. or waves. shake.

35; 26:10,15-18; 31:16; Ex 15:14; Na 2:3

all that handle.

Re 18:17-24

shall come.

26:16; 32:10

shall cause.All that were on land, seeing this gallant ship perishing with all her men and goods, are here represented as setting up a dismal cry at the heart-rending sight.

31,32; 26:17; Isa 23:1-6; Re 18:9-19


1Sa 4:12; 2Sa 1:2; Job 2:12; La 2:10; Re 18:19

they shall wallow.

Es 4:1-4; Job 2:8; 42:6; Jer 6:26; 25:34; Jon 3:6; Mic 1:10

Revelation of John 18:11-19

the merchants.

3,9,15,20,23; 13:16,17; Isa 23:1-15; 47:15

Eze 26:17-21; 27:27-36; Zep 1:11,18


Pr 3:14; Mt 22:5; Joh 2:16; 2Pe 2:3


17:4; 1Ki 10:11,12; Pr 8:10,11; Eze 27:5-25

thyine. or, sweet.

1Ki 10:11; 2Ch 2:8


1Ki 10:10,15,25; 2Ch 9:9; Pr 7:17; So 1:3; 4:13,14; 5:5; Am 6:6

Joh 12:3-8

slaves. or, bodies.

Ex 21:16; De 24:7; 28:68; Ne 5:4,5,8; Isa 50:1; Eze 27:13; Am 2:6

Am 8:6; 1Ti 1:10

and souls.By the sale of indulgences, dispensations, absolutions, masses, bulls, etc.

2Pe 2:3

thy soul.

Nu 11:4,34; Ps 78:18; 106:14; 1Co 10:6; Jas 4:2; 1Jo 2:16,17


Lu 12:20; 16:25


3,11; Ho 12:7,8; Zec 11:5; Mr 11:17; Ac 16:19; 19:24-27


11; Jud 18:23,24; Eze 27:31; Am 5:16,17


10,11; 17:4; Lu 16:19-31

in one.

10; Isa 47:9; Jer 51:8; La 4:6

And every.

11; Isa 23:14; Eze 27:27-36; Jon 1:6




10; 13:4; Isa 23:8,9; Jer 51:37; Eze 27:30-32

they cast.

Jos 7:6; 1Sa 4:12; 2Sa 13:19; Ne 9:1; Job 2:12; Eze 27:30




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