Isaiah 29:13


10:6; 48:1,2; 58:2,3; Ps 17:1; Jer 3:10; 5:2; 12:2; 42:2-4,20

Eze 33:31-33; Mt 15:7-9

their fear.

2Ch 29:1-31:21; Pr 30:6; Mt 15:2-6; Mr 7:2-13; Col 2:22

Isaiah 48:1

1 God, to convince the people of their foreknown obstinancy, revealed his prophecies.

9 He saves them for his own sake.

12 He exhorts them to obedience, because of his power and providence.

16 He laments their backwardness.

20 He powerfully delivers his people out of Babylon.

which are.

Ge 32:28; 35:10; 2Ki 17:34; Joh 1:47; Ro 2:17,28,29; 9:6,8; Re 2:9

Re 3:9


Nu 24:7; De 33:28; Ps 68:26; Pr 5:16

which swear.

44:5; 45:23; 65:16; De 5:28; 6:13; 10:20; Ps 63:11; Zep 1:5

make mention.

26:13; 62:8; Ex 23:13

not in truth.

1:10-14; Le 19:12; Ps 50:16-20; 66:3; *marg:

Jer 4:2; 5:2; 7:9,10; Mal 3:5; Mt 15:8,9; 23:14; Joh 4:24; 1Ti 4:2

2Ti 3:2-5

Isaiah 58:1-2

1 The prophet, being sent to reprove hypocrisy, shews the difference between a counterfeit fast and a true.

8 He declares what promises are due unto godliness,

13 and to the keeping of the sabbath.

aloud. Heb. with the throat. spare.

56:10; Ps 40:9,10; Jer 1:7-10,17-19; 7:8-11; 15:19,20; Eze 2:3-8

Eze 3:5-9,17-21; 20:4; 22:2; Mic 3:8-12; Mt 3:7-9; Ac 7:51,52

Ac 20:26,27; Tit 2:15; Re 14:9,10

lift up.



27:13; Ho 8:1; Re 1:10; 4:1

they seek.

1:11-15; 29:13; 48:1,2; De 5:28,29; 1Sa 15:21-25; Pr 15:8

Eze 33:30-33; Mt 15:7-9; Mr 4:16,17; 6:20; Joh 5:35; Tit 1:16

Heb 6:4-6

they ask.

Jer 42:2,20; Mr 12:14; Jas 1:21,22; 1Pe 2:1,2

Jeremiah 42:20

For ye.God made known to the prophet their dissimulation; which he shunned not to declare to them.

3:10; 17:10; Ps 18:44; 65:3; Eze 14:3,4; 33:31; Mt 22:15-18,35

Ga 6:7

dissembled in your hearts. Heb. have used deceit againstyour souls.

Nu 16:38; Jas 1:22



Ezekiel 14:3-4

these men.

4,7; 6:9; 11:21; 20:16; 36:25; Jer 17:1,2,9; Eph 5:5

and put.

3:20; 7:19; 44:12; Jer 44:16-18; Zep 1:3; 1Pe 2:8; Re 2:14


20:3; 1Sa 28:6; 2Ki 3:13; Ps 66:18; 101:3; Pr 15:8,29; 21:27; 28:9

Isa 1:15; 33:15; Jer 7:8-11; 11:11; 42:20,21; Zec 7:13; Lu 20:8


2:7; 3:4,17-21

I the Lord.

7; 1Ki 21:20-25; 2Ki 1:16; Isa 3:11; 66:4

Ezekiel 20:1-3

1 God refuses to be consulted by the elders of Israel.

4 He shews the story of their rebellions in Egypt,

10 in the wilderness,

27 and in the land.

33 He promises to gather them by the Gospel.

45 Under the name of a forest he shews the destruction of Jerusalem.

A.M. 3411. B.C. 593. in the seventh.The seventh year of the captivity of Jeconiah, and according to Usher, Monday, Aug. 27, 3411.

1:2; 8:1; 24:1; 26:1; 29:1,17; 30:20; 31:1; 32:1; 40:1

that certain.

14:1-3; 33:30-33; 1Ki 14:2-6; 22:15-28; 2Ki 3:13; Isa 29:13; 58:2

Jer 37:17; Mt 22:16

and sat.

8:1; Lu 2:46; 8:35; 10:39; Ac 22:3



Isa 1:12; Mt 3:7; Lu 3:7

As I.

31; 14:3,4,7,8; 1Sa 28:6; Ps 50:15-21; Pr 15:8; 21:27; 28:9

Isa 1:15; Mic 3:7; Mt 15:8,9; Joh 4:24

Ezekiel 33:31

as the people cometh. Heb. according to the coming of thepeople.

8:1; 14:1; 20:1-32; Lu 10:39; Ac 10:33

they sit before thee as my people. or, my people sit beforethee. and they.

Jer 6:16,17; 43:1-7; 44:16; Mt 7:24-27; Lu 6:48,49; 8:21; 11:28

Jas 1:22-24

for with.

De 5:28,29; Ps 78:36,37; Isa 29:13; Jas 2:14-16; 1Jo 3:17,18

shew much love. Heb. make loves, or jests.

Isa 28:13; Jer 23:33-38; Lu 16:14

but their.

Mt 6:24; 13:22; 19:22; Lu 12:15-21; Eph 5:5; 1Ti 6:9,10

Matthew 15:8


Isa 29:13; Eze 33:31; Joh 1:47; 1Pe 3:10


Pr 23:26; Jer 12:2; Ac 8:21; Heb 3:12
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