Isaiah 3:16-26

the daughters.

1:8; 4:4; Mt 21:5; Lu 23:28

are haughty.

24:4; 32:9-11; Pr 16:18; 30:13; Eze 16:49,50; Zep 3:11

wanton eyes. Heb. deceiving with their eyes.Or, as {messakkaroth ainayim} is rendered in the Targum, "painting their eyes with stibium:" for {sakar} is probably the same as the Chaldee {sekar,} or that import.

mincing. or, tripping nicely. and making.The Eastern ladies wear on their ankles large rings to which smaller ones are attached, which make a tinkling sound as they move nimbly.


Le 13:29,30,43,44; De 28:27; Re 16:2

discover. Heb. made naked.

20:4; 47:2,3; Jer 13:22; Eze 16:36,37; 23:25-29; Mic 1:11; Na 3:5

tinkling ornaments.


cauls. or, networks.{Shevisim,} probably the rich embroidered kerchiefs used to bind on their caps on the head, described by Lady M. W. Montague, Let. 32.

round tires.

Jud 8:21; *marg:

chains. or, sweet-balls.{Neteephoth,} earrings or drops; in Arabic, {netafat.}

the bracelets.

Ge 24:22,30,53; 38:18,25; Ex 35:22; Nu 31:50; Eze 16:11

mufflers. or, spangled ornaments.

tablets. Heb. houses of the soul.Probably perfume boxes, as rendered by Bp. Lowth.

the earrings.{Lechashim,} probably amulets.

Ge 35:4; Ex 32:2; Eze 16:12; Ho 2:13


Ge 41:42; Es 8:12; So 5:14; Lu 15:22; Jas 2:2

nose jewels.

Ge 24:47; 1Ti 2:9,10; 1Pe 3:3,4

The changeable suits.{Machalatzoth,} probably loose robes, used according to the weather.


Ex 38:8

fine linen.

Ge 41:42; 1Ch 15:27; Eze 16:10; Lu 16:19; Re 19:8,14


Ge 24:65; Ru 3:15; So 5:7


57:9; Pr 7:17


22:12; Eze 7:18; Mic 1:16

a girding.

15:3; 32:9-11; Job 16:15; Jer 4:8; 6:26; 48:37; 49:3; La 2:10

Eze 27:31; Joe 1:8; Am 8:10; Re 11:3


4:4; Le 26:16; De 28:22; 32:24; Re 16:9; 18:9

Thy men.

2Ch 29:9; Jer 11:22; 14:18; 18:21; 19:7; 21:9; La 2:21; Am 9:10

mighty. Heb. might.

her gates.

Jer 14:2; La 1:4

desolate. or, emptied. Heb. cleansed. shall sit.

47:1; Job 2:8,13; La 2:10; Eze 26:16; Lu 19:44

Lamentations 1:9


17; Jer 2:34; 13:27; Eze 24:12,13

she remembereth.

De 32:29; Isa 47:7; Jer 5:31; 1Pe 4:17


1; 4:1; Isa 3:8; Jer 13:17,18

she had.

2,17,21; 2:13; Ec 4:1; Isa 40:2; 54:11; Ho 2:14; Joh 11:19


Ex 3:7,17; 4:31; De 26:7; 1Sa 1:11; 2Sa 16:12; 2Ki 14:26; Ne 9:32

Ps 25:18; 119:153; Da 9:17-19


De 32:27; Ps 74:8,9,22,23; 140:8; Isa 37:4,17,23,29; Jer 48:26

Jer 50:29; Zep 2:10; 2Th 2:4-8

Ezekiel 16:6-9

and saw.

Ex 2:24,25; 3:7,8; Ac 7:34

polluted. or, trodden under foot.

Isa 14:19; 51:23; Mic 7:10; Mt 5:13; Heb 10:29; Re 14:20


20:5-10; Ex 19:4-6; De 9:4; Ps 105:10-15,26-37; Joh 5:25; Ro 9:15

Eph 2:4,5; Tit 3:3-7

caused, etc. Heb. made thee a million.

Ge 22:17; Ex 1:7; 12:37; Ac 7:17

excellent ornaments. Heb. ornament of ornaments.

10-13,16; Ex 3:22; De 1:10; 4:8; 32:10-14; 33:26-29; Ne 9:18-25

Ps 135:4; 147:20; 148:14; 149:2-4; Isa 61:10; 62:3


22; Job 1:21; So 4:5; Ho 2:3,9,10; Re 3:17,18

thy time.

6; De 7:6-8; Ru 3:9; 1Sa 12:22; Isa 41:8,9; 43:4; 63:7-9; Jer 2:2,3

Jer 31:3; Ho 11:1; Mal 1:2; Ro 5:8; 9:10-13

and I.

Ru 3:9

I sware.

20:5,6; Ex 19:4-8; 24:1-8; 32:13; De 4:31; Jer 2:2,3; 31:32

Ho 2:18-20


4; 36:25; Ps 51:7; Isa 4:4; Joh 13:8-10; 1Co 6:11; 10:2; Heb 9:10-14

1Jo 5:8; Re 1:5,6

blood. Heb. bloods.



Ps 23:5; 2Co 1:21; 1Jo 2:20,27

Ezekiel 22:15


5:12; 12:14,15; 34:6; 36:19; Le 26:33; De 4:27; 28:25,64; Ne 1:8

Jer 15:4; Zec 7:14


18,22; 20:38; 23:47,48; 24:6-14; Isa 1:25; Zec 13:9; Mal 3:3; 4:1

Mt 3:12; 1Pe 4:12

Ezekiel 36:25

will I.

Le 14:5-7; Nu 8:7; 19:13-20; Ps 51:7; Isa 52:15; Joh 3:5; Tit 3:5,6

Heb 9:13,14,19; 10:22; 1Jo 5:6


17,29; 37:23; Ps 51:2; Pr 30:12; Isa 4:4; Jer 33:8; Zec 13:1

Ac 22:16; 1Co 6:11; 2Co 7:1; Eph 5:26,27; Tit 2:14; 1Jo 1:7; Re 1:5

Re 7:14

from all your idols.

Isa 2:18-20; 17:7,8; Jer 3:22,23; Ho 14:3,8; Zec 13:2

Ezekiel 36:29


25; Jer 33:8; Ho 14:2,4,8; Joe 3:21; Mic 7:19; Zec 13:1; Mt 1:21

Joh 1:7-9; Ro 6:14; 11:26; Tit 2:14


8,9; 34:27-29; Ps 105:6; Ho 2:21-23; Mt 6:33

Joel 3:21


Isa 4:4; Eze 36:25,29; Mt 27:25

for the Lord. or, even I the Lord that.

17; Eze 48:35; Re 21:3 CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE BOOK OF JOEL. It is generally supposed, that the prophet Joel blends two subjects of affliction in one general consideration, or beautiful allegory; and that, under the devastation to be produced by locusts in the vegetable world, he portrays the more distant calamities to be inflicted by the armies of the Chaldeans in their invasion of Judea. These predictions are followed by a more general denunciation of God's vengeance, delivered in such language as to be in some measure descriptive of the final judgment of mankind. The prophet intermingles these declarations with earnest exhortations to repentance, and with promises of returning prosperity productive of Gospel blessings; foretelling, in the clearest terms, the general effusion of the Holy Spirit under the Christian dispensation, and the awful consequences of obstinately rejecting the sacred influence, especially to the Jews. The state of this nation at the present day, fully attests the Divine inspiration of the prophecy.

Zephaniah 3:1

1 A sharp reproof of Jerusalem for divers sins.

8 An exhortation to wait for the restoration of Israel,

14 and to rejoice for their salvation by God.

her that is filthy. or, gluttonous. Heb. craw.

Le 1:16

to the.

Isa 5:7; 30:12; 59:13; Jer 6:6; 22:17; Eze 22:7,29; Am 3:9; 4:1

Mic 2:2; Zec 7:10; Mal 3:5
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