Isaiah 30:1

1 The prophet threatens the people for their confidence in Egypt,

8 and contempt of God's word.

18 God's mercies towards his church.

27 God's wrath and the people's joy, in the destruction of Assyria.

A.M. cir. 3291. B.C. cir. 713. the rebellious.

9; 1:2; 63:10; 65:2; De 9:7,24; 29:19; Jer 4:17; 5:23; Eze 2:3

Eze 3:9,26,27; 12:2,3; Ho 7:13; Ac 7:51,52

that take.

8:19; 29:15; 1Ch 10:13,14; Ho 4:10-12


4:5; *marg:

28:15,20; 32:2; Ps 61:4; 91:1-4


1:5; 5:18; Nu 32:14; Ho 13:2; Ro 2:5; 2Ti 3:13

Isaiah 57:12

1:11-15; 58:2-6; 59:6-8; 64:5; 66:3,4; Jer 7:4-11; Mic 3:2-4

Mt 23:5,14; Ro 3:10-20; 10:2,3

Isaiah 64:6

are all.

6:5; 53:6; Job 14:4; 15:14-16; 25:4; 40:4; 42:5,6; Ps 51:5

Ro 7:18,24; Eph 2:1,2; Tit 3:3

all our.

57:12; Zec 3:3; Php 3:9; Re 3:17,18; 7:13

we all.

40:6-8; Ps 90:5,6; Jas 1:10,11; 1Pe 1:24,25

our iniquities.

57:13; Ps 1:4; Jer 4:11,12; Ho 4:19; Zec 5:8-11

Romans 3:20-22


28; 2:13; 4:13; 9:32; Ac 13:39; Ga 2:16,19; 3:10-13; 5:4; Eph 2:8,9

Tit 3:5-7; Jas 2:9,10

no flesh.

Job 25:4; Ps 130:3; 143:2; Jas 2:20-26

in his sight.

Job 15:15; 25:5

for by the.

7:7-9; Ga 2:19


1:17; 5:19,21; 10:3,4; Ge 15:6; Isa 45:24,25; 46:13; 51:8; 54:17

Isa 61:10; Jer 23:5,6; 33:16; Da 9:24; Ac 15:11; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 5:21

Ga 5:5; Php 3:9; Heb 11:4-40; 2Pe 1:1


De 18:15-19; Lu 24:44; Joh 1:45; 3:14,15; 5:46,47; Ac 26:22

Heb 10:1-14

and the.

1:2; 16:26; Ac 3:21-25; 10:43; 28:23; Ga 3:8; 1Pe 1:10

which is.

4:3-13,20-22; 5:1-11; 8:1; Php 3:9

unto all.

4:6,11,22; Ga 2:16; 3:6; Jas 2:23

and upon.

Isa 61:10; Mt 22:11,12; Lu 15:22; Ga 3:7-9

for there.

2:1; 10:12; Ac 15:9; 1Co 4:7; Ga 3:28; Col 3:11

Romans 4:6-8


9; De 33:29; Ps 1:1-3; 112:1; 146:5,6; Mt 5:3-12; Ga 3:8,9,14; 4:15

Eph 1:3


11,24; 1:17; 3:22; 5:18,19; Isa 45:24,25; 54:17; Jer 22:6; 33:16

Da 9:24; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 5:21; Php 3:9; 2Pe 1:1


3:20,21,27; Eph 2:8-10; 2Ti 1:9

Ps 32:1,2; 51:8,9; 85:2; 130:3,4; Isa 40:1,2; Jer 33:8,9

Mic 7:18-20; Mt 9:2; Lu 7:47-50

to whom.

Isa 53:10-12; 2Co 5:19-20; Phm 1:18,19; 1Pe 2:24; 3:18

Revelation of John 3:17-18

I am.

2:9; Pr 13:7; Ho 12:8; Zec 11:5; Lu 1:53; 6:24; 18:11,12; Ro 11:20,25

Ro 12:3; 1Co 4:8-10

have need.

De 8:12-14; Pr 30:9; Jer 2:31; Mt 9:12


Ro 2:17-23


Mt 5:3; Ro 7:24


Isa 42:19; Joh 9:40,41; 2Pe 1:9


16:15; Ge 3:7,10,11; Ex 32:35


Ps 16:7; 32:8; 73:24; 107:11; Pr 1:25,30; 19:20; Ec 8:2


Pr 23:23; Isa 55:1; Mt 13:44; 25:9


Mal 3:3; 1Co 3:12,13; 1Pe 1:7

that thou.

2:9; Lu 12:21; 2Co 8:9; 1Ti 6:18; Jas 2:5


4,5; 7:13; 16:15; 19:8; 2Co 5:3

the shame.

16:15; Isa 47:3; Jer 13:26; Da 12:2; Mic 1:11; Na 3:5


Joh 9:6-11; 1Jo 2:20-27
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