Isaiah 32:13-14


6:11; 7:23; 34:13; Ps 107:34; Ho 9:6; 10:8

yea, upon. or, burning upon, etc.

Jer 39:8; Re 18:7,8

in the.


the palaces.

5:9; 24:1-3,10,12; 25:2; 27:10; 2Ki 25:9; Lu 21:20,24

forts and towers. or, clifts and watch-towers. for.

13:19-22; 34:11-17; Re 18:2,3

Isaiah 33:9


1:7,8; 24:1,4-6,19,20; Jer 4:20-26


14:8; 37:24; Zec 11:1-3

hewn down. or, withered away. Sharon.

35:2; 65:10; So 2:1


De 3:4; Jer 50:19; Mic 7:14; Na 1:4

Isaiah 64:10

1:7; 2Ki 25:9; 2Ch 36:19-21; Ps 79:1-7; La 1:1-4; 2:4-8; 5:18

Da 9:26,27; 12:7; Mic 3:12; Lu 21:21,24; Re 11:1,2

Jeremiah 2:31

see ye.

Am 1:1; Mic 6:9

Have I been.

5,6; 2Sa 12:7-9; 2Ch 31:10; Ne 9:21-25; Ho 2:7,8; Mal 3:9-11

We are lords. Heb. We have dominion.

De 8:12-14; 31:20; 32:15; Ps 10:4; 12:4; Pr 30:9; Ho 13:6; 1Co 4:8

Re 3:15-17

Jeremiah 4:26

the fruitful.

12:4; 14:2-6; De 29:23-28; Ps 76:7; 107:34; Isa 5:9,10; 7:20-25

Mic 3:12

Jeremiah 12:10


6:3; 25:9; 39:3

my vineyard.

Ps 80:8-16; Isa 5:1-7; Lu 20:9-16


Isa 43:28; 63:18; La 1:10,11; Lu 21:14; Re 11:2

pleasant portion. Heb. portion of desire.


Jeremiah 22:6


24; 21:11; Ge 37:25; De 3:25; So 5:15

Thou.Gilead was the most fertile part of the country, and renowned for its rich pastures; and Lebanon was the highest mountain in Israel, celebrated for its stately cedars; and both were, therefore, proper emblems of the reigning family. "But though thou art the richest and most powerful, I, who raised thee up, can bring thee down, and make thee a wilderness."


4:20; 7:34; 9:11; 19:7,8; 21:14; 25:9,10; 26:6-9,18; Ps 107:34

Isa 6:11; 24:1-6; 27:10; Eze 33:27,28

Ezekiel 19:13

she is.

10; De 28:47,48; Jer 52:27-31

in the wilderness.In Chaldea, whither they were carried captive.

in a dry.

Ps 63:1; 68:6; Ho 2:3
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