Isaiah 33:20-22


Ps 48:12,13

the city.

De 12:5; Ps 78:68,69

thine eyes.

Ps 46:5; 125:1; 128:5

not one.

37:33; 54:2; Eze 48:35; Mt 16:18; Re 3:12

the glorious.

Ps 29:3; Ac 7:2; 2Co 4:4-6

a place.

Ps 46:4,5

broad rivers and streams. Heb. broad of spaces, or hands.

the Lord is our judge.

Ge 18:25; Ps 50:6; 75:7; 98:9; 2Co 5:10

lawgiver. Heb. statute-maker.

De 33:2; Ne 10:14; Ps 147:19,20; Jas 4:12

the Lord is our king.

Ps 44:4; 74:12; 89:18; Jer 23:5,6; Zec 9:9; Mt 21:5; 25:34; Re 19:16

he will.

12:2; 25:9; Zep 3:15-17; Mt 1:21-23; Lu 2:11; Ac 5:31; Tit 3:4-6

Heb 5:9

Isaiah 35:9-10

No lion.

11:6-9; 65:25; Le 26:6; Eze 34:25; Ho 2:18; Re 20:1-3


62:12; Ex 15:13; Ps 107:2; Ga 3:13; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 1:18; Re 5:9

the ransomed.

51:10,11; Mt 20:28; 1Ti 2:6

and come.

Ps 84:7; Jer 31:11-14; 33:11; Joh 16:22; Jude 1:21; Re 14:1-4

Re 15:2-4; 18:20; 19:1-7

and sorrow.

25:8; 30:19; 60:20; 65:19; Re 7:9-17; 21:4

Isaiah 60:17-18


30:26; 1Ki 10:21-27; Zec 12:8; Heb 11:40; 2Pe 3:13


1:26; 32:1,2


2:4; 11:9; Ps 72:3-7; Mic 4:3; Zec 9:8


26:1; Re 19:1-6

Jeremiah 23:5-6

the days.

30:3; 31:27,31-38; 33:14; Heb 8:8


33:15; Ps 72:1,2; Isa 32:1,2; 40:10,11; Da 9:24; Am 9:11; Zec 9:9

Re 19:11


Ps 80:15; Isa 4:2; 11:1-5; 40:9,11; 53:2; Eze 17:2-10,22-24; 34:29

Zec 3:8; 6:12,13; Joh 1:45


22:30; Ps 45:4; Isa 9:7; 52:13; *marg:

Isa 53:10; Lu 1:32,33

and shall.

22:3,15; Ps 72:2


De 33:28,29; Ps 130:7,8; Isa 12:1,2; 33:22; 45:17; Eze 37:24-28

Ho 1:7; Ob 1:17,21; Zec 10:6; Mt 1:21; Lu 1:71-74; 19:9,10

Ro 11:26,27


30:10; 32:37; 1Ki 4:25; Isa 2:4; 35:9; Eze 34:25-28; Ho 2:18

Zep 3:13; Zec 2:4,5; 3:10; 14:9-11

and this.

Isa 7:14; 9:6; Mt 1:21-23


33:16; Isa 45:24,25; 54:17; Da 9:24; Ro 3:22; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 5:21

Php 3:9

Jeremiah 33:16

shall Judah.

23:6; Isa 45:17,22; Ro 11:26

shall dwell.

32:37; De 33:12,28; Eze 28:26; 34:25-28; 38:8

The Lord our righteousness. JEHOVAH-tsidkenu.

23:6; Isa 45:24,25; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 5:21; Php 3:9; 2Pe 1:1

Ezekiel 34:25-26

I will make.

37:26; Isa 55:3; Jer 31:31-33; Zec 6:13; Heb 13:20

and will.

Le 26:6; Job 5:22; Isa 11:6-9; 35:9; Ho 2:18-23

and they.

28; Ps 4:8; Jer 23:6; 33:16

make them.

Ge 12:2; Isa 19:24; Zec 8:13,23

my hill.

20:40; Ps 2:6; 68:16; 132:14-16; 133:3; Isa 2:2-4; 56:7; Mic 4:1,2

I will cause.

Le 26:4


De 28:12; Ps 68:9; Isa 32:15,20; 44:3; Mal 3:10
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