Isaiah 37:6-38

Thus shall.

2Ki 19:5-7; 22:15-20

Be not.

7:4; 10:24,25; 35:4; 41:10-14; 43:1,2; 51:12,13; Ex 14:13; Le 26:8

Jos 11:6; 2Ch 20:15-20; Mr 4:40; 5:36

I will.

10:16-18,33,34; 17:13,14; 29:5-8; 30:28-33; 31:8,9; 33:10-12

2Ki 7:6; Job 4:9; 15:21; Ps 58:9

send a blast upon him. or, put a spirit into him. I willcause.

36-38; 2Ch 32:21


2Ki 19:8,9; Nu 33:20,21


Jos 10:29,31-34; 21:13; 2Ki 8:22; 2Ch 21:10


Jos 12:11; 15:39

he heard.

1Sa 23:27,28

Ethiopia.Cush, which is generally rendered Ethiopia, is applied in Scripture to at least three distinct and different countries. 1. The country watered by the Gihon or Araxes, (Ge 2:13,) also called Cuth, 2 Ki 17:30. 2. A country of Arabia Petræa, bordering upon Egypt, which extended from the northern extremity of the Red sea along its eastern shore. (Comp. Ex 3:1, with Nu 12:1. Hab 3:7.) 3. Ethiopia Proper, an extensive country of Africa, comprehending Nubia and Abyssinia; being bounded on the north by Egypt, on the east by the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, and on the south and west by various nations of Africa, and extending from about 6 degrees to 24 degrees N. lat. and 25 degrees to 45 degrees E. long. It is probable that it was this latter Cush, or Ethiopia, of which Tirhakah was king; he being in league with his kinsman Sevechus, son of So, or Sabacon, king of Egypt, against Sennacherib, the king of Assyria.

Let not.

36:4,15,20; 2Ki 18:5; 19:10-13; 2Ch 32:7,8,15-19; Ps 22:8

Mt 27:43

18,19; 10:7-14; 14:17; 36:18-20; 2Ki 17:4-6; 18:33-35

the gods.

36:20; 46:5-7


2Ki 17:6; 18:11; 19:12

Haran.Haran, the Carrhæ of the Greeks and Romans, is situated in the north-west part of Mesopotamia, between the Euphrates and the river Chebar; about 110 miles west of Nisibis, 90 east of Bir, 100 south of Diarbekir, and 170 north of Palmyra.

Ge 11:31; 12:14; 28:10; 29:4; Ac 7:2

Eden.It is probable that this Eden is the country near Diarbekir, on the Tigris, called Mâdon, according to Asseman.

Ge 2:8; Eze 27:23; 28:13; Am 1:5

Telassar.Telassar is probably the same as Ellasar, Ge 14:1, as the Jerusalem Targum reads; for both of which the Syriac has Dolassar; and perhaps, as Doederlein supposes, the same as Sharra, a city of Mesopotamia, half a mile from the Euphrates.

2Ki 19:12



10:9; 36:19; Jer 49:23

Hena.Hena is probably the same as Anah, a city of Mesopotamia, situated on an island in the Euphrates.


2Ki 17:24,30,31

Ava, Avites.

2Ki 18:34; 19:13


2Ki 19:14

and Hezekiah went.

1; 1Ki 8:28-30,38; 9:3; 2Ch 6:20-42; Ps 27:5; 62:1-3; 74:10; 76:1-3

Ps 123:1-4; 143:6; Joe 2:17-20

1Sa 7:8,9; 2Sa 7:18-29; 2Ki 19:15-19; 2Ch 14:11; 20:6-12

Da 9:3,4; Php 4:6,7; Jas 5:13


6:3; 8:13; 2Sa 7:26; Ps 46:7,11


Ex 25:22; 1Sa 4:4; Ps 80:1; 99:1; Heb 4:16

thou art.

20; 43:10,11; 44:6; 45:22; 54:5; 1Ki 18:32; 2Ki 5:15; Ps 86:10

Re 11:15-17

thou hast.

40:28; 44:24; Ge 1:1; Ps 146:6; Jer 10:10-12; Joh 1:3; Col 1:16


2Ch 6:40; Job 36:7; Ps 17:6; 71:2; 130:1,2; Da 9:17-19; 1Pe 3:12


4; 2Sa 16:12; Ps 10:14,15; 74:10,22; 79:12; 89:50,51

the kings.

2Ki 15:29; 16:9; 17:6,24; 1Ch 5:26; Na 2:11,12

nations. Heb. lands.

And have.

10:9-11; 36:18-20; 46:1,2; Ex 32:20; 2Sa 5:21

cast. Heb. given. no gods.

40:19-21; 41:7; 44:9,10,17; Ps 115:4-8; Jer 10:3-6,11; Ho 8:6

that all.

42:8; Ex 9:15,16; Jos 7:8,9; 1Sa 17:45-47; 1Ki 8:43; 18:36,37

Ps 46:10; 59:13; 67:1,2; 83:17,18; Eze 36:23; Mal 1:11




38:3-6; 58:9; 65:24; 2Sa 15:31; 17:23; 2Ki 19:20,21; Job 22:27

Ps 91:15; Da 9:20-23; Ac 4:31

The virgin.

23:12; Jer 14:17; La 1:15; 2:13; Am 5:2

the daughter.

1:8; 10:32; 62:11; Ps 9:14; Zep 3:14; Zec 2:10; 9:9; Mt 21:5

hath despised.

8:9,10; 1Sa 17:36,44-47; Ps 2:2-4; 27:1-3; 31:18; 46:1-7

Joe 3:9-12


Job 16:4; Ps 22:7,8; Mt 27:39

Whom hast.

10-13; Ex 5:2; 2Ki 19:4,22; 2Ch 32:17; Ps 44:16; 73:9; 74:18,23

Re 13:1-6

against whom.

10:13-15; 14:13,14; Ex 9:17; Pr 30:13; Eze 28:2,9; Da 5:20-23

Da 7:25; 2Th 2:4

the Holy One.

10:20; 12:6; 17:7; 30:11,12; 41:14,16; 43:3,14; Ex 15:11; Eze 39:7

Hab 1:12,13

thy servants. Heb. the hand of they servants.

4; 36:15-20; 2Ki 19:22,23

By the.

10:13,14; 36:9; Ex 15:9; Ps 20:7; Da 4:30

tall cedars thereof, and the choice fir trees thereof. Heb.tallness of the cedars thereof and the choice of the fir trees thereof.

10:18; 14:8; Eze 31:3-18; Da 4:8-14,20-22; Zec 11:1,2

of his Carmel. or, and his fruitful field.


with the sole.

36:12; 1Ki 20:10; 2Ki 19:23,24

besieged. or, fenced and closed.

long ago, etc. or, how I have made it long ago, and formedit of ancient times? Should I now bring it to be laid waste, and defenced cities to be ruinous heaps?.

how I.

10:5,6,15; 45:7; 46:10,11; Ge 50:20; Ps 17:13; 76:10; Am 3:6

Ac 2:23; 4:27,28; 1Pe 2:8; Jude 1:4

their inhabitants.

19:16; Nu 14:9; 2Ki 19:26; Ps 127:1,2; Jer 5:10; 37:10

of small power. Heb. short of hand. as the grass of.

40:6-8; Ps 37:2; 90:5,6; 92:7; 103:15; 129:6; Jas 1:10,11; 1Pe 1:24

I know.

Ps 139:2-11; Pr 5:21; 15:3; Jer 23:23,24; Re 2:13

abode. or sitting.


10; 36:4,10; 2Ki 19:27,28; Job 15:25,26; Ps 2:1-3; 46:6; 93:3,4

Na 1:9-11; Joh 15:22,23; Ac 9:4


Ps 74:4,23; 83:2; Mt 27:24; Ac 22:22

will I.

30:28; Job 41:2; Ps 32:9; Eze 29:4; 38:4; Am 4:2

this shall.

7:14; 38:7; Ex 3:12; 1Ki 13:3-5; 2Ki 19:29; 20:9

Ye shall.

7:21-25; Le 25:4,5,20-22

remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah. Heb. escapingof the house of Judah that remaineth.

1:9; 6:13; 10:20-22; Jer 44:28


27:6; 65:9; 2Ki 19:30,31; Ps 80:9; Jer 30:19; Ro 9:27; 11:5; Ga 3:29

they that escape. Heb. the escaping. the zeal.

20; 9:7; 59:17; 2Ki 19:31; Joe 2:18; Zec 1:14


8:7-10; 10:32-34; 17:12,14; 33:20; 2Ki 19:32-35

shields. Heb. shield. cast.

Eze 21:22; Lu 19:43,44

29; Pr 21:30

I will.

31:5; 38:6; 2Ki 20:6

for mine.

43:25; 48:9-11; De 32:27; Eze 20:9; 36:22; Eph 1:6,14

and for.

1Ki 11:12,13,36; 15:4; Jer 23:5,6; 30:9; 33:15,16; Eze 37:24,25

the angel.

10:12,16-19,33,34; 30:30-33; 31:8; 33:10-12; Ex 12:23; 2Sa 24:16

2Ki 19:35; 1Ch 21:12,16; 2Ch 32:21,22; Ps 35:5,6; Ac 12:23

and when.

Ex 12:30; Job 20:5-7; 24:24; Ps 46:6-11; 76:5-7; 1Th 5:2,3


7,29; 31:9


Ge 10:11,12; Jon 1:2; 3:3; Na 1:1; Mt 12:41

his god.

10; 14:9,12; 36:15,18; 2Ki 19:36,37; 2Ch 32:14,19,21

Armenia. Heb. Ararat.

Ge 8:4; Jer 51:27

Esar-haddon.Esar-haddon, called Asar-addinus in the Canon of Ptolemy, was the third son of Sennacherib; and having reigned twenty-nine years over the Assyrians, he took advantage of the anarchy and confusion which followed the death of Mesessimordacus, and seized upon Babylon; which he added to his former empire, and reigned over both for thirteen years; when he was succeeded by his son Saosduchinus, A.M. 3336, B.C. 668.

Ezr 4:2
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