Isaiah 42:1

1 The office of Christ, graced with meekness and constancy.

5 God's promise unto him.

10 An exhortation to praise God for his Gospel.

13 God will manifest himself, and check idolatry.

18 He reproves the people of incredulity.

my servant.

43:10; 49:3-6; 52:13; 53:11; Mt 12:18-20; Php 2:7

whom I.

49:7,8; 50:4-9; Joh 16:32

mine elect.

Ps 89:19,20; Joh 6:27; 1Pe 2:4,6

my soul.

Mt 3:17; 17:5; Mr 1:11; Lu 3:22; Eph 1:4,6; Col 1:13; *marg:

I have.

11:2-5; 59:21; 61:1; Mt 3:16; Mr 1:10; Lu 3:22; Joh 1:32-34; 3:34

Ac 10:38

he shall.

32:16; 49:6; Mal 1:11; Mt 12:18; Ac 9:15; 11:18; 26:17,18; 28:28

Ro 15:8-16; Eph 3:8

Isaiah 42:6


32:1; 43:1; 45:13; 49:1-3; Ps 45:6,7; Jer 23:5,6; 33:15,16

Ro 3:25,26; Heb 1:8,9; 7:2,26

and will hold.

1; 41:13

and give.

49:8; Mt 26:28; Lu 1:69-72; Ro 15:8,9; 2Co 1:20; Ga 3:15-17

Heb 8:6; 9:15; 12:24; 13:20

a light.

49:6; 51:4,5; 60:1-3; Lu 2:32; Joh 8:12; Ac 13:47; 26:23; 1Pe 2:9

Isaiah 49:4-8

I have laboured.

65:2; Eze 3:19; Mt 17:17; 23:37; Joh 1:11; Ro 10:21; Ga 4:11


Le 26:20; 2Co 12:15


53:10-12; Ps 22:22-31; Lu 24:26; Joh 17:4,5; 2Co 2:15; Php 2:9,10

Heb 12:2

work. or, reward.

40:10; 62:11

that formed.


to bring.

56:8; Mt 15:24; Ac 10:36; Ro 15:8

Though, etc. or, That Israel may be gathered to him, and Imay, etc. Israel.

Mt 21:37-41; 23:37; Lu 19:42; 1Th 2:15,16


Ps 110:1-3; Mt 3:17; 11:27; 17:5; 28:18; Joh 3:35; 5:20-27

Eph 1:20-22; 1Pe 3:22

It is a light thing that. or, Art thou lighter, than that,etc.

2Ki 3:18; 20:10

preserved. or, desolations. I will also.

42:6; 60:3; Lu 2:32; Joh 1:4-9; Ac 13:47; 26:18

that thou mayest.

11:10; 24:14-16; 46:13; 52:10; Ps 98:2,3; Lu 24:46,47

the Redeemer.

48:7; Re 3:7

to him whom man despiseth. or, to him that is despised insoul.

53:3; Ps 22:6-8; 69:7-9,19; Zec 11:8; Mt 26:67; 27:38-44

Lu 23:18,23; Joh 18:40; 19:6,15

to a.

Mt 20:28; Lu 22:27


23; 52:15; 60:3,10,16; Ps 2:10-12; 68:31; 72:10,11; Re 11:15

and he.

42:1; Lu 23:35; 1Pe 2:4

In an.

Ps 69:13; Joh 11:41,42; 2Co 6:2; Eph 1:6; Heb 5:7

have I helped.

42:1; 50:7-9; Ac 2:24-32

give thee.

42:6; Mt 26:28; Heb 8:6; 12:24

establish. or, raise up.

51:16; Ps 75:3

to cause.

19; 51:3; 54:3; 58:12; 61:4; Ps 2:8; Eph 2:12-19

Isaiah 50:4-9


Ex 4:11,12; Ps 45:2; Jer 1:9; Mt 22:46; Lu 4:22; 21:15; Joh 7:46

a word.

57:15-19; Pr 15:23; 25:11; Mt 11:28; 13:54

as the.

Joh 7:15-17

48:8; Ps 40:6-8; Mt 26:39; Joh 8:29; 14:31; 15:10; Php 2:8; Heb 5:8

Heb 10:5-9


La 3:30; Mic 5:1; Mt 5:39; 26:67; 27:26; Mr 14:65; 15:19

Lu 22:63,64; Joh 18:22; Heb 12:2

my cheeks.The eastern people always held the beard in great veneration; and to pluck a man's beard is one of the grossest indignities that can be offered. D'Arvieux gives a remarkable instance of an Arab, who, having received a wound in his jaw, chose to hazard his life rather than suffer the surgeon to cut off his beard. See Note on 2 Sa 10:4.

that plucked.

Ne 13:25

I hid.Another instance of the utmost contempt and detestation. Throughout the East it is highly offensive to spit in any one's presence; and if this is such an indignity, how much more spitting in the face?

the Lord.

9; 42:1; 49:8; Ps 89:21-27; 110:1; Joh 16:33; Heb 13:6

I set.

Jer 1:18; Eze 3:8,9; Mt 23:13-36; Lu 9:51; 11:39-54; Ro 1:16

1Pe 4:1,16

near that.

Ro 8:32-34; 1Ti 3:16

let us.

41:1,21; Ex 22:9; De 19:17; Job 23:3-7; Mt 5:25

mine adversary. Heb. the master of my cause.

Zec 3:1-10; Re 12:10

they all.

51:6-8; Job 13:28; Ps 39:11; 102:26; Heb 1:11,12

John 8:16


5:22-30; 1Sa 16:7; Ps 45:6,7; 72:1,2; 98:9; 99:4; Isa 9:7; 11:2-5

Isa 32:1,2; Jer 23:5,6; Zec 9:9; Ac 17:31; Re 19:11


29; 16:32

John 14:10-11


20; 1:1-3; 10:30,38; 11:26; 17:21-23; 1Jo 5:7


3:32-34; 5:19; 6:38-40; 7:16,28,29; 8:28,38,40; 12:49; 17:8


Ps 68:16-18; 2Co 5:19; Col 1:19; 2:9


5:17; Ac 10:38


5:36; 10:25,32,38; 12:38-40; Mt 11:4,5; Lu 7:21-23; Ac 2:22; Heb 2:4

John 16:32

the hour.

4:21,23; 5:25,28; 12:23


Zec 13:7; Mt 26:31,56; Mr 14:27,50; Ac 8:1; 2Ti 4:16,17



own. or, own home. yet.

8:16,29; 14:10,11; Isa 50:6-9

2 Timothy 4:17

the Lord.

Ps 37:39,40; 109:31; Jer 15:20,21; 20:10,11; Mt 10:19; Ac 18:9,10

Ac 23:11; 27:23,24


Isa 41:10,14; 2Co 12:9


Lu 21:15; Ac 9:15; 26:17,18; Ro 16:25,26; Eph 3:8; Php 1:12-14

and I.

Ps 22:21; Pr 20:2; 28:15; Jer 2:30; Da 6:22,27; Heb 11:33; 1Pe 5:8

2Pe 2:9

2 Timothy 4:22

The Lord.

Mt 28:20; Ro 16:20; 2Co 13:14; Ga 6:18; Phm 1:25


Ro 1:7; 1Co 16:23; Eph 6:24; Col 4:18; 1Ti 6:21; 1Pe 5:14; Re 22:21
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