Isaiah 43:1

1 The Lord comforts the church with his promises.

8 He appeals to the people for witness of his omnipotency.

14 He foretells them the destruction of Babylon,

18 and his wonderful deliverance of his people.

22 He reproves the people as inexcusable.


7,15,21; 44:2,21; Ps 100:3; 102:18; Jer 31:3; 33:24,26; Eph 2:10


14; 35:9,10; 41:14; 44:6,22-24; 48:17; 54:4,5; 62:12; 63:16; Ex 15:13

Jer 50:34; Tit 2:14; Re 5:9

I have called.

42:6; 44:5; 45:4; 49:1; Ex 33:17; Ac 27:20,25

thou art mine.

Ex 19:5,6; De 32:9; Eze 16:8; Zec 13:9; Mal 3:17; 2Ti 2:19

Heb 8:8-10

Isaiah 63:19

are thine.

Ps 79:6; 135:4; Jer 10:25; Ac 14:16; Ro 9:4; Eph 2:12

they were not called by thy name. or, thy name was notcalled upon them.

65:1; Am 9:12; Ac 15:17

Hosea 1:10

the number.

Ge 13:16; 32:12; Isa 48:19; Ro 9:27,28; Heb 11:12

and it. See on

Ro 9:25,26

in the. or, instead of that. it was said.

2:23; Isa 43:6; 49:17-22; 54:1-3; 60:4-22; 66:20; 1Pe 2:9,10

Ye are the sons.

Joh 1:12; Ro 8:14-17; 9:26; 2Co 6:18; Ga 4:6,7; 1Jo 3:1,2

Zechariah 2:11


8:20-23; Ps 22:27-30; 68:29-31; 72:8-11,17; Isa 2:2-5; 11:9,10

Isa 19:24,25; 42:1-4; 45:14; 49:6,7,22,23; 52:10; 60:3-7; 66:19

Jer 16:19; Mal 1:11; Lu 2:32; Ac 28:28; 1Pe 2:9,10; Re 11:15

in that day.


my people.

Ex 12:49


9; Eze 33:33; Joh 17:21,23,25

Zechariah 8:22-23

Isa 25:7; 55:5; 60:3-22; 66:23; Jer 4:2; Mic 4:3; Hag 2:7; Ga 3:8

Re 15:4; 21:24

ten men.

Ge 31:7,41; Nu 14:22; Job 19:3; Ec 11:2; Mic 5:5; Mt 18:21,22


Isa 66:18; Re 7:9,10; 14:6,7


1Sa 15:27,28; Isa 3:6; 4:1; Lu 8:44; Ac 19:12

We will.

Nu 10:29-32; Ru 1:16,17; 2Sa 15:19-22; 2Ki 2:6; 1Ch 12:18; Isa 55:5

Isa 60:3; Ac 13:47,48

we have.

Nu 14:14-16; De 4:6,7; Jos 2:9-13; 1Ki 8:42,43; 1Co 14:25

1 Peter 2:10


Ho 1:9,10; Ro 9:25,26


Ho 2:23; Ro 11:6,7,30; 1Co 7:25; 1Ti 1:13; Heb 4:16
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