Isaiah 43:10

my witnesses.

12; 44:8; Joh 1:7,8; 15:27; Ac 1:8; 1Co 15:15

and my servant.

42:1; 55:4; Php 2:7; Col 1:7; Re 1:2,5; 3:14

that ye.

40:21,22; 41:20; 45:6; 46:8,9; Joh 20:31

I am he.

41:4; 44:6-8

no God formed. or, nothing formed of God.

Malachi 3:1

1 Of the messenger, majesty, and grace of Christ.

7 Of the rebellion,

8 sacrilege,

13 and infidelity of the people.

16 The promise of blessing to them that fear God.

I will.

2:7; 4:5; Mt 11:10,11; Mr 1:2,3; Lu 1:76; 7:26-28; Joh 1:6,7

and he.

Isa 40:3-5; Mt 3:1-3; 17:10-13; Lu 1:16,17; 3:3-6

Joh 1:15-23,33,34; 3:28-30; Ac 13:24,25; 19:4


Ps 110:1; Isa 7:14; 9:6; Hag 2:7-9; Lu 2:11,21-32,38,46

Lu 7:19,20; 19:47; Joh 2:14-16


Ge 48:15,16; Ex 23:20; Isa 63:9; Ho 12:3-5; Ac 7:38

he shall come.

Hag 2:7

Matthew 11:3


2:2-6; Ge 3:15; 12:3; 49:10; Nu 24:17; De 18:15-18; Ps 2:6-12

Ps 110:1-5; Isa 7:14; 9:6,7; Jer 23:5,6; Eze 34:23,24; Da 9:24-26

Ho 3:5; Joe 2:28-32; Am 9:11,12; Ob 1:21; Mic 5:2; Zep 3:14-17

Hag 2:7; Zec 9:9; Mal 3:1; 4:2; Joh 4:21; 7:31,41,42

he that. See

21:5,9; Mr 11:9; Lu 19:38; Joh 16:14; 12:13; Heb 10:37

John 1:15

bare. A.M. 4030. A.D. 26. See on ver.

7,8,29-34; 3:26-36; 5:33-36; Mt 3:11,13-17; Mr 1:7; Lu 3:16

he was.

1,2,30; 8:58; 17:5; Pr 8:22; Isa 9:6; Mic 5:2; Php 2:6,7; Col 1:17

Heb 13:8; Re 1:11,17,18; 2:8

John 8:23-24

Ye are from.

1:14; 3:13,31; Ps 17:4; Ro 8:7,8; 1Co 15:47,48; Php 3:19-21

Jas 3:15-17; 1Jo 2:15,16

ye are of.

15:18,19; 17:14,16; Jas 4:4; 1Jo 2:15,16; 4:5,6; 5:19,20

I said.



3:18,36; Pr 8:36; Mr 16:16; Ac 4:12; Heb 2:3; 10:26-29; 12:25

John 8:58




1:1,2; 17:5,24; Pr 8:22-30; Isa 9:6; Mic 5:2; Col 1:17; Heb 1:10-12

Heb 13:8; Re 1:11,17,18; 2:8

I am.That our Lord by this expression asserted his divinity and eternal existence, as the great I AM, appears evident from the use of the present tense, instead of the past tense, from its being in answer to the Jews, who enquired whether he had seen Abraham, and from its being thus understood by the multitude, who were exasperated at it to such a degree that they took up stones to stone him. The ancient Jews not only believed that the Messiah was superior to and Lord of all the patriarchs, and even of angels, but that his celestial nature existed with God from whom it emanated, before the creation, and that the creation was effected by his ministry.

Ex 3:14; Isa 43:13; 44:6,8; 46:9; 48:12; Re 1:8

Revelation of John 1:17-18

I fell.

Eze 1:28; Da 8:18; 10:8,9,17-19; Hab 3:16; Mt 17:2-6; Joh 13:23

Joh 21:20

And he.

Da 8:18; 10:10

Fear not.

Ge 15:1; Ex 14:13; 20:20; Isa 41:10; Da 10:12; Mt 28:4; Mr 16:5,6

Lu 24:37-39

I am.

8,11; 2:8; 22:13; Isa 41:4; 44:6; 48:12

that liveth.

Job 19:25; Ps 18:46; Joh 14:19; Ro 6:9; 2Co 13:4; Ga 2:20; Col 3:3

Heb 7:25


Ro 14:8,9; 2Co 5:14,15; Heb 1:3; 12:2

I am alive.

4:9; 5:14; Heb 7:16,25

the keys.

3:7; 9:1; 20:1,2,14; Ps 68:20; Isa 22:22; Mt 16:19
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