Isaiah 47:3

I will take.

34:1-8; 59:17,18; 63:4-6; De 32:35,41-43; Ps 94:1,2; 137:8,9

Jer 13:22,26; 50:27,28; 51:4,11,20-24,34-36,56; Ro 12:19

Heb 10:30,31; Na 3:5; Re 6:9,10; 16:19; 18:5-8,20

Jeremiah 13:22


De 7:17; 8:17; 18:21; Isa 47:8; Zep 1:12; Lu 5:21,22


5:19; 16:10,11

the greatness.

2:17-19; 9:2-9; Ho 12:8


26; Isa 3:17; 20:4; 47:2,3; La 1:8; Eze 16:37-39; 23:27-29

Ho 2:3,10; Na 3:5

made bare. or, shall be violently taken away.

Jeremiah 13:26

22; La 1:8; Eze 16:37; 23:29; Ho 2:10

Ezekiel 16:37-39

23:9,10,22-30; Jer 4:30; 13:22,26; 22:20; La 1:8,19; Ho 2:3,10

Ho 8:10; Na 3:5,6; Re 17:16

as women. Heb. with judgments of women, etc.

40; 23:45-47; Ge 38:11,24; Le 20:10; De 22:22-24; Mt 1:18,19

Joh 8:3-5


20,21,36; Ge 9:6; Ex 21:12; Nu 35:31; Ps 79:3-5; Jer 18:21

Zep 1:17; Na 1:2; Re 16:6

And I.For the enormous idolatries and cruelties of Judah and Jerusalem, Jehovah determined to gather together the surrounding nations, both those with whom they had formed alliances, as the Egyptians and Assyrians, and such as had always been inimical to them, as Edom, Ammon, Moab, and Philistia, to inflict, or to witness, his judgments upon them. Having exposed their enormous crimes to view, He would pass sentence upon them: He would give Jerusalem into the hands of the Chaldeans, who would destroy the city and temple which they had polluted; level their cities and high places with the ground; slay, plunder, and enslave the people.

they shall throw.

24,25,31; 7:22-24; Isa 27:9

shall strip.

10-20; 23:26,29; Isa 3:16-24; Ho 2:3,9-13

thy fair jewels. Heb. instruments of thine ornament.

Ezekiel 23:26-29


29; 16:16,37,39; Jer 13:22; Ho 2:3,9,10; Re 17:16; 18:14-17

fair jewels. Heb. instruments of thy decking.

Isa 3:17-24; 1Pe 3:3,4

will I.

16:41; 22:15; Isa 27:9; Mic 5:10-14; Zec 13:2

and thy.


so that.These severe judgments shall effectually deter you from idolatry, and make you abhor the least approaches to it. This often repeated prediction has received a most wonderful accomplishment. For neither the authority, frowns, examples, or favour of their conquerors or powerful neighbours, nor their own fears, hopes, interests, or predilection for the sensual worship of idols, could prevail with them to run into gross idolatry, either during the captivity, or ever afterwards, to the present day, a period of 2,414 years.

whom thou.

17,22; 16:37; Jer 21:7-10; 24:8; 34:20


25,26,45-47; 16:39; De 28:47-51; 2Sa 13:15

the nakedness.

18; 16:36,37

Hosea 2:10


3; Isa 3:17; Jer 13:22,26; Eze 16:36; 23:29; Lu 12:2,3; 1Co 4:5

lewdness. Heb. folly, or, villany. and none shall.

5:13,14; 13:7,8; Ps 50:22; Pr 11:21; Mic 5:8

Revelation of John 17:16

the ten.


these.The ten horns, which the angel explained of "ten kings" or kingdoms, and which once exalted and supported her ecclesiastical tyranny, will hate, desolate, strip, and devour her. They will be the principal instruments in the destruction of popery and the ruin of Rome itself.

1,2,13; 16:12; Isa 13:17,18; Jer 50:41,42

and naked.

18:16,17; Eze 16:37-44; 23:45-49


Job 31:31; Ps 27:2; Da 7:5

and burn.

18:8,16; Le 21:9
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