Isaiah 49:7

the Redeemer.

48:7; Re 3:7

to him whom man despiseth. or, to him that is despised insoul.

53:3; Ps 22:6-8; 69:7-9,19; Zec 11:8; Mt 26:67; 27:38-44

Lu 23:18,23; Joh 18:40; 19:6,15

to a.

Mt 20:28; Lu 22:27


23; 52:15; 60:3,10,16; Ps 2:10-12; 68:31; 72:10,11; Re 11:15

and he.

42:1; Lu 23:35; 1Pe 2:4

Isaiah 53:3


49:7; 50:6; Ps 22:6-8; 69:10-12,19,20; Mic 5:1; Zec 11:8,12,13

Mt 26:67; 27:39-44,63; Mr 9:12; 15:19; Lu 8:53; 9:22; 16:14

Lu 23:18-25; Joh 8:48; Heb 12:2,3

a man.

4,10; Ps 69:29; Mt 26:37,38; Mr 14:34; Lu 19:41; Joh 11:35

Heb 2:15-18; 4:15; 5:7

we hid as it were our faces from him. or, he hid as it were,his face from us. Heb. as a hiding of faces from him or from us. we esteemed.

De 32:15; Zec 11:13; Mt 27:9,10; Joh 1:10,11; Ac 3:13-15

Matthew 10:25


9:34; 12:24; Mr 3:22; Lu 11:15; Joh 7:20; 8:48,52; 10:20

Beelzebub. or, Beelzebul.

Matthew 12:24


9:34; Mr 3:22; Lu 11:15

Beelzebub. Gr. Beelzebul, and so.


Matthew 12:31


Isa 1:18; 55:7; Eze 33:11; 1Ti 1:13-15; Heb 6:4; *etc:

Heb 10:26,29; 1Jo 1:9; 2:1,2

blasphemy.Blasphemy, [blasphemia ,] either from [blapto ten phemen,] to hurt, or blast the reputation, or from [ballo tais phemais,] to smite with words, or reports, when applied to men denotes injurious speaking, or calumny, and when used in reference to God signifies speaking impiously of his nature, attributes, and works.


Mr 3:28-30; Lu 12:10; Ac 7:51; 1Jo 5:16

John 4:9


27; 8:48; Lu 10:33; 17:16-19


2Ki 17:24-41; Ezr 4:1-24; Ne 4:1,2; Lu 9:52-56; Ac 1:8; 10:28

John 7:20


8:48,52; 10:20; Mt 10:25; 11:18,19; 12:24; Mr 3:21,22,30; Ac 26:24

John 10:20

He hath.

7:20; 8:48,52; Mt 9:34; 10:25; Mr 3:21; Ac 26:24


7:46-52; 8:47; 9:28,29; Isa 53:8; Ac 18:14,15; 25:19,20; 26:30-32

Romans 15:3


Ps 40:6-8; Mt 26:39,42; Joh 4:34; 5:30; 6:38; 8:29; 12:27,28; 14:30

Joh 14:31; 15:10; Php 2:8


Ps 69:9,20; 89:50,51; Mt 10:25; Joh 15:24
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