Isaiah 60:21


4:3,4; 51:2; 62:4; Zec 14:20,21; 2Pe 3:13; Re 21:27


Ps 37:11,22; Mt 5:5; Re 5:10; 21:7

the branch.

29:23; 43:7; 45:11; 61:3; Ps 92:13; Mt 15:13; Joh 15:2; Eph 2:10

that I.

43:21; 44:23; 49:3; Eph 1:6,12; 2:7; 2Th 1:10

Romans 1:7

To all.

Ac 15:23; 1Co 1:2; 2Co 1:1; Php 1:1; Col 1:2; Jas 1:1; 1Pe 1:1,2

Jude 1:1

Re 2:1,8,12,18,29; 3:1,7,14,22


9:25; De 33:12; Ps 60:5; So 5:1; Col 3:12; 1Ti 6:2


6; 1Co 1:2; Col 3:15; 1Th 4:7; 1Pe 1:15; 2Pe 1:3


1Co 1:3-9; 2Co 1:2; Ga 1:3; Eph 1:2; Php 1:2; Col 1:2; 1Th 1:1

2Th 1:2; 1Ti 1:2; 2Ti 1:2; Tit 1:4; Phm 1:3; 1Pe 1:2; 2Pe 1:2; 2Jo 1:3

Jude 1:2; Re 1:4,5




Mt 5:16; 6:8,9; Joh 20:17; Ga 1:4; Php 4:20; 1Th 1:3; 2Th 1:1

1Jo 3:1

and the Lord.

Ac 7:59,60; 1Co 16:23; 2Co 12:8-10; 13:14; Ga 6:18; Eph 6:23,24

Php 4:13,23; 1Th 3:11-13; 5:28; 2Th 2:16,17; 3:16,18; 2Ti 4:22

Phm 1:25; Re 22:21

Romans 16:2

ye receive.

15:7; Mt 10:40-42; 25:40; Php 2:29; Col 4:10; Phm 1:12,17; 2Jo 1:10

3Jo 1:5-10


Eph 5:3; Php 1:27; 1Ti 2:10; Tit 2:3


3,4,6,9,23; Ac 9:36,39,41; Php 4:14-19; 2Ti 1:18

Ephesians 1:1

1 After the salutation,

3 and thanksgiving for the Ephesians,

4 he treats of our election,

6 and adoption by grace;

11 which is the true and proper fountain of man's salvation.

13 And because the height of this mystery cannot be easily attained unto,

16 he prays that they may come to the full knowledge and possession thereof in Christ.


Ro 1:1; 1Co 1:1; Ga 1:1

to the saints.

Ro 1:7; 1Co 1:2; 2Co 1:1


6:21; Nu 12:7; Lu 16:10; Ac 16:15; 1Co 4:12,17; Ga 3:9; Col 1:2

Re 2:10,13; 17:14


Ac 19:1-20:38

1 Peter 1:2


2:9; De 7:6; Isa 65:9,22; Mt 24:22,24,31; Mr 13:20,22,27; Lu 18:7

Joh 15:16-19; Ro 8:29,33; 11:2,5-7,28; Eph 1:4,5; Col 3:12

2Ti 2:10; Tit 1:1; 2Jo 1:1,13

the foreknowledge.

Ac 2:23; 15:18; Ro 8:29,30; 9:23,24; 11:2


Ac 20:32; Ro 15:16; 1Co 1:30; 6:11; 2Th 2:13


22; Ro 1:5; 8:13; 16:19,26; 2Co 10:5; Heb 5:9


Heb 9:19-22; 11:28; 12:24


Ro 1:7; 2Co 13:14


Isa 55:7; *marg:

Da 4:1; 6:25; 2Pe 1:2; Jude 1:2
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