Isaiah 60:22


66:8; Da 2:35,44; Mt 13:31,32; Ac 2:41; 5:14; Re 7:9

I the Lord.

5:19; Hab 2:3; Lu 18:7; Heb 10:36; 2Pe 3:8

Isaiah 61:4

49:6-8; 58:12; Eze 36:23-26,33-36; Am 9:14,15

Jeremiah 30:19


31:4,12,13; 33:10,11; Ezr 3:10-13; 6:22; Ne 8:12,17; 12:43-46

Ps 53:6; 126:1,2; Isa 12:1; 35:10; 51:11; 52:9; Zep 3:14-20

Zec 8:19

and I.

31:27; 33:22; Isa 27:6; 60:22; Eze 36:10-15,37; 37:26; Zec 2:4

Zec 8:4,5; 10:8

I will.

33:9; Isa 60:19; 62:2,3; Zep 3:19,20; Zec 9:13-17; 12:8; Joh 17:22

1Pe 1:7

Jeremiah 31:8


3:12; 23:8; 29:14; Ps 107:3; Zec 2:6

the coasts.

Ps 65:5; 98:3; Isa 43:6; 45:22; 52:10; Eze 20:34,41; 34:13

them the.

Isa 40:11; 42:16; Eze 34:16; Mic 4:6; Zep 3:19; Mt 12:20; Joh 21:15

1Co 8:10; 1Th 5:14; Heb 4:15; 12:12

Jeremiah 31:27

the days.


that I.

30:19; Eze 36:9; Ho 2:23; Zec 10:9

Ezekiel 36:8-12

ye shall.

34:26-29; Ps 67:6; 85:12; Isa 4:2; 27:6; 30:23; Ho 2:21-23

Am 9:13-15

for.The Edomites, and other enemies of the Jews, who thought they would soon be in possession of the whole land of Judea, might be assured that the predicted seventy years of the captivity were wearing away, and the time would soon arrive when the Jews would repossess and cultivate their own land, and eat its fruits.

at hand.

12:25; Php 4:5; Heb 10:37; Jas 5:8,9

Ps 46:11; 99:8; Ho 2:21-23; Joe 3:18; Hag 2:19; Zec 8:12

Mal 3:10,11; Ro 8:31

I will.

37; Isa 27:6; 41:17-23; Jer 30:19; 31:27,28; 33:12; Zec 8:3-6

the wastes.

33; Isa 51:3; 52:9; 58:12; 61:4; Jer 31:10-14; Am 9:14

I will multiply.

Jer 31:27; 33:12

and I will settle.The circumstances of the Jews were never so prosperous after the captivity as they had been before; hence this prophecy must refer to the times of the Gospel and the future conversion and restoration of the Jews.

Jer 30:18; 31:38-40; Ob 1:19-21; Mic 7:14

will do.

35; Isa 30:26; 54:7-10; Jer 23:5-8; Joe 3:18-21; Am 9:15; Hag 2:6-9

Zec 8:11-15; Heb 8:8-13; 11:40

and ye.

35:9; 37:6,13; Isa 52:4-6; Ho 2:20; 1Jo 5:20

I will cause.The prophet is still personifying the mountains, valleys, and wastes of Judea.

they shall.

Jer 32:15,44; Ob 1:17-21

no more.

13; Nu 13:32; Jer 15:7

Ezekiel 37:26

I will make.

34:25; Ge 17:7; 2Sa 23:5; Ps 89:3,4; Isa 55:3; 59:20,21; Jer 32:40

Ho 2:18-23; Joh 14:27; Heb 13:20,21


36:10,37; Isa 27:6; 49:21; Jer 30:19; 31:27; Zec 8:4,5; Heb 6:14


11:16; 43:7; 45:1-6; Le 26:11,12; 1Ki 8:20,21; Ps 68:18; Zec 2:5

2Co 6:16

Hosea 1:10-11

the number.

Ge 13:16; 32:12; Isa 48:19; Ro 9:27,28; Heb 11:12

and it. See on

Ro 9:25,26

in the. or, instead of that. it was said.

2:23; Isa 43:6; 49:17-22; 54:1-3; 60:4-22; 66:20; 1Pe 2:9,10

Ye are the sons.

Joh 1:12; Ro 8:14-17; 9:26; 2Co 6:18; Ga 4:6,7; 1Jo 3:1,2

Then shall.This seems to refer to the future conversion and restoration of the Jews and Israelites, under on head, Jesus Christ; so that there shall be one flock and one shepherd.

the children of Judah.

3:5, Isa 11:12,13; Jer 3:18,19; 23:5-8; 30:3; 31:1-9, 33:15-26

Jer 50:4,5,19; Eze 16:60-63; 34:23,24; 37:16-25; Mic 2:12,13

Zec 10:6-9; Ro 11:25,26

for.An allusion to the word Jezreel. God who sowed them among the nations in His wrath, shall reap and gather them in His mercy: see ch.

2:22,23; Ps 22:27-30; 110:3; Ro 11:15
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