Isaiah 60:4-5


49:18; Joh 4:35; Ac 13:44

they come.

42:6; 49:20-22; 66:11,12; Mt 8:11; Ga 3:28,29

thou shalt see.

Jer 33:9; Ho 1:10,11; 3:5; Ac 10:45; 11:17

be enlarged.

54:2; 1Sa 2:1; 2Co 6:1-13; 10:15; Re 21:26

abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee. or, noiseof the sea shall be turned towards thee.

24:14,15; Ps 96:7-9; 98:7-9; Ro 11:25

forces. or, wealth.

11; 23:18; 61:6; Ac 24:17; Ro 15:26

Isaiah 66:12-14

I will.

9:7; 48:18; 60:5; Ps 72:3-7

the glory.

19,20; 45:14; 49:19-23; 54:3; 60:4-14


11; 60:16

ye shall.



51:3; 1Th 2:7

ye shall.

10; 65:18,19; Ps 137:6

your heart.

Zec 10:7; Joh 16:22

your bones.

26:19; Pr 3:8; 17:22; Eze 37:1-14; Ho 14:4-8

the hand.

5; 65:12-16; Ezr 7:9; 8:18,22,31; Mal 3:18; Heb 10:27

Luke 15:5-10


19:9; 23:43; Isa 62:12; Joh 4:34,35; Ac 9:1-16; Ro 10:20,21

Eph 2:3-6; Tit 3:3-7

he layeth.

Isa 40:10,11; 46:3,4; 63:9; Mic 5:4; Eph 1:19,20; 2:10; 3:7; 1Th 1:5

2Ti 2:26; 1Pe 1:5


23,24,32; Isa 53:10,11; 62:5; Jer 32:41,42; Eze 18:23; 33:11

Mic 7:18; Zep 3:17; Joh 15:11; Heb 12:2


7,10,24; 2:13,14; Isa 66:10,11; Joh 3:29; 15:14; Ac 11:23; 15:3

Php 1:4; 2:17; 4:1; 1Th 2:19; 3:7-9


Ps 119:176; 1Pe 2:10,25


32; 5:32; Mt 18:13


29; 16:15; 18:9-11; Pr 30:12; Ro 7:9; Php 3:6,7

pieces."Drachma, here translated a piece of silver, is the eighth part of an ounce, which cometh to 7®d., and is equal to the Roman penny. Mt 18:28."

and seek.

19:10; Eze 34:12; Joh 10:16; 11:52; Eph 2:17




2:1-14; Eze 18:23,32; 33:11; Mt 18:10,11; 28:5-7; Ac 5:19; 10:3-5

Heb 1:14; Re 5:11-14


7:47; 13:5; 2Ch 33:13-19; Mt 18:14; Ac 11:18; 2Co 7:10; Phm 1:15

Luke 15:23-24

the fatted.

Ge 18:7; Ps 63:5; Pr 9:2; Isa 25:6; 65:13,14; Mt 22:2-14


32; Mr 8:22; Joh 5:21,24,25; 11:25; Ro 6:11,13; 8:2; 2Co 5:14,15

Eph 2:1,5; 5:14; Col 2:13; 1Ti 5:6; Jude 1:12; Re 3:1


4,8; 19:10; Ge 45:28; Jer 31:15-17; Eze 34:4,16; Mt 18:11-13


7,9; 10:19; Isa 35:10; 66:11; Jer 31:12-14; Ro 12:15; 1Co 12:26

Luke 15:32

was meet.

7:34; Ps 51:8; Isa 35:10; Ho 14:9; Jon 4:10,11; Ro 3:4,19; 15:9-13


24; Eph 2:1-10

Acts 11:18

they held.

Le 10:19,20; Jos 22:30

and glorified.

15:3; 21:20; Isa 60:21; 61:3; 2Co 3:18; Ga 1:24


1; 13:47,48; 14:27; 22:21,22; Ro 3:29,30; 9:30; 10:12,13; 15:9-16

Ga 3:26,27; Eph 2:11-18; 3:5-8


3:19,26; 5:31; 20:21; 26:17-20; Jer 31:18-20; Eze 36:26; Zec 12:10

Ro 10:12,13; 15:9,16; 2Co 7:10; 2Ti 2:25,26; Jas 1:16,17

Acts 13:48


42; 2:41; 8:8; 15:31; Lu 2:10-11; Ro 15:9-12


Ps 138:2; 2Th 3:1

and as.

2:47; Joh 10:16,26,27; 11:52; Ro 8:30; 11:7; Eph 1:19; 2:5-10

2Th 2:13,14


15:2; 20:13; 22:10; 28:23; Mt 28:16; Lu 7:8; Ro 13:1; 1Co 16:15; *Gr:

Acts 13:52


2:46; 5:41; Mt 5:12; Lu 6:22,23; Joh 16:22,23; Ro 5:3; 14:17; 15:13

2Co 8:2; 1Th 1:6; Jas 1:2; 1Pe 1:6-8; 4:13

with the.

2:4; 4:31; Ga 5:22; Eph 5:18-20
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