Isaiah 63:1-6

1 Christ shews who he is,

2 what his victory over his enemies,

7 and what his mercy toward his church.

10 In his just wrath he remembers his free mercy.

15 The church, in her prayer,

17 and complaint, professes her faith.

is this.

Ps 24:7-10; So 3:6; 6:10; 8:5; Mt 21:10

from Edom.

34:5,6; Ps 137:7


2,3; 9:5; Re 19:13


Am 1:11,12

glorious. Heb. decked. travelling.

Ps 45:3,4; Re 11:17,18


45:19,23; Nu 23:19


Joh 10:28-30; Heb 7:25; 1Pe 1:5; Jude 1:24,25



25:10; La 1:15; Mal 4:3; Re 14:19,20; 19:13-15

and of the people.The very remarkable passage contained in the first six verses of this chapter seems in a manner detached from the rest, and to stand by itself; containing a prophetical representation of the victories of the Messiah over the enemies of his church, here designated by the names of Edom and Bozrah. Though, as Bp. Lowth observes, this prophecy must have its accomplishment, there is no necessity for supposing that it has been already accomplished. There are prophecies which intimate a great slaughter of the enemies of God and his people, which remain to be fulfilled: those in Eze ch. 38, and Re ch. 20 are called Gog and Magog. This prophecy of Isaiah may possibly refer to the same, or the like event.

and trample.

6; 34:2-5; 2Ki 9:33; Eze 38:18-22; Mic 7:10; Zec 10:5

34:8; 35:4; 61:2; Jer 51:6; Zec 3:8; Lu 21:22; Re 6:9-17; 11:13

Re 18:20


3; 41:28; 50:2; 59:16; Joh 16:32

mine own.

40:10; 51:9; 52:10; Ps 44:3; 98:1; Ho 1:7; 1Co 1:24; Heb 2:14,15

my fury.



2,3; 49:26; 51:21-23; Job 21:20; Ps 60:3; 75:8; Jer 25:16,17,26,27

La 3:15; Re 14:10; 16:6,19; 18:3-6

I will bring.

25:10-12; 26:5,6; Re 18:21

Isaiah 66:15-16

the Lord.

30:27,28,33; Ps 11:6; 21:9; 50:3; 97:3; Am 7:4; Mt 22:7; 2Th 1:6-9

2Pe 3:10-12

with his.

Jer 4:3; Da 11:40

27:1; 34:5-10; Eze 38:21,22; 39:2-10; Re 19:11-21

Daniel 2:34-35

a stone.

44,45; 7:13,14,27; Ps 118:22; Isa 28:16; Zec 12:3; Mt 16:18

Ac 4:11; 1Pe 2:7; Re 11:15

was cut.

8:25; Zec 4:6; Joh 1:13; 2Co 5:1; Heb 9:24

without hands. or, which was not in hands.



Ps 2:8-12; 110:5,6; 149:6-9; Isa 60:12; Zec 12:3; Re 17:14

Re 19:11-21


Ps 1:4,5; Isa 17:13,14; 41:15,16; Ho 13:3; Mic 4:13

no place.

Job 6:17; Ps 37:10,36; 103:16; Re 12:8; 20:11


Isa 2:2,3; Mic 4:1,2

and filled.

Ps 22:27; 46:9; 66:4; 67:1,2; 72:16-19; 80:9,10; 86:9; Isa 11:9

Zec 14:8,9; 1Co 15:25; Re 11:15; 20:2,3

Daniel 2:44-45

in the days. Chal. in their days.That is, in the days of one of these kingdoms, (see Ru 1:1,) i.e, the Roman; in which the "God of heaven set up" the spiritual kingdom of the Messiah, which shall yet "become a great mountain, and fill the whole earth."

the God.


set up.

Ge 49:10; Ps 2:6-12; 72:1-20; 89:3,4,19-36; 110:1-4; Isa 9:6,7

Mt 3:2,3; 28:18; Eph 1:20-22

which shall never.

4:3,34; 6:26; 7:13,14; Ps 145:13; Eze 37:25; Mic 4:7; Lu 1:32,33

Joh 12:34; Re 11:15

kingdom. Chal. kingdom thereof. break.

8:25; Ps 2:9; 21:8,9; Isa 60:12; 1Co 15:24,25; Re 2:27; 19:15-20

thou sawest.

24,35; Isa 28:16; Zec 12:3; Mt 21:24

without hands. or, which was not in hands.

34; Lu 17:20; 2Co 10:4,5

the great.

De 10:17; 2Sa 7:22; 1Ch 16:25; Ne 4:14; 9:32; Job 36:26; Ps 48:1

Ps 96:4; 135:5; 145:3; Jer 32:18,19; Mal 1:11; Re 19:17

make known.

Ge 41:28,32; Mt 24:35; Re 1:19; 4:1

hereafter. Chal. after this.

Zechariah 2:8-9


4,5; 1:15,16; Isa 60:7-14


9,11; Isa 48:15,16; Mal 3:1; Joh 14:23,24,26; 15:21-23; 17:18

1Jo 4:9,10,14

the nations.

2Ki 24:2; Jer 50:17,18; 51:34,35; Eze 25:6,7,12,15; 26:2; 35:5

Joe 3:2-8; Am 1:3-5,9,11,13; Ob 1:10-16; Mic 4:11; 5:6; 7:10

Hab 2:8,17; Zep 2:8


Ge 20:6; Ps 105:13-15; Ac 9:4; 2Th 1:6

the apple.

De 32:10; Ps 17:8; Mt 25:40,45

I will.

Isa 10:32; 11:15; 13:2; 19:16

and they.

Isa 14:2; 33:1,23; Jer 27:7; Eze 39:10; Hab 2:8,17; Zep 2:9

and ye.

8; 4:9; 6:15; Jer 28:9; Joh 13:19; 16:4

Zechariah 10:4-5

of him came forth.

1:20,21; 9:13-16; 12:6-8; Nu 24:17; Isa 41:14-16; 49:2; 54:16

Jer 1:18; Mic 5:5-8; Mt 9:38; 2Co 10:4,5; Eph 4:8-11; 6:10-17

2Ti 2:4; Re 17:14; 19:13-15

the corner.

1Sa 14:38; Isa 19:13

the nail.

Ezr 9:8; Isa 22:23-25

the battle.

9:8,10; Ge 49:24


9:13; 12:8; 1Sa 16:18; 2Sa 22:8; Ps 45:3; Lu 24:19; Ac 7:22; 18:24

2Co 10:4


Ps 18:42; Isa 10:6; 25:10; Mic 7:10; Mt 4:3


14:3,13; De 20:1; Jos 10:14,42; Isa 8:9; 41:12; Joe 3:12-17

Mt 28:20; Ro 8:31-37; 2Ti 4:7,17; Re 19:13-15

and the riders on horses shall be confounded. or, they shallmake the riders on horses ashamed.

12:4; Ps 20:7; 33:16; Eze 38:15; Hag 2:22; Re 19:17

Zechariah 12:2-6

a cup.

Ps 75:8; Isa 51:17,22,23; Jer 25:15,17; 49:12; 51:7; Hab 2:16

Re 14:10; 16:19; 18:6

trembling. or, slumber.

Jer 51:57

or, poison.

Jer 8:14

when they, etc. or, and also against Judah shall he be, whichshall be in siege against Jerusalem.


in that.

4,6,8,9,11; 2:8,9; 10:3-5; 13:1; 14:2,3,4,6,8,9,13; Isa 60:12

Isa 66:14-16; Eze 38:1-39:29; Joe 3:8-16; Ob 1:18; Mic 5:8,15

Mic 7:15-17; Hab 2:17; Zep 3:19; Hag 2:22

a burdensome.

Da 2:34,35,44,45; Mt 21:44; Lu 20:18


14:2,3; Mic 4:11-13; Re 16:14; 17:12-14; 19:19-21; 20:8,9

that day.

3,6,8,9,11; Isa 24:21

I will smite.

10:5; 14:15; De 28:28; 2Ki 6:14,18; Ps 76:5-7; Eze 38:4; 39:20

I will open.

9:8; 1Ki 8:29; 2Ch 6:20,40; 7:15; Ne 1:6; Isa 37:17; Jer 24:6

Da 9:18; Ac 17:30

the governors.

6; Jud 5:9; Isa 1:10,23,26; 29:10; 32:1; 60:17; Jer 30:21; 33:26

Eze 45:8,9

The inhabitants, etc. or, There is strength to me, and to theinhabitants, etc.

10:6,12; Ps 18:32,39; 20:6,7; 46:1; 68:34,35; 118:10-14; 144:1

Isa 28:6; 41:10-16; Joe 3:16; 2Co 12:9,10

like an hearth.

Isa 10:16,17; Ob 1:18; Re 20:9


9:15; Ps 149:6-9; Isa 41:15,16; Da 2:34,35,44,45; Mic 4:13; 5:5-8

Re 19:19,20

on the right.

Isa 9:20; 54:3; 2Co 6:7

Jerusalem shall.

1:16; 2:4,12; 8:3-5; 14:10,11; Ne 11:1-36; Jer 30:18; 31:38-40

Eze 48:30-35

Zechariah 12:9

I will.

2; Isa 54:17; Hag 2:22
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