Isaiah 65:13-14

my servants shall eat.

Ps 34:10; 37:19,20; Mal 3:18; Lu 14:23,24; 16:24,25

my servants shall rejoice.

61:7; 66:5,14; Da 12:2

my servants.

24:14; 52:8,9; Job 29:13; Ps 66:4; Jer 31:7; Jas 5:13

ye shall.

Mt 8:12; 13:42; 22:13; Lu 13:28; Jas 5:1

vexation. Heb. breaking.

Isaiah 65:20-24

There shall.

De 4:40; Job 5:26; Ps 34:12


3:11; Ec 8:12; Ro 2:5-9

62:8,9; Le 26:16; De 28:30-33; Jud 6:1-6; Jer 31:4,5; Am 9:14

for as.

9,15; Ge 5:5,27; Le 26:16; Ps 92:12-14; Re 20:3-5

long enjoy. Heb. make them continue long, or, shall wearout.


49:4; 55:2; 61:9; Le 26:3-10,20,22,29; De 28:3-12,38-42

Ho 9:11-14; Hag 1:6; 2:19; Mal 3:10; 1Co 15:58


61:9; Ge 12:2; 17:7; Ps 115:14,15; Jer 32:38,39; Zec 10:8,9

Ac 2:39; 3:25,26; Ro 4:16; 9:7,8; Ga 3:29

58:9; Ps 32:5; 50:15; 91:15; Da 9:20-23; 10:12; Mr 11:24

Lu 15:18-20; Ac 4:31; 10:30-32; 12:5-16; 1Jo 5:14,15

Matthew 25:34

the King.

21:5; 22:11-13; 27:37; Ps 2:6; 24:7-10; Isa 9:7; 32:1,2; 33:22

Jer 23:5,6; Eze 37:24,25; Da 9:25; Zep 3:15; Zec 9:9,10; Lu 1:31-33

Lu 19:38; Joh 1:49; 12:13; 19:15,19-22; Re 19:16


21,23,41; 5:3-12; Ge 12:2,3; De 11:23-28; Ps 115:13-15; Lu 11:28

Ac 3:26; Ga 3:13,14; Eph 1:3; 1Th 2:12; 1Pe 1:3


Lu 12:32; Ro 8:17; 1Co 6:9; Ga 5:21; Eph 5:5; 2Ti 2:12; 4:8; Jas 2:5

1Pe 1:4,5,9; 3:9; Re 5:10; 21:7


20:23; Mr 10:40; Joh 14:2,3; 1Co 2:9; Heb 11:16


Ac 15:18; Eph 1:4-6; 1Pe 1:19,20; Re 13:8

Matthew 25:41-46




7:23; Ps 6:8; 119:115; 139:19; Lu 13:27

ye cursed.

De 27:15-26; 28:16-68; Ps 119:21; Jer 17:5; Ga 3:10-13; Heb 6:8


46; 3:12; 13:40,42,50; Mr 9:43-48; 2Th 1:9; Re 14:10,11; 20:10-15


Joh 8:44; Ro 9:22,23; 2Pe 2:4; 1Jo 3:10; Jude 1:6; Re 12:7-9

35; 10:37,38; 12:30; Am 6:6; Joh 5:23; 8:42-44; 14:21; 1Co 16:22

2Th 1:8; Jas 2:15-24; 1Jo 3:14-17; 4:20



24-27; 7:22; 1Sa 15:13-15,20,21; Jer 2:23,35; Mal 1:6; 2:17; 3:13

Lu 10:29


40; Ge 12:3; Nu 24:9; Ps 105:15; Pr 14:31; 17:5; 21:13; Zec 2:8

Joh 15:18,19; Ac 9:5; 1Jo 3:12-20; 5:1-3


41; Da 12:2; Mr 9:44,46,48,49; Lu 16:26; Joh 5:29; 2Th 1:9

Re 14:10,11; 20:10,15; 21:8

the righteous.

13:43; Ps 16:10,11; Joh 3:15,16,36; 10:27,28; Ro 2:7-16; 5:21; 6:23

1Jo 2:25; 5:11,12; Jude 1:21

Luke 1:50

Ge 17:7; Ex 20:6; 34:6,7; Ps 31:19; 85:9; 103:11,17,18; 115:13; 118:4

Ps 145:19; 147:11; Mal 3:16-18; Re 19:5
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