Isaiah 7:14


Ge 3:15; Jer 31:22; Mt 1:23; Lu 1:35

shall call. or, thou, O virgin, shalt call.

Ge 4:1,2,25; 16:11; 29:32; 30:6,8; 1Sa 1:20; 4:21


8:8; 9:6; Joh 1:1,2,14; Ro 9:5; 1Ti 3:16

Isaiah 8:7-10

the Lord bringeth.

17:12,13; 28:17; 59:19; Ge 6:17; De 28:49-52; Jer 46:7,8; Da 9:26

Da 11:10,22; Am 8:8; 9:5; Na 1:8; Lu 6:48; Re 12:15,16; 17:15


Ezr 4:10; Ps 72:8

the king.

7:1-6,17; 10:8-14; Eze 31:3-18

he shall come.

2Ki 17:3-6; 18:9-12

he shall pass.

10:28-32; 22:1-7; 28:14-22; 29:1-9; 36:1-37:38



the stretching, etc. Heb. the fulness of the breadth of thyland shall be the stretchings out of his wings.

Eze 17:3

O Immanuel.

7:14; Mt 1:23




7:1,2; 54:15; Jer 46:9-11; Eze 38:9-23; Joe 3:9-14; Mic 4:11-13

Zec 14:1-3; Re 17:12-14; 20:8,9

and ye. or, yet ye.

14:5,6; 28:13; Ps 37:14,15; Pr 11:21


37:36; 1Ki 20:11


7:5-7; 2Sa 15:31; 17:4,23; Job 5:12; Ps 2:1,2; 33:10,11; 46:1,7

Ps 83:3-18; Pr 21:30; La 3:37; Na 1:9-12; Ac 5:38,39

for God.

7:14; 9:6; 41:10; De 20:1; Jos 1:5; 2Ch 13:12; 33:7,8; Ps 46:7,11

Mt 1:23; 28:20; Ro 8:13,31; 1Jo 4:4

Isaiah 37:31-36

remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah. Heb. escapingof the house of Judah that remaineth.

1:9; 6:13; 10:20-22; Jer 44:28


27:6; 65:9; 2Ki 19:30,31; Ps 80:9; Jer 30:19; Ro 9:27; 11:5; Ga 3:29

they that escape. Heb. the escaping. the zeal.

20; 9:7; 59:17; 2Ki 19:31; Joe 2:18; Zec 1:14


8:7-10; 10:32-34; 17:12,14; 33:20; 2Ki 19:32-35

shields. Heb. shield. cast.

Eze 21:22; Lu 19:43,44

29; Pr 21:30

I will.

31:5; 38:6; 2Ki 20:6

for mine.

43:25; 48:9-11; De 32:27; Eze 20:9; 36:22; Eph 1:6,14

and for.

1Ki 11:12,13,36; 15:4; Jer 23:5,6; 30:9; 33:15,16; Eze 37:24,25

the angel.

10:12,16-19,33,34; 30:30-33; 31:8; 33:10-12; Ex 12:23; 2Sa 24:16

2Ki 19:35; 1Ch 21:12,16; 2Ch 32:21,22; Ps 35:5,6; Ac 12:23

and when.

Ex 12:30; Job 20:5-7; 24:24; Ps 46:6-11; 76:5-7; 1Th 5:2,3

Isaiah 65:8

6:13; Jer 30:11; Joe 2:14; Am 9:8,9; Mt 24:22; Mr 13:20; Ro 9:27-29

Ro 11:5,6,24-26

Jeremiah 33:15

the Branch.

23:5,6; Isa 4:2; 11:1-5; 53:2; Eze 17:22,23; Zec 3:8; 6:12,13

and he.

2Sa 23:2,3; Ps 45:4,7; 72:1-5; Isa 9:7; 11:2-5; 32:1,2; 42:21

Joh 5:22-29; Heb 1:8,9; 7:1,2; Re 19:11
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