Isaiah 7:14


Ge 3:15; Jer 31:22; Mt 1:23; Lu 1:35

shall call. or, thou, O virgin, shalt call.

Ge 4:1,2,25; 16:11; 29:32; 30:6,8; 1Sa 1:20; 4:21


8:8; 9:6; Joh 1:1,2,14; Ro 9:5; 1Ti 3:16

Isaiah 9:6-7

For unto.

7:14; Lu 1:35; 2:11

unto us a son.

Joh 1:14; 3:16,17; Ro 8:32; 1Jo 4:10-14

the government.

22:21,22; Ps 2:6-12; 110:1-4; Jer 23:5,6; Zec 6:12,13; 9:9,10

Mt 11:27; 28:18; 1Co 15:25; Eph 1:21,22; Re 19:16

his name.

7:14; Jud 13:18; *marg:

Jer 31:22; Mt 1:23; 1Ti 3:16


28:29; Zec 6:13; Lu 21:15; Joh 1:16; 1Co 1:30; Col 2:3

The mighty God.

45:24,25; Ps 45:3,6; 50:1; Jer 23:5,6; Joh 1:1,2; Ac 20:28; Ro 9:5

Tit 2:13; Heb 1:8; 1Jo 5:20

The everlasting Father.

8:18; 53:10; Pr 8:23; Heb 2:13,14

The Prince of Peace.

11:6-9; 53:5; Ps 72:3,7; 85:10; Da 9:24,25; Mic 5:4,5; Lu 2:14

Joh 14:27; Ac 10:36; Ro 5:1-10; 2Co 5:19; Eph 2:14-18; Col 1:20,21

Heb 7:2,3; 13:20

the increase.

2Sa 7:16; Ps 2:8; 72:8-11; 89:35-37; Jer 33:15-21; Da 2:35,44

Da 7:14,27; Lu 1:32,33; 1Co 15:24-28

to establish it.

11:3-5; 32:1,2; Ps 45:4-6; 72:1-3,7; Heb 1:8; Re 19:11

The zeal.

37:32; 59:16,17; 63:4-6; 2Ki 19:31; Eze 36:21-23

Isaiah 32:1-2

1 The blessings of Christ's kingdom.

9 Desolation is foreshewn.

15 Restoration is promised to succeed.


9:6,7; 40:1-5; 2Sa 23:3; 2Ch 31:20,21; Ps 45:1,6,7; 72:1,2; 99:4

Jer 23:5,6; 33:15; Ho 3:5; Zec 9:9; Ro 5:21; Heb 1:8,9; Re 19:11


28:6; Re 17:14

a man.

7:14; 8:10-14; 9:6; Ps 146:3-5; Mic 5:4,5; Zec 13:7; 1Ti 3:16

an hiding.

18,19; 4:5,6; 25:4; 26:20,21; 28:17; 44:3; Ps 32:7; 143:9; Mt 7:24-27


35:6,7; 41:18; 43:20; Joh 7:37; Re 22:1

great. Heb. heavy. rock.

Ps 31:2,3; 63:1; *marg:

Ezekiel 34:23-25

I will.

Ec 12:11; Isa 40:11; Jer 23:4-6; Mic 5:2-5; Zec 13:7; Joh 10:11

Heb 13:20; 1Pe 2:25; 5:4

my servant.David king of Israel had been dead upwards of 400 years; and from that time till now there never has been a ruler of any kind in the Jewish nation of the name of David. By David, then, we must understand the Messiah, as the Jews themselves acknowledge, so called because descended from him, and also as being the well beloved, [o agapetos,] Son of the Father, as the name imports, and in whom all the promises made to David were fulfilled. See the references.

37:24,25; Isa 11:1; 55:3,4; Jer 30:9; Ho 3:5; Re 22:16

I the Lord will.

30,31; 36:28; 37:23,27; 39:22; Ex 29:45,46; Isa 43:2,3; Jer 31:1,33

Jer 32:38; Zec 13:9; Re 21:3

a prince.

Jos 5:13-15; Ps 2:6; Isa 9:6,7; Jer 23:5,6; 33:15-17; Mic 5:2

Mt 28:18; Lu 1:31-33; Ac 5:31; 1Co 15:25; Eph 1:21,22; Php 2:9-11

Heb 2:9,10; Re 19:13-16

I will make.

37:26; Isa 55:3; Jer 31:31-33; Zec 6:13; Heb 13:20

and will.

Le 26:6; Job 5:22; Isa 11:6-9; 35:9; Ho 2:18-23

and they.

28; Ps 4:8; Jer 23:6; 33:16

Daniel 2:44

in the days. Chal. in their days.That is, in the days of one of these kingdoms, (see Ru 1:1,) i.e, the Roman; in which the "God of heaven set up" the spiritual kingdom of the Messiah, which shall yet "become a great mountain, and fill the whole earth."

the God.


set up.

Ge 49:10; Ps 2:6-12; 72:1-20; 89:3,4,19-36; 110:1-4; Isa 9:6,7

Mt 3:2,3; 28:18; Eph 1:20-22

which shall never.

4:3,34; 6:26; 7:13,14; Ps 145:13; Eze 37:25; Mic 4:7; Lu 1:32,33

Joh 12:34; Re 11:15

kingdom. Chal. kingdom thereof. break.

8:25; Ps 2:9; 21:8,9; Isa 60:12; 1Co 15:24,25; Re 2:27; 19:15-20

Daniel 7:13-14

one like.

Ps 8:4,5; Isa 9:6,7; Eze 1:26; Mt 13:41; 24:30; 25:31; 26:64

Mr 13:26; 14:61,62; Lu 21:27,36; Joh 3:13; 5:27; 12:34; Ac 7:56

Php 2:6-8; Heb 2:14; Re 1:7,13,18; 14:14

the Ancient.


and they.

Ps 47:5; 68:17,18; Jer 49:19; Eph 1:20,21; 1Ti 6:16; Heb 9:24


27; Ps 2:6-8; 8:6; 110:1,2; Mt 11:27; 28:18; Lu 10:22; 19:11,12

Joh 3:35; 5:22-27; 1Co 15:27; Eph 1:20-22; Php 2:9-11; 1Pe 3:22

Re 3:21

that all.

3:4; Ps 72:17; Isa 60:12; Re 11:15; 17:14

an everlasting.

18,27; 2:35,44; 4:3; 6:26; Ps 45:6; 145:13; 146:10; Isa 9:7; Ob 1:21

Mic 4:7; Lu 1:33; Joh 12:34; 1Co 15:24-28; Heb 12:28

Daniel 9:25

and understand.

23; Mt 13:23; 24:15; Mr 13:14; Ac 8:30


Ezr 4:24; 6:1-15; 7:1,8,11-26; Ne 2:1-8; 3:1

restore and to build Jerusalem. or, build again Jerusalem:as.

2Sa 15:25; Ps 71:10

the Messiah.

Joh 1:41; 4:25

the Prince.

8:11,25; Isa 9:6; 55:4; Mic 5:2; Ac 3:15; 5:31; Re 1:5; 19:16

seven weeks.The seventy weeks are here divided into three periods. 1. Seven weeks, or 49 years, for the restoration of Jerusalem. 2. Sixty-two weeks, or 434 years, from that time to the announcement of the Messiah by John the Baptist. 3. One week, or seven years, for the ministry of John and of CHRIST himself to the crucifixion.

be built again. Heb. return and be builded. wall. or,breach, or, ditch. even.

Ne 4:8,16-18; Eph 5:16

troublous times. Heb. strait of times.

Ne 6:15
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