Isaiah 8:7-10

the Lord bringeth.

17:12,13; 28:17; 59:19; Ge 6:17; De 28:49-52; Jer 46:7,8; Da 9:26

Da 11:10,22; Am 8:8; 9:5; Na 1:8; Lu 6:48; Re 12:15,16; 17:15


Ezr 4:10; Ps 72:8

the king.

7:1-6,17; 10:8-14; Eze 31:3-18

he shall come.

2Ki 17:3-6; 18:9-12

he shall pass.

10:28-32; 22:1-7; 28:14-22; 29:1-9; 36:1-37:38



the stretching, etc. Heb. the fulness of the breadth of thyland shall be the stretchings out of his wings.

Eze 17:3

O Immanuel.

7:14; Mt 1:23




7:1,2; 54:15; Jer 46:9-11; Eze 38:9-23; Joe 3:9-14; Mic 4:11-13

Zec 14:1-3; Re 17:12-14; 20:8,9

and ye. or, yet ye.

14:5,6; 28:13; Ps 37:14,15; Pr 11:21


37:36; 1Ki 20:11


7:5-7; 2Sa 15:31; 17:4,23; Job 5:12; Ps 2:1,2; 33:10,11; 46:1,7

Ps 83:3-18; Pr 21:30; La 3:37; Na 1:9-12; Ac 5:38,39

for God.

7:14; 9:6; 41:10; De 20:1; Jos 1:5; 2Ch 13:12; 33:7,8; Ps 46:7,11

Mt 1:23; 28:20; Ro 8:13,31; 1Jo 4:4

Isaiah 10:24-25

O my people.

4:3; 12:6; 30:19; 46:13; 61:3; Heb 12:22-24

be not afraid.

8:12,13; 33:14-16; 35:4; 37:6,22,33-35

smite thee.

5; 9:4; 14:29; 27:7

and shall lift up his staff against thee. or, but he shalllift up his staff for thee. after the manner.

Ex 1:10-16; 14:9,21-31; 15:6-10

For yet.

33,34; 12:1,2; 14:24,25; 17:12-14; 30:30-33; 31:4-9; 37:36-38; 54:7

2Ki 19:35; Ps 37:10; Da 11:36; Heb 10:37

Isaiah 10:28-32

He is come.This is a prophetical description of the march of Sennacherib's army approaching Jerusalem in order to invest it, and of the terror and confusion spreading and increasing through the several places as he advanced; expressed with great brevity, but finely diversified. Aiath, or Ai, was situated a little east of Bethel about twelve miles north of Jerusalem; Michmash about three miles nearer, where there was a narrow pass between two sharp hills; Geba and Ramah about three miles more to the south; Gibeah a mile and a half more southward; Anathoth within three miles of Jerusalem; to the westward of which, towards Lydda, was Nob, from which place Sennacherib might have a prospect of Zion, and near which, it would appear, his army was destroyed.


Jos 7:2; Ne 11:31



1Sa 14:2


1Sa 13:2,5; 14:5,31

the passage.

1Sa 13:23; 14:4


Jos 21:17; 1Ki 15:23


Jos 18:24,25; 1Sa 7:17; 15:34; Jer 31:15; Ho 5:8


Jud 19:12-15; 1Sa 11:4; 13:2; Ho 9:9; 10:9

Lift up thy voice. Heb. Cry shrill with thy voice. Gallim.

1Sa 25:44


Jud 18:7,29


Jos 21:18; 1Ki 2:26; Jer 1:1; 32:8


Jos 15:31



1Sa 21:1; 22:19; Ne 11:32


24; 11:15; 13:2; 19:16; Zec 2:9

the mount.

2:2; 37:22

Isaiah 37:33-35


8:7-10; 10:32-34; 17:12,14; 33:20; 2Ki 19:32-35

shields. Heb. shield. cast.

Eze 21:22; Lu 19:43,44

29; Pr 21:30

I will.

31:5; 38:6; 2Ki 20:6

for mine.

43:25; 48:9-11; De 32:27; Eze 20:9; 36:22; Eph 1:6,14

and for.

1Ki 11:12,13,36; 15:4; Jer 23:5,6; 30:9; 33:15,16; Eze 37:24,25
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