Jeremiah 1:11-14

what seest thou.

Am 7:8; 8:2; Zec 4:2; 5:2

I see a rod.

Nu 17:8; Eze 7:10

Thou hast.

De 5:28; 18:17; Lu 10:28; 20:39

I will.

39:1-18; 52:1-34; De 32:35; Eze 12:22,23,25,28; Am 8:2

the second time.

Ge 41:32; 2Co 13:1,2

I see.

Eze 11:3,7; 24:3-14

toward the north. Heb. from the face of the north.

Out of.

4:6; 6:1,22; 10:22; 31:8; 46:20; 50:9,41; Isa 41:25; Eze 1:4

break forth. Heb. be opened.

Ezekiel 2:9

an hand.

8:3; Jer 1:9; Da 5:5; 10:10,16-18

a roll.

All ancient books were written so as to be rolled up: hence{volumen,} a volume, from {volvo,} I roll.

3:1; Heb 10:7; Re 5:1-5; 10:8-11

Amos 7:4-7


1,7; Re 4:1

called.This is supposed to denote the invasion of Tiglathpileser, which threatened entire destruction.

1:4,7; 4:11; 5:6; Ex 9:23,24; Le 10:2; Nu 16:35; Isa 27:4; 66:15,16

Jer 4:4; 21:12; Joe 2:30; Mic 1:4; Na 1:6; Heb 1:7


2; Ps 85:4; Isa 10:25


2,3; Isa 1:9; Jer 30:19

Jud 2:18; 10:16; Ps 90:13; 135:14; Jer 26:19; Jon 4:2

a wall.

2Sa 8:2; 2Ki 21:13; Isa 28:17; 34:11; La 2:8; Eze 40:3; Zec 2:1,2

Re 11:1; 21:15

Amos 8:2


7:8; Jer 1:11-14; Eze 8:6,12,17; Zec 1:18-21; 5:2,5,6

A basket.

De 26:1-4; 2Sa 16:1,2; Isa 28:4; Jer 24:1-3; 40:10; Mic 7:1

the end.There is here not only an allusion to the nature of the summer fruit, which must be eaten as soon as gathered, but also a paronomasia upon the words {kayitz,} "summer fruit," and {ketz,} "an end."

Jer 1:12; 5:31; La 4:18; Eze 7:2; 3:7,10; 12:23; 29:8

I will not.

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