Jeremiah 13:13

I will.

25:15-18,27; 51:7; Ps 60:3; 75:8; Isa 29:9; 49:26; 51:17,21; 63:6

Hab 2:16

Lamentations 4:13

the sins.

2:14; Jer 5:31; 6:13; 14:14; 23:11-21; Eze 22:26-28; Mic 3:11,12

Zep 3:3,4


Jer 2:20; 26:8,9; Mt 23:31,33-37; Lu 11:47-51; Ac 7:52

1Th 2:15,16

Hosea 5:1

1 The judgments of God are denounced against the priests, people, and princes, both of Israel and Judah, for their manifold sins.

15 An intimation is given of mercy on their repentance.

O priests.

4:1,6,7; 6:9; Mal 1:6; 2:1

O house.

7:3-5; 1Ki 14:7-16; 21:18-22; 2Ch 21:12-15; Jer 13:18; 22:1-9

Am 7:9; Mic 3:1,9


9:11-17; 10:15; 13:8

ye have.

9:8; Mic 7:2; Hab 1:15-17


Jud 4:6; Jer 46:18

Malachi 1:6


Ex 20:12; Le 19:3; De 5:16; Pr 30:11,17; Mt 15:4,6; 19:19; Mr 7:10

Mr 10:19; Lu 18:20; Eph 6:2

a servant.

1Ti 6:1,2; Tit 2:9,10; 1Pe 2:17-19

if then.From this verse to ch. 2:9, the prophet reproves the priests and people for sacrificing the refuse of beasts; and denounces punishment against the former for not teaching the people their duty in this respect.

Ex 4:22,23; Isa 1:2; 64:8; Jer 31:9; Mt 6:9,14,15; Lu 6:36,46

1Pe 1:17

and if.

Mt 7:21; Lu 6:46; Joh 13:13-17

O priests.

2:8; 1Sa 2:28-30; Jer 5:30,31; 23:11; Eze 22:26; Ho 4:6; 5:1

And ye.

2:14-17; 3:7,8,13,14; Jer 2:21,22; Ho 12:8; Lu 10:29
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