Jeremiah 24:8


2,5; 29:16-18

So will.

21:10; 32:28,29; 34:17-22; 37:10,17; 38:18-23; 39:2-9; 52:2-11

Eze 12:12-16; 17:11-21

and them.


Matthew 5:13

the salt.

Le 2:13; Col 4:6


Mr 9:49,50; Lu 14:34,35; Heb 6:4-6; 2Pe 2:20,21

Mark 9:50

is good.

Job 6:6; Mt 5:13; Lu 14:34,35

Have salt.

Eph 4:29; Col 4:6

have peace.

Ps 34:14; 133:1; Joh 13:34,35; 15:17,18; Ro 12:18; 14:17-19

2Co 13:11; Ga 5:14,15,22; Eph 4:2-6,31,32; Php 1:27; 2:1-3

Col 3:12; 2Ti 2:22; Heb 12:14; Jas 1:20; 3:14-18; 1Pe 3:8

Luke 14:34-35

Salt.Common salt, or muriate of soda, consists of soda in combination with muriatic acid, and is for the most part an artificial preparation from sea water, though found in some countries in a solid and massive state. See particularly Le 2:13.


Mt 5:13; Mr 9:49,50; Col 4:6; Heb 2:4-8


Joh 15:6


8:8; 9:44; Mt 11:15; 13:9; Re 2:7,11,17,29
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