Jeremiah 26:8

the priests.

2:30; 11:19-21; 12:5,6; 18:18; 20:1,2,8-11; 2Ch 36:16; La 4:13,14

Mt 21:35-39; 22:6; 23:31-35; 26:3,4,59-66; Ac 5:33; 7:52; Re 18:24

Jeremiah 42:22


17; 43:11; Eze 5:3,4; 6:11

in the.

Ho 9:6

to go and to sojourn. or, to go to sojourn.

Jeremiah 51:63

thou shalt bind.This was the emblem of its overthrow and irretrievable ruin; and the same emblem is employed in Re 18:21, to denote the utter ruin of mystical Babylon.

19:10,11; Re 18:21
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