Jeremiah 38:14-28


21:1,2; 37:17

third. or, principal.

1Ki 10:5; 2Ki 16:18

I will.

42:2-5,20; 1Sa 3:17,18; 1Ki 22:16; 2Ch 18:15

Lu 22:67,68


37:17; Joh 3:2

that made.

Nu 16:22; 27:16; Ec 12:7; Isa 57:16; Zec 12:1; Heb 12:9

of these.

1-6; 34:20

the God of hosts.

Ps 80:7,14; Am 5:27

the God of Israel.

1Ch 17:24; Ezr 9:4

If thou.

2; 7:6,7; 21:8-10; 27:12,17; 39:3; Job 23:13

if thou.

2Ki 24:12; 25:27-30


3,23; 24:8-10; 32:3-5; 34:2,3,19-22; 39:3,5-7; 52:7-11

2Ki 25:4-10; Eze 12:13; 17:20,21; 21:25-27


5; 1Sa 15:24; Job 31:34; Pr 29:25; Isa 51:12,13; 57:11; Joh 12:42

Joh 19:12,13


22; Jud 9:54; 16:25; 1Sa 31:4; Isa 45:9,10


26:13; 2Ch 20:20; Da 4:27; Ac 26:29; 2Co 5:11,20; 6:1; Phm 1:8-10

Jas 1:22

and thy.

Isa 55:3

if thou.

5:3; Ex 10:3,4; 16:28; Job 34:33; Pr 1:24-31; Isa 1:19,20

Heb 12:25

this is.

15:19-21; 26:15; Nu 23:19,20; 24:13; Job 23:13; Eze 2:4,5,7

Eze 3:17-19; Ac 18:6; 20:26,27


41:10; 43:6; La 5:11

and those.Mr. Harmer would render, "and here ({hennah,} or reading {hinneh,} behold,) the women (wont to sing on public occasions) shall say," etc.; observing "that these bitter speeches much better suit the lips of women belonging to the conquering nation, singing before a captive prince, than of his own wives and concubines." This he illustrates by the following extract from Della Valle: When he was at Lar, in Persia, the king of Ormuz was brought thither in triumph; and "this poor unfortunate king entered Lar, with his people, in the morning, music playing, and girls and women singing and dancing before him, according to the custom of Persia, and the people flocking together with a prodigious concourse, and conducting him in a pompous and magnificent manner, particularly with colours displayed, like what the Messenians formerly did to Philopoemen, the general of the Athenians, their prisoner of war, according to the report of Justin."

Thy friends. Heb. The men of thy peace.

4-6; 20:10; Ps 41:9; *marg:

have set.

19; La 1:2; Mic 7:5

thy feet.

6; Ps 69:2,14

they are.

46:5,21; Isa 42:17; La 1:13

they shall.

18; 39:6; 41:10; 52:8-13; 2Ki 25:7; 2Ch 36:20,21

shalt cause, etc. Heb. shalt burn, etc.

27:12,13; Eze 14:9; 43:3



37:15,20; 42:2; Es 4:8

and he told.

1Sa 10:15,16; 16:2-5; 2Ki 6:19; Ac 23:6

left off speaking with him. Heb. were silent from him.

13; 15:20,21; 37:21; 39:14; Ps 23:4; 2Ti 3:11; 4:17,18

Jeremiah 42:2-3

be accepted before thee. Heb. fall before thee.

36:7; 37:20; *marg:

and pray.

17:15,16; 21:2; 37:3; Ex 8:28; 9:28; 1Sa 7:8; 12:19,23; 1Ki 13:6

Isa 1:15; 37:4; Ac 8:24; Jas 5:16


Le 26:22; De 4:27; 28:62; Isa 1:9; La 1:1; Eze 5:3,4; 12:16

Zec 13:8,9; Mt 24:22

6:16; De 5:26,29; 1Ki 8:36; Ezr 8:21; Ps 25:4,5; 27:11; 86:11

Ps 143:8-10; Pr 3:6; Isa 2:3; Mic 4:2; Mr 12:13,14

Jeremiah 42:20

For ye.God made known to the prophet their dissimulation; which he shunned not to declare to them.

3:10; 17:10; Ps 18:44; 65:3; Eze 14:3,4; 33:31; Mt 22:15-18,35

Ga 6:7

dissembled in your hearts. Heb. have used deceit againstyour souls.

Nu 16:38; Jas 1:22


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