Jeremiah 38:19-23


5; 1Sa 15:24; Job 31:34; Pr 29:25; Isa 51:12,13; 57:11; Joh 12:42

Joh 19:12,13


22; Jud 9:54; 16:25; 1Sa 31:4; Isa 45:9,10


26:13; 2Ch 20:20; Da 4:27; Ac 26:29; 2Co 5:11,20; 6:1; Phm 1:8-10

Jas 1:22

and thy.

Isa 55:3

if thou.

5:3; Ex 10:3,4; 16:28; Job 34:33; Pr 1:24-31; Isa 1:19,20

Heb 12:25

this is.

15:19-21; 26:15; Nu 23:19,20; 24:13; Job 23:13; Eze 2:4,5,7

Eze 3:17-19; Ac 18:6; 20:26,27


41:10; 43:6; La 5:11

and those.Mr. Harmer would render, "and here ({hennah,} or reading {hinneh,} behold,) the women (wont to sing on public occasions) shall say," etc.; observing "that these bitter speeches much better suit the lips of women belonging to the conquering nation, singing before a captive prince, than of his own wives and concubines." This he illustrates by the following extract from Della Valle: When he was at Lar, in Persia, the king of Ormuz was brought thither in triumph; and "this poor unfortunate king entered Lar, with his people, in the morning, music playing, and girls and women singing and dancing before him, according to the custom of Persia, and the people flocking together with a prodigious concourse, and conducting him in a pompous and magnificent manner, particularly with colours displayed, like what the Messenians formerly did to Philopoemen, the general of the Athenians, their prisoner of war, according to the report of Justin."

Thy friends. Heb. The men of thy peace.

4-6; 20:10; Ps 41:9; *marg:

have set.

19; La 1:2; Mic 7:5

thy feet.

6; Ps 69:2,14

they are.

46:5,21; Isa 42:17; La 1:13

they shall.

18; 39:6; 41:10; 52:8-13; 2Ki 25:7; 2Ch 36:20,21

shalt cause, etc. Heb. shalt burn, etc.

27:12,13; Eze 14:9; 43:3

Jeremiah 42:14-16

we will go.

41:17; 43:7; De 29:19; Isa 30:16; 31:1

nor hear.

4:19,21; Ex 16:3; 17:3; Nu 11:5; 16:13

If.If ye are determined to go into Egypt, the evils which ye dreaded by staying in your own land shall overtake and destroy you there; "and there shall ye die." God turned the policy of the wicked to their own destruction; for while they thought themselves safe in Egypt, there Nebuchadnezzar destroyed both them and the Egyptians.

17; 44:12-14; Ge 31:21; De 17:16; Da 11:17; Lu 9:51

that the sword.

13; 44:13,27; De 28:15,22,45; Pr 13:21; Eze 11:8; Am 9:1-4

Zec 1:6; Joh 11:48

follow close. Heb. cleave. there ye.


Jeremiah 44:12-13

I will take.


from the.

Ho 4:6

and they shall be.

8; 29:22; Isa 65:15

27,28; 11:22; 21:9; 24:10; 42:18; 43:11

Amos 9:1-4

1 The certainty of the desolation.

11 The restoring of the tabernacle of David.

I saw.

2Ch 18:18; Isa 6:1; Eze 1:28; Joh 1:18,32; Ac 26:13; Re 1:17


3:14; Eze 9:2; 10:4


Isa 6:3,4; Zec 11:1,2

lintel. or, chapiter, or knop. cut them. or, wound the head.

Ps 68:21; Hab 3:13

shall not flee.

2:14,15; Isa 24:17,18; 30:16; Jer 48:44

Though.All these energetic expressions were intended to shew the utter impossibility of escape.


Job 26:6; Ps 139:7-10; Isa 2:19


Job 20:6; Isa 14:13-16; Jer 49:16; 51:53; Eze 28:13-16; Ob 1:4

Lu 10:18


Job 34:22; Jer 23:23,24


Ps 139:9-11; Jer 16:16

the serpent.

Isa 27:1


Le 26:33,36-39; De 28:64,65; Eze 5:2,12; Zec 13:8,9


Le 17:10; De 28:63; 2Ch 16:9; Ps 34:15,16; Jer 24:6; 44:11

John 11:48

we let.

Ac 5:28,38-40


1:7; Lu 8:12; 11:52; 1Th 2:15,16

and the.

De 28:50-68; Da 9:26,27; Zec 13:7,8; 14:1,2; Mt 21:40-42; 22:7

Mt 23:35-38; 27:25; Lu 19:41-44; 21:20-24; 23:28-31

1 Thessalonians 2:15-16


Mt 5:12; 21:35-39; 23:31-35,37; 27:25; Lu 11:48-51; 13:33,34

Ac 2:23; 3:15; 4:10; 5:30; 7:52

persecuted us. or, chased us out.

Am 7:12; Ac 22:18-21


Ac 12:3; 1Co 10:5


Es 3:8; Lu 11:52,53


Ac 11:2,3,17,18; 13:50; 14:5,19; 17:5,6,13; 18:12,13; 19:9; 21:27-31

Ac 22:21,22; Ga 5:11; Eph 3:8,13


Isa 45:22; Mr 16:16; Ac 4:12; Ro 10:13-15; 2Th 2:10; 1Ti 2:4

to fill.

Ge 15:16; Zec 5:6-8; Mt 23:32


Joe 2:30,31; Mal 4:1,5; Mt 3:7-10,12; 12:45; 21:41-44; 22:6,7

Mt 24:6,14,21,22; Lu 11:50,51; 19:42-44; 21:20-24; Heb 6:8

Heb 10:27-30; Jas 5:1-6; Re 22:11
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