Jeremiah 40:8




14; 41:1-16; 2Ki 25:23,25


41:11,16; 42:1,8; 43:2,5


37:15,20; 38:26


2Sa 23:28,29; 1Ch 2:54; 11:30; Ezr 2:2,22; Ne 7:26


De 3:14; Jos 12:5; 2Sa 10:6,8; 23:34; 1Ch 2:48

Jeremiah 40:13

Johanan.Johanan and his companions seem to have acted honestly in this affair. They had received intelligence of designs formed against Gedaliah's life, and consequently against the whole new settlement. Ishmael, being a branch of David's family, was probably displeased that another was preferred above him; and the king of the Ammonites, out of hatred to the Jews, employed him to slay Gedaliah. But Gedaliah, conscious of his own integrity and benevolence, took the portrait of others from his own mind; and therefore believed evil of no man, because he felt none towards any in his own breast. He may be reproached for being too credulous and confiding; but this only serves to shew the greatness of his soul; for a little mind is always suspicious, and ready to believe the worst of every person and thing.


Jeremiah 41:11-16


2,3,7; 40:7,8,13-16; 42:1,3; 43:2-5

to fight.

Ge 14:14-16; 1Sa 30:1-8,18-20

the great.

2Sa 2:13

that when.They appear to have been weary of the tyranny of Ishmael, and glad of an opportunity to abandon him.



1Sa 30:17; 1Ki 20:20; Job 21:30; Pr 28:17; Ec 8:11,12; Ac 28:4

eight men.

2; 2Ki 25:25


10; 42:8; 43:4-7

Jeremiah 42:1

1 Johanan desires Jeremiah to enquire of God, promising obedience to his will.

7 Jeremiah assures him of safety in Judea;

13 and destruction in Egypt.

19 He reproves their hypocrisy, in enquiring of the Lord that which they mean not to follow.

all the.

8; 40:8,13; 41:11,16; 43:4,5


2Ki 25:23; Eze 8:11; 11:1



8; 5:4,5; 6:13; 8:10; 44:12; Ac 8:10


20; Isa 29:13; 48:1; 58:1,2; Eze 14:3,4; 20:1-3; 33:31; Mt 15:8

Jeremiah 43:2-5


40:8; 43:1

Jezaniah. Johanan.

40:13-16; 41:16

all the.

13:15; Ex 5:2; 9:17; Ps 10:4,5; 12:3; 119:21; 123:4; Pr 6:17; 8:13

Pr 16:5,18,19; 30:9; Hab 2:4,5; Isa 9:9,10; Jas 4:6; 1Pe 5:5

Thou speakest.They had no other colour for their rebellion than flatly to deny that God had spoken what the prophet had declared, the constant method of hypocrites and infidels, who pretend that they are not satisfied of the truth of Divine revelation, when the true cause of their unbelief is, that the commands of God contradict their lusts and appetites.

5:12,13; 2Ch 36:13; Isa 7:9


6; 36:4,10,26; 45:1-3

to deliver.

38:4; Ps 109:4; Mt 5:11,12; Lu 6:22,23,26


42:5,6; 44:5; 2Ch 25:16; Ec 9:16

to dwell.

42:10-13; Ps 37:3


40:11,12; 41:15,16; 1Sa 26:19
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