Jeremiah 5:1-9

1 The judgments of God upon the Jews, for their perverseness;

7 for their adultery;

10 for their impiety;

15 for their worship of idols;

19 for their contempt of God;

25 and for their great corruption in the civil state;

30 and ecclesiastical.

Run ye.

2Ch 16:9; Da 12:4; Joe 2:9; Am 8:12; Zec 2:4


Pr 8:3; So 3:2; Lu 14:21

if ye can.

1Ki 19:10; Pr 20:6; Eze 22:30

if there.

Ge 18:23-32; Ps 12:1; 14:3; 53:2-4; Mic 7:1,2

that seeketh.

Pr 2:4-6; 23:23; Isa 59:4,14,15; 2Th 2:10


4:2; 7:9; Le 19:12; Isa 48:1; Ho 4:1,2,15; 10:4; Zec 5:3,4; Mal 3:5

1Ti 1:10; 2Ti 3:5; Tit 1:16

are not thine.

32:19; 2Ch 16:9; Ps 11:4-7; 51:6; Pr 22:12; Ro 2:2

thou hast stricken.

2:30; 7:28; 2Ch 28:22; Pr 23:35; 27:22; Isa 1:5,6; 9:13; 42:25

Eze 24:13; Zep 3:1,2,7

they have made.

Pr 21:29; Isa 48:4; Eze 3:7-9; Zec 7:11,12; Ro 2:4,5; Heb 12:9

4:22; 7:8; 8:7; Isa 27:11; 28:9-13; Ho 4:6; Mt 11:5; Joh 7:48,49

get me.

Am 4:1; Mic 3:1; Mal 2:7

but these.

6:13; Ps 2:2,3; Eze 22:6-8,25-29; Mic 3:1-4,11; 7:3,4; Zep 3:3-5

Mt 19:23-26; Lu 18:24; 19:14; Ac 4:26,27; Jas 2:5-7

a lion.

2:15; 4:7; 25:38; 49:19; Eze 14:16-21; Da 7:4; Ho 5:14; 13:7,8

Am 5:18,19; Na 2:11,12

and a wolf.

Ps 104:20; Eze 22:27; Hab 1:8; Zep 3:3

evenings. or, deserts. a leopard.

Da 7:6; Ho 13:7; Re 13:2


2:17,19; 9:12-14; 14:7; 16:10-12; 30:24; Nu 32:14; Ezr 9:6; 10:10

Isa 59:12; La 1:5; Eze 16:25; 23:19

increased. Heb. strong.

How shall.

3:19; Ho 11:8; Mt 23:37,38

sworn by.

12:16; Jos 23:7; Ho 4:15; Am 8:14; Zep 1:5

no gods.

2:11; De 32:21; 1Co 8:4; Ga 4:8

I had fed.

2:31; De 32:15; Eze 16:49,50; Ho 13:6; Jas 5:1-5

they then.

9:2; 13:27; 23:10; 29:22,23; Le 20:10; Ps 50:18; Eze 22:11

Ho 4:2,13,14; 7:4; Mal 3:5; 1Co 6:9; Heb 13:4; Jas 4:4

by troops.

Nu 25:1-3

every one.

13:27; Ge 39:9; Ex 20:14,17; De 5:18,21; 2Sa 11:2-4; Job 31:9

Mt 5:27,28

I not visit.

29; 9:9; 23:2; La 4:22; Ho 2:13; 8:13

and shall.

44:22; Le 26:25; De 32:35,43; Isa 1:24; Eze 5:13-15; 7:9; Na 1:2

Jeremiah 5:25-31

2:17-19; 3:3; De 28:23,24; Ps 107:17,34; Isa 59:2; La 3:39; 4:22


4:22; Isa 58:1; Eze 22:2-12

lay wait. or, pry as fowlers lie in wait.

18:22; 1Sa 19:10,11; Ps 10:9,10; 64:5; Pr 1:11,17,18; Hab 1:14,15


Lu 5:10

cage. or, coop.This is, without doubt, a reference to a decoy or trap-cage, as Dr. Blayney renders; in which fowlers place several tame birds, to decoy the others into the snare prepared for them.

Re 18:2

so are.

Pr 1:11-13; Ho 12:7,8; Am 8:4-6; Mic 1:12; 6:10,11; Hab 2:9-11


De 32:15; Job 15:27,28; 21:23,24; Ps 73:6,7,12; 119:70; Am 4:1

Jas 5:4,5


2:33; Eze 5:6,7; 16:47-52; 1Co 5:1


22:15-19; Job 29:12-14; Ps 72:4; 82:2-4; Isa 1:23; Zec 7:10


12:1; Job 12:6; Ps 73:12

9; 9:9; Mal 3:5; Jas 5:4

A wonderful and horrible thing. or, Astonishment andfilthiness.

2:12; 23:14; Isa 1:2; Ho 6:10


14:14; 23:25,26; La 2:14; Eze 13:6; Mic 3:11; Mt 7:15-17

2Co 11:13-15; 2Pe 2:1,2

bear rule. or, take into their hands. my people.

Isa 30:10,11; Mic 2:6,11; Joh 3:19-21; 2Th 2:9-11; 2Ti 4:3,4

and what.

4:30,31; 22:22,23; De 32:29; Isa 10:3; 20:6; 33:14; La 1:9; Eze 22:14

Zep 2:2,3

Micah 6:9-12


3:12; Isa 24:10-12; 27:10; 32:13,14; 40:6-8; 66:6; Jer 19:11-13

Jer 26:6,18; 37:8-10; Ho 13:16; Am 2:5; 3:8-15; 6:1; Jon 3:4; Zep 3:2


2Ki 22:11-20; Ps 107:43; Pr 22:3; Isa 26:11; Ho 14:9

the man of wisdom shall see thy name. or, thy name shall seethat which is wisdom.

Ex 34:5-7; Ps 9:16; 48:10; 83:18; Isa 30:27


2Sa 21:1; Job 5:6-8,17; 10:2; Isa 9:13; 10:5,6; Jer 14:18-22

La 3:39-42; Joe 2:11-18; Am 4:6-12; Jon 3:5-10; Hag 1:5-7; Re 3:19

Are, etc. or, Is there yet unto every man an house of thewicked, etc. the treasures.

Jos 7:1; 2Ki 5:23,24; Pr 10:2; 21:6; Jer 5:26,27; Am 3:10

Hab 2:5-11; Zep 1:9; Zec 5:3,4; Jas 5:1-4


Le 19:35,36; De 25:13-16; Pr 11:1; 20:10,23; Eze 45:9-12; Ho 12:7,8

Am 8:5,6

scant measure. Heb. measure of leanness.

count them pure. or, be pure. the wicked.

Ho 12:7

the bag.

Pr 16:11

the rich.

2:1,2; 3:1-3,9-11; 7:2-6; Isa 1:23; 5:7; Jer 5:5,6,26-29; 6:6,7

Eze 22:6-13,25-29; Ho 4:1,2; Am 5:11,12; 6:1-3; Zep 3:3


Isa 59:3-15; Jer 9:2-6,8; Ho 7:1,13; Ro 3:13

Zephaniah 3:1-4

1 A sharp reproof of Jerusalem for divers sins.

8 An exhortation to wait for the restoration of Israel,

14 and to rejoice for their salvation by God.

her that is filthy. or, gluttonous. Heb. craw.

Le 1:16

to the.

Isa 5:7; 30:12; 59:13; Jer 6:6; 22:17; Eze 22:7,29; Am 3:9; 4:1

Mic 2:2; Zec 7:10; Mal 3:5


De 28:15-68; Ne 9:26; Jer 7:23-28; 22:21; Zec 7:11-14

she received.

Isa 1:5; Jer 2:30; 5:3; Eze 24:13

correction. or, instruction.

Ps 50:17; Pr 1:7; 5:12; Jer 32:33; 35:13,17; Joh 3:18,19

she trusted.

Ps 78:22; Isa 30:1-3; 31:1; Jer 17:5,6

she drew.

Ps 10:4; Isa 29:13; 43:22; Heb 10:22


Job 4:8-11; Ps 10:8-10; Pr 28:15; Isa 1:23; Jer 22:17

Eze 22:6,25-27; Mic 3:1-4,9-11


Jer 5:6; Hab 1:8


Isa 9:15; 56:10-12; Jer 5:31; 6:13,14; 8:10; 14:13-15; 23:9-17,25-27

Jer 23:32; 27:14,15; La 2:14; Eze 13:3-16; Ho 9:7; Mic 2:11; 3:5,6

Mt 7:15; 2Co 11:13; 2Pe 2:1-3; 1Jo 4:1; Re 19:20

her priests.

1Sa 2:12-17,22; Eze 22:26; 44:7,8; Ho 4:6-8; Mal 2:8
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