Job 15:16

How much.Rather, "How much less {aph kee,} abominable and filthy man," who, under the influence of sinful propensities, commits sin as greedily as a thirsty man or camel drinks down water.


4:19; 42:6; Ps 14:1-3; 53:3; Ro 1:28-30; 3:9-19; Tit 3:3


20:12; 34:7; Pr 19:28

Job 20:12-13


15:16; Ge 3:6; Pr 9:17,18; 20:17; Ec 11:9

he hide.

Ps 10:7; 109:17,18

spare it.

Mt 5:29,30; Mr 9:43-49; Ro 8:13

within his mouth. Heb. in the midst of his palate.

Job 34:7

15:16; De 29:19; Pr 1:22; 4:17

Proverbs 15:14


1:5; 9:9; 1Ki 3:6-12; Ps 119:97,100; Ac 17:11; 2Pe 3:18

the mouth.

12:23; Isa 30:10; 44:20; Ho 12:1

Hosea 4:8


Le 6:26; 7:6,7

set their heart on their iniquity. Heb. lift up their soul totheir iniquity.

1Sa 2:29; Ps 24:4; 25:1; Isa 56:11; Eze 14:3,7; Mic 3:11; Mal 1:10

Ro 16:18; Tit 1:11; 2Pe 2:3
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