Job 18:6

candle. or, lamp.

21:17; Ps 18:28; Re 18:23

Job 18:18

He shall be driven. Heb. They shall drive him.

3:20; 10:22; 11:14; Isa 8:21,22; Jude 1:13


20:8; Pr 14:32; Isa 17:13,14; Da 4:33; 5:21

Job 19:8


3:23; Ps 88:8; La 3:7,9; Ho 2:6


Jos 24:7; Pr 4:19; Isa 50:10; Jer 13:16; 23:12; Joh 8:12

Proverbs 4:19

1Sa 2:9; Job 5:14; 12:25; 18:5,6,18; Isa 59:9,10; Jer 13:16; 23:12

Mt 7:23; 15:14; Joh 12:35; 1Jo 2:11

Isaiah 8:22


5:30; 9:1; 2Ch 15:5,6; Jer 13:16; 30:6,7; Am 5:18-20; Zep 1:14,15

Mt 8:12; 24:29; Lu 21:25,26; Jude 1:13

driven to darkness.

Job 18:18; Pr 14:32; Jer 23:12; Mt 22:13

Lamentations 3:2


53-55; 2:1; De 28:29; Job 18:18; 30:26; Isa 59:9; Jer 13:16

Am 5:18-20; Jude 1:6,13

Joel 2:2-3

A day of darkness."The quantity of these insects," says a French author,"is incredible to all who have not themselves witnessed their astonishing numbers; the whole earth is covered with them for the space of several leagues. The noise they make in browsing on the trees and herbage may be heard at a great distance, and resembles that of an army in secret. Wherever their myriads spread, the verdure of the country disappears; trees and plants, stripped of their leaves and reduced to their naked boughs and stems, cause the dreary image of winter to succeed in an instant to the rich scenery of spring. When these clouds of locusts take their flight, to surmount any obstacles or to traverse more rapidly a desert soil, the heavens may literally be said to be obscured by them."

10,31; 3:14,15; Ex 20:21; Ps 97:2; Isa 5:30; 8:22; Jer 13:16

Am 5:18-20; Zep 1:14,15; Heb 12:18; Jude 1:13


Am 4:13

a great.

5,11,25; 1:6


1:2,3; Ex 10:6,14; Da 12:1; Mr 13:19

many generations. Heb. generation and generation.

De 32:7; Ps 10:6; *margins


1:19,20; Ps 50:3; Am 7:4

the land.

Ge 2:8; 13:10; Isa 51:3; Eze 31:8,9

and behind.

1:4-7; Ex 10:5,15; Jer 5:17; Zec 7:14

Matthew 8:12

the children.

3:9,10; 7:22,23; 21:43; Ac 3:25; Ro 9:4

be cast.

13:42,50; 22:12,13; 24:51; 25:30; Lu 13:28; 2Pe 2:4,17; Jude 1:13
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