Job 20:22-28

the fulness.

15:29; 18:7; Ps 39:5; Ec 2:18-20; Re 18:7

every hand.

1:15,17; 16:11; 2Ki 24:2; Isa 10:6

wicked. or, troublesome.


he is about.

Nu 11:33; Ps 78:30,31; Mal 2:2; Lu 12:17-20

rain it.

Ge 19:24; Ex 9:23; Ps 11:6; 78:30,31; Isa 21:4

flee from.

1Ki 20:30; Isa 24:18; Jer 48:43,44; Am 5:19; 9:1-3

the bow.

2Sa 22:35

strike him.

Pr 7:23


16:13; De 32:41; 2Sa 18:14; Ps 7:12


6:4; 15:21; 18:11; 27:20; Ps 73:19; 88:15; Jer 20:3,4; 2Co 5:11


18:5,6; Isa 8:22; Mt 8:12; Jude 1:13

a fire.

Ps 21:9; 120:4; Isa 30:33; Mt 3:12

it shall go.

18:19; Ps 109:9-15; Isa 14:20-22


Ps 44:20,21; Jer 29:23; Mal 3:5; Lu 12:2,3; Ro 2:16; 1Co 4:5


16:18; 18:18; Isa 26:21


10,18-22; 5:5; 27:14-19; 2Ki 20:17; Re 18:17

and his goods.

Pr 11:4; Zep 1:18; Mt 16:26; Jas 5:1-3

Job 22:15-20

the old way.

Ge 6:5,11-13; Lu 17:26,27

cut down.

15:32; Ps 55:23; 102:24; Ec 7:17

whose foundation was overflown with a flood. Heb. a floodwas poured upon their foundation.

Ge 7:11,17-24; Mt 24:37-39; 1Pe 3:19,20; 2Pe 2:5


21:10,14,15; Isa 30:11; Mt 8:29,34; Ro 1:28

and what.

Ps 4:6; Mal 3:14

for them. or, to them.

he filled.

12:6; 1Sa 2:7; Ps 17:14; Jer 12:2; Ac 14:17; 15:16

the counsel.

21:16; Ps 1:1


Ps 48:11; 58:10; 97:8; 107:42; Pr 11:10; Re 18:20; 19:1-3


9:23; Ps 52:6

our substance. or, our estate.

4:7; 8:3,4; 15:5,6; 20:18,19; 21:27,28; Lu 13:1-5

the remnant. or, their excellency. the fire.

1:16; 20:26; Ge 19:24; Lu 17:29,30; 2Pe 2:6,7

Job 27:16-17

heap up.

22:24; 1Ki 10:27; Hab 2:6; Zec 9:3

prepare raiment.D'Herbelot tells us, that Bokhten, an illustrious poet of Cufah, in the 9th century, had so many presents made him, that at his death he was found possessed of 100 suits of clothes, 200 shirts, and 500 turbans.

Mt 6:19; Jas 5:2

but the just.

Pr 13:22; 28:8; Ec 2:26

Psalms 49:16-17

Be not.

5; 37:1,7; Es 3:1-6; Pr 28:12


Ge 31:1; Es 5:11; Re 21:24,26

he shall.

Job 1:21; 27:19; Ec 5:15; Lu 12:20; 16:24; 1Ti 6:7


Isa 5:14; 10:3; 1Co 15:43

Luke 12:19-21


De 6:11,12; 8:12-14; Job 31:24,25; Ps 49:5-13,18; 52:5-7; 62:10

Pr 18:11; 23:5; Isa 5:8; Ho 12:8; Hab 1:16; Mt 6:19-21; 1Ti 6:17

Jas 5:1-3


Job 14:1; Pr 27:1; Jas 4:13-15


16:19; 21:34; Job 21:11-13; Ec 11:9; Isa 5:11; 22:13; Am 6:3-6

1Co 15:32; Php 3:19; 1Ti 5:6; 2Ti 3:4; Jas 5:5; 1Pe 4:3; Re 18:7


16:22,23; Ex 16:9,10; 1Sa 25:36-38; 2Sa 13:28,29; 1Ki 16:9,10

Job 20:20-23; 27:8; Ps 73:19; 78:30; Da 5:1-6,25-30; Na 1:10

Mt 24:48-51; 1Th 5:3

Thou fool.

11:40; Jer 17:11; Jas 4:14

thy soul shall be required of thee. or, do they require thysoul. then.

Es 5:11; 8:1,2; Job 27:16,17; Ps 39:6; 49:17-19; 52:5-7; Pr 11:4

Pr 28:8; Ec 2:18-22; 5:14-16; Jer 17:11; Da 5:28; 1Ti 6:7


33; 6:24; Ho 10:1; Hab 2:9; Mt 6:19,20; Ro 2:5; 1Ti 6:19; Jas 5:1-3


16:11; 2Co 6:10; 1Ti 6:18,19; Jas 2:5; Re 2:9

Luke 16:2


Ge 3:9-11; 4:9,10; 18:20,21; 1Sa 2:23,24; 1Co 1:11; 1Ti 5:24


12:42; Ec 11:9,10; 12:14; Mt 12:36; Ro 14:12; 1Co 4:2,5; 2Co 5:10

1Pe 4:5,10; 1Ti 4:14; Re 20:12


12:20; 19:21-26

Luke 16:19-22


12:16-21; 18:24,25; Jas 5:1-5


1; 15:13; Job 21:11-15; Ps 73:3-7; Eze 16:49; Am 6:4-6; Re 17:4

Re 18:7,16


Jud 8:26; Es 8:15; Eze 16:13; 27:7; Mr 15:17,20

a certain.

18:35-43; 1Sa 2:8; Jas 1:9; 2:5


Joh 11:1

was laid.

Ac 3:2


21; Job 2:7; Ps 34:19; 73:14; Isa 1:6; Jer 8:22


1Co 4:11; 2Co 11:27


Mt 15:27; Mr 7:28; Joh 6:12


Job 3:13-19; Isa 57:1,2; Re 14:13

was carried.

Ps 91:11,12; Mt 13:38-43; 24:31; Heb 2:14


Mt 8:11; Joh 13:23; 21:20

the river.

12:20; Job 21:13,30-32; Ps 49:6-12,16-19; 73:18-20; Pr 14:32

Mr 8:36; Jas 1:11; 1Pe 2:24

and was buried.

2Ki 9:34,35; Ec 8:10; Isa 14:18; 22:16
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