Job 20:5

the triumphing.

5:3; 15:29-34; 18:5,6; 27:13-23; Ex 15:9,10; Jud 16:21-30

Es 5:11,12; 7:10; Ps 37:35,36; 73:18-20; Ac 12:22,23

short. Heb. from near. the joy.

8:19; 27:8; Mt 7:21; 13:20,21; Ga 6:4; Jas 4:16

Psalms 37:10


73:18-20; Job 24:24; Heb 10:36,37; 1Pe 4:7; Re 6:10,11


35,36; 49:10; 103:16; Job 7:10,21; 14:10; 20:8,9; Lu 12:20,21

Lu 16:27,28


52:5:5-7; 58:10,11; 107:42,43; 1Sa 25:38,39; 2Ki 9:25,34-37

Es 7:10; 8:1; Isa 14:16-19

Psalms 37:35-36

I have.

73:3-11; Es 5:11; Job 5:3; 21:7-17; Isa 14:14-19

a green bay-tree. or, a green tree that groweth in his ownsoil.

Job 8:13-19; Eze 31:6-10,18; Da 4:20-33

10; Ex 15:9,10,19; Job 20:5-29; Isa 10:16-19,33,34; Ac 12:22,23

Psalms 73:19


58:9; Job 20:5; Isa 30:13; Ac 2:23; 1Th 5:3; Re 18:10

they are.

Nu 17:12,13; 1Sa 28:20; Job 15:21; 20:23-25; Pr 28:1; Isa 21:3,4

Da 5:6

Psalms 92:7


37:1,2,35,38; 90:5,6; 103:15,16; Isa 37:27; 40:6,7; Jas 1:10,11

1Pe 1:24


73:12,18-20; Job 12:6; 21:7-12; Jer 12:1,2; Mal 3:15; 4:1

it is that.

37:35,36,38; 73:18-20; 1Sa 25:36-38; Pr 1:32; Lu 16:19-25

James 1:11


Isa 49:10; Jon 4:7,8; Mt 13:6; Mr 4:6


5:1-7; Job 21:24-30; Ps 37:35,36; 49:6-14; 73:18-20; Ec 5:15

Isa 28:1,4; 40:7,8; Lu 12:16-21; 16:19-25; 1Co 7:31; 1Pe 1:4; 5:4

James 5:1-3

1 Wicked rich men are to fear God's vengeance.

7 We ought to be patient in afflictions, after the example of the prophets, and Job;

12 to forbear swearing;

13 to pray in adversity, to sing in prosperity;

14 to acknowledge mutually our several faults, to pray one for another;

19 and to reduce a straying brother to the truth.




1:11; 2:6; De 8:12-14; 32:15; Ne 9:25,26; Job 20:15-29; Ps 17:14

Ps 49:6-20; 73:3-9,18-20; Pr 11:4,28; Ec 5:13,14; Jer 9:23

Mic 6:12; Zep 1:18; Mt 19:23,24; Lu 6:24; 12:16-21; 16:19-25

1Ti 6:9,10; Re 6:15-17


4:9; Isa 13:6; 22:12,13; Jer 4:8; Eze 19:2; Joe 1:5,11,13; Am 6:6,7

Zec 11:2,3; Lu 6:25; 23:28,29

Your riches.

Jer 17:11; Mt 6:19,20; Lu 12:33; 1Pe 1:4

your garments.

2:2; Job 13:28; Ps 39:11; Isa 50:9; 51:8; Ho 5:12


2Ti 2:17

a witness.

Ge 31:48,52; Jos 24:27; Job 16:8

and shall.

Jer 19:9; Mic 3:3; Re 17:16; 20:15; 21:8

Ye have.

De 32:33,34; Job 14:16,17; Ro 2:5

the last.

Ge 49:1; Isa 2:2; Mic 4:1; Ac 2:17; 2Pe 3:3
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