Job 21:23

in his full strength. Heb. in his very perfection. or, thestrength of his perfection.

20:22,23; Ps 49:17; 73:4,5; Lu 12:19-21

Job 21:32-34

he be.

Ps 49:14; Eze 32:21-32; Lu 16:22

grave. Heb. graves. remain in the tomb. Heb. watch in theheap.



every man.

30:23; Ge 3:19; Ec 1:4; 8:8; 12:7; Heb 9:27




13:4; 32:3; 42:7

falsehood. Heb. transgression.

Psalms 49:14


44:11; Jer 12:3; Ro 8:36


Job 17:13,14; 21:13,26; 30:23; Ec 12:7; Isa 38:10,11


Job 24:19,20


47:3; Da 7:22; Mal 4:3; Lu 22:30; 1Co 6:2; Re 2:26,27; 20:4,5


30:5; Ho 6:3


39:11; Job 4:21

beauty. or, strength. in the grave, etc. or, the gravebeing an habitation to every one of them.

Job 30:23

Psalms 58:8-9

a snail.--{Shabbelool,} in Chaldee {tivlala,} the snail, is probably so called from the Arabic {balla,} to wet, moisten, because of the glutinous slime emitted from its body, by which it appears to waste itself away in its own motion; and in the same manner the wicked prove their own destruction.


37:35,36; Mt 24:35; Jas 1:10


Job 3:16; Ec 6:3


118:12; Ec 7:6


10:2,5; 55:23; 73:18-20; Job 18:18; 20:5-29; Pr 1:27; 10:25; 14:32

Isa 17:13; 40:24; Jer 23:19

both living, etc. Heb. as living as wrath.

Nu 16:30

Psalms 68:2

As smoke.

37:20; Isa 9:18; Ho 13:3

as wax.

97:5; Isa 64:2; Mic 1:4

in the presence.

76:7; 80:16; Na 1:5,6; 2Th 1:8,9; Re 6:16,17

Proverbs 14:32


Job 18:18; 27:20-22; Ps 58:9; Da 5:26-30; Joh 8:21,24; Ro 9:22

1Th 5:3

the righteous.

Ge 49:18; Job 13:15; 19:25-27; Ps 23:4; 37:37; Lu 2:29

1Co 15:55-58; 2Co 1:9; 5:8; Php 1:21,23; 2Ti 4:18; Re 14:13

Ecclesiastes 9:4-6

Job 14:7-12; 27:8; Isa 38:18; La 3:21,22; Lu 16:26-29

the living.

7:2; Job 30:23; Heb 9:27

the dead.

Job 14:21; Ps 6:5; 88:10,11; Isa 63:16

for the.

2:16; 8:10; Job 7:8-10; Ps 109:15; Isa 26:14

their love.

Ex 1:8; Job 3:17,18; Ps 146:3,4; Pr 10:28; Mt 2:20

have they.

2:18-23; 6:12

Luke 12:20


16:22,23; Ex 16:9,10; 1Sa 25:36-38; 2Sa 13:28,29; 1Ki 16:9,10

Job 20:20-23; 27:8; Ps 73:19; 78:30; Da 5:1-6,25-30; Na 1:10

Mt 24:48-51; 1Th 5:3

Thou fool.

11:40; Jer 17:11; Jas 4:14

thy soul shall be required of thee. or, do they require thysoul. then.

Es 5:11; 8:1,2; Job 27:16,17; Ps 39:6; 49:17-19; 52:5-7; Pr 11:4

Pr 28:8; Ec 2:18-22; 5:14-16; Jer 17:11; Da 5:28; 1Ti 6:7
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