Job 28:9

rock. or, flint. he overturneth.

Na 1:4-6

Psalms 46:2


23:4; 27:3; Mt 8:24-26; Heb 13:6


Ge 7:11,12; Lu 21:9-11,25-28,33; 2Pe 3:10-14


Mt 21:21

midst of the sea. Heb. heart of the seas.

Psalms 68:8


77:18; 114:7; Isa 64:1,3; Hab 3:13; Heb 12:26; Re 11:19

the heavens.

Jud 5:4,5


Ex 19:16,18; De 5:23-25

the God.

35; 41:13; Isa 45:3

Psalms 114:6


4; 29:6

Isaiah 40:12


48:13; Job 11:7-9; 38:4-11; Ps 102:25,26; 104:2,3; Pr 8:26-28; 30:4

Heb 1:10-12; Re 20:11

measure. Heb. tierce. weighed.

Job 28:25

Habakkuk 3:6

and measured.

Ex 15:17; 21:31; Nu 34:1-29; De 32:8; Ac 17:26

and drove.

Jos 10:42; 11:18-23; Ne 9:22-24; Ps 135:8-12

the everlasting.

10; Ge 49:26; De 33:15; Jud 5:5; Ps 68:16; 114:4-7; Isa 64:1-3

Na 1:5; Zec 14:4,5


Ps 90:2; 103:17; Isa 51:6,8; Mic 5:8; Mt 24:35; Lu 1:50; Heb 13:8

Habakkuk 3:10


6; Ex 19:16-18; Jud 5:4,5; Ps 68:7,8; 77:18; 97:4,5; 114:4,6

Isa 64:1,2; Jer 4:24; Mic 1:4; Na 1:5; Mt 27:51; Re 6:14; 20:11

the overflowing.

Ex 14:22-28; Jos 3:15,16; 4:18,23,24; Ne 9:11; Ps 18:15; 66:6

Ps 74:13-15; 77:16-19; 114:3-8; 136:13-15; Isa 11:15,16; 63:11-13

Heb 11:29; Re 16:12

the deep.

Ps 65:13; 93:3; 96:11-13; 98:7,8; Isa 43:20; 55:12

Zechariah 4:7

O great.

14:4,5; Ps 114:4,6; Isa 40:3,4; 41:15; 64:1-3; Jer 51:25; Da 2:34,35

Mic 1:4; 4:1; Na 1:5,6; Hab 3:6; Hag 2:6-9,21-23; Mt 21:21; Lu 3:5

Re 16:20


9; Ps 118:22; Isa 28:16; Mt 21:42; Mr 12:10; Lu 20:17; Ac 4:11

Eph 2:20; 1Pe 2:7


Ezr 3:11-13; 6:15-17; Job 38:6,7; Re 5:9-13; 19:1-6


Jer 33:11; Ro 11:6; Eph 1:6,7; 2:4-8

Matthew 21:21

If ye have.

17:20; Mr 11:22,23; Lu 17:6,7; Ro 4:19,20; 1Co 13:2; Jas 1:6

Be thou removed.

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