Job 30:8-10


2Ki 8:18,27; 2Ch 22:3; Ps 49:10-13; Jer 7:18; Mr 6:24


Pr 1:7,22; 16:22

base men. Heb. men of no name. viler.

40:4; Ps 15:4; Isa 32:6

am I.

17:6; Ps 35:15,16; 44:14; 69:12; La 3:14,63

abhor me.

19:19; 42:6; Ps 88:8; Zec 11:8

flee far.

19:13,14; Ps 88:8; Pr 19:7; Mt 26:56

spare not to spit in my face. Heb. withhold not spittle frommy face.

Nu 12:14; De 25:9; Isa 50:6; Mt 26:67; 27:30

Isaiah 49:7

the Redeemer.

48:7; Re 3:7

to him whom man despiseth. or, to him that is despised insoul.

53:3; Ps 22:6-8; 69:7-9,19; Zec 11:8; Mt 26:67; 27:38-44

Lu 23:18,23; Joh 18:40; 19:6,15

to a.

Mt 20:28; Lu 22:27


23; 52:15; 60:3,10,16; Ps 2:10-12; 68:31; 72:10,11; Re 11:15

and he.

42:1; Lu 23:35; 1Pe 2:4

Isaiah 50:6


La 3:30; Mic 5:1; Mt 5:39; 26:67; 27:26; Mr 14:65; 15:19

Lu 22:63,64; Joh 18:22; Heb 12:2

my cheeks.The eastern people always held the beard in great veneration; and to pluck a man's beard is one of the grossest indignities that can be offered. D'Arvieux gives a remarkable instance of an Arab, who, having received a wound in his jaw, chose to hazard his life rather than suffer the surgeon to cut off his beard. See Note on 2 Sa 10:4.

that plucked.

Ne 13:25

I hid.Another instance of the utmost contempt and detestation. Throughout the East it is highly offensive to spit in any one's presence; and if this is such an indignity, how much more spitting in the face?

Isaiah 52:14


Ps 71:7; Mt 7:28; 22:22,23; 27:14; Mr 5:42; 6:51; 7:37; 10:26,32

Lu 2:47; 4:36; 5:26

his visage.

50:6; 53:2-5; Ps 22:6,7,15,17; 102:3-5; Mt 26:67; 27:29,30

Lu 22:64

Isaiah 53:3


49:7; 50:6; Ps 22:6-8; 69:10-12,19,20; Mic 5:1; Zec 11:8,12,13

Mt 26:67; 27:39-44,63; Mr 9:12; 15:19; Lu 8:53; 9:22; 16:14

Lu 23:18-25; Joh 8:48; Heb 12:2,3

a man.

4,10; Ps 69:29; Mt 26:37,38; Mr 14:34; Lu 19:41; Joh 11:35

Heb 2:15-18; 4:15; 5:7

we hid as it were our faces from him. or, he hid as it were,his face from us. Heb. as a hiding of faces from him or from us. we esteemed.

De 32:15; Zec 11:13; Mt 27:9,10; Joh 1:10,11; Ac 3:13-15

Isaiah 53:7


Mt 26:63; 27:12-14; Mr 14:61; 15:5; Lu 23:9; Joh 19:9; 1Pe 2:23

he is.

Ac 8:32,33

Micah 5:1

1 The birth of Christ.

4 His kingdom.

8 His conquest.


De 28:49; 2Ki 24:2; Isa 8:9; 10:6; Jer 4:7; 25:9; Joe 3:9; Hab 1:6

Hab 3:16

he hath.

De 28:51-57; 2Ki 25:1-3; Eze 21:21,22; 24:2; Lu 19:43,44


Job 16:10; La 3:30; Mt 5:39; 26:67; 27:30; Joh 18:22; 19:3; Ac 23:2

2Co 11:20


1Sa 8:5,6; Isa 33:22; Am 2:3

Matthew 26:67


27:30; Nu 12:14; De 25:9; Job 30:9-11; Isa 50:6; 52:14; 53:3

Mr 14:65; 15:19; 1Co 4:13; Heb 12:2

buffeted him.[Kolaphizo ,] "smote him with their fists," as Theophylact interprets.

and others.

5:39; 1Ki 22:24; Jer 20:2; La 3:30,45; Lu 22:63; Joh 18:22; 19:3

Ac 23:2,3; 2Co 11:20,21

smote him.[Rhapizo ,] "smote him on the cheek with the open hand," as Suidas renders. They offered him every indignity, in all its various and vexatious forms.

the palms of their hands. or, rods.

Mic 5:1

Mark 15:19

they smote.

9:12; 10:34; 14:65; Job 13:9; 30:8-12; Ps 22:6,7; 35:15-17

Ps 69:12,19,20; Isa 49:7; 50:6; 52:14; 53:3-5; Mic 5:1; Mt 20:18,19

Lu 18:32,33; 22:63; 23:11,36; Heb 12:2,3; 13:13

and bowing.

Ge 24:52; 43:28; 1Ki 19:18; Es 3:2-5; Isa 45:23; Ro 11:4; 14:10,11

Php 2:10
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