Job 31:1

1 Job makes a solemn protestation of his integrity in several duties.

a covenant.

Ge 6:2; 2Sa 11:2-4; Ps 119:37; Pr 4:25; 23:31-33; Mt 5:28,29

1Jo 2:16


Pr 6:25; Jas 1:14,15

Psalms 119:37

Turn. Heb. Make to pass.

Nu 15:39; Jos 7:21; 2Sa 11:2; Job 31:1; Pr 4:25; 23:5; Isa 33:15

Mt 5:28; 1Jo 2:16



Proverbs 23:5


Ps 119:36,37; Jer 22:17; 1Jo 2:16

set thine eyes upon. Heb. cause thine eyes to fly upon, etc."He expresses it in such a way," says Abp. Tillotson, "as if a rich man sat brooding over an estate till it was fledged, and gotten itself wings to fly away."

that which.

Ge 42:36; Ec 1:2; 12:8; Isa 55:2; 1Co 7:29-31


27:24; Job 1:14-17; Ps 39:6; Ec 5:13,14; Mt 6:19; 1Ti 6:17

Jas 5:1,2

Proverbs 23:33


Ge 19:32-38


31:5; Ps 69:12; Da 5:4; Ho 7:5; Jude 1:12,13

Matthew 6:22

light of.

Lu 11:34-36


Ac 2:46; 2Co 11:3; Eph 6:5; Col 3:22
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